About Online Help

This online help file is intended to provide you with overview, administrative, and usage information you need to navigate, set up and use your iQuote system.

Note: To ensure that you can view the most recent information in Online Help, you should clear your internet browser's cache after each iQuote upgrade.

Tip: You should create a browser bookmark to the location of your system's online help file, for example, http://servername/static/WebHelp/index.html. This enables you to access Online Help even when your iQuote server is down.

Online Help Navigation

This online help system includes a Contents navigational tree, Search, and Bookmark features for faster navigation. To use these features, do any of the following:

  • Contents Navigational Tree
    When viewing a topic, use the navigational tree in the left pane to select and expand a category (shown in boldface type). If you want to hide the tree so that only the current topic is visible, click the Hide Left Panel arrow () to the right of the Contents heading. To show the tree, click the Show Left Panel arrow (►). 

Tip: Click the iQuote Help title in the top pane to return to the main Help page.

  • Search
    The Search bar opens at the top of the main Help page.  When viewing any topic, you can click the magnifying glass icon () in the right corner of the top pane to open the Search bar.

    Type the word or phrase you want to find in the Search bar, then click the magnifying glass icon () or press Enter on your keyboard. 

    A pop-up window opens with a list of applicable topics. Click the desired topic to display the topic contents. The Online Help system highlights the topic in the Contents Navigational Tree in the left pane, and also highlights the search keyword(s) you entered in the Search bar.

Tip: Click the Remove Highlight button () to the right of the topic to remove keyword highlights throughout the topic.

  • Bookmarks
    You can bookmark topics and save them to your Favorites list directly within the Pace Online Help system. Navigate to the topic you want to save, then click the Bookmark icon () to the right of the topic. The system saves the topic to your Favorites list and fills the Bookmark icon () on the page to indicate the topic is a saved topic.

    To open the list of saved (bookmarked) topics, click Favorites in the upper right corner from anywhere in the Pace Online Help system. Then click any topic name in the list to go directly to that topic.

Click Favorites in the upper right corner a second time to close the list of saved (bookmarked) topics. 

Click the filled Bookmark icon () when viewing the saved topic to remove the bookmark from the topic. If you are anywhere else in the Help system, you can remove a bookmark by viewing the Favorites list, clicking the Edit Favorites button () at the top of the list, then click the Remove button (-) next to the bookmark you want to remove.

Some topics within the online help system include links to other topics within the system and/or to external web sites. Click the links to go to the associated topic. Use your browser's Back button to return to the previous topic.

Print Topics In Online Help

To print a topic from this Online Help system, navigate to the topic you want to print, then click the printer icon () at the right side of the topic. A Print dialog box opens, where you can select a printer and printer options. 


This documentation contains the following types of notes:

Important: When you see this type of note, the information may affect the way you enter fields or may warn you that errors could occur. Pay particular attention to information in these notes.

Note: When you see this type of note, the information may serve as a reminder or may provide additional details that do not appear in the procedure.

Tip: When you see this type of note, the information might help you use the system more efficiently or may provide an example for a step in a procedure.