Creating Inks Automatically

Before version 8.1, iQuote linked inks to colors automatically, but you still had to manually link each ink to the appropriate colorants. This process took a lot of configuration time, depending on how many inks and colorants used.

The Suite 8.1 brought an enhancement that improves productivity by enabling you to both create and edit multiple inks at once. With this enhancement, the system also automatically links both colors and colorants, which saves you time.

Note: This section applies only to preconfigured iQuote systems and describes the Automatic Ink Creation enhancement introduced in Suite 8.1.


Create Multiple Inks

Navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Raw material > Ink, or enter ink in the Quick Search field.

Click Create all inks to colorants.

In the Select the Main Color pane, select the color records you want to use for the new inks. The Select the Main Color pane lists all color records used as main color as well as all single color records (that is, colors that are not main colors but also do not belong to a main color).

In the Select the Colorant Type pane, select the colorant types you want to combine with the selected main colors.

In the Select standard ink information area, enter all relevant information for the batch of new inks.

Note: If your system is integrated with Radius, the Select standard ink information area also includes the MIS Template field.

In the Apply the Selection area, click Apply Selection. iQuote displays a list of all main color x colorant type combinations made with the selected options.

● The Apply the Selection area displays only a preview. The system does not create any inks until you click Confirm.
● The Apply the Selection area displays only the main colors, until you click Confirm. Then, it displays the main color and all the linked child colors.

Repeat steps 3-6 as needed to configure all desired inks and add the new combinations to the Apply the Selection area.

To delete a single combination, click the corresponding line and click Delete.

To delete all combinations, click Clear Selection.

Click Confirm to create all ink raw materials listed in the grid.

Note: All ink raw materials are automatically marked Active.


Edit Multiple Inks

Use the Edit Selected Inks and Edit Filtered Inks buttons on the Ink screen to edit multiple inks at once.

Do one of the following:

Select the desired Ink records to highlight them in yellow, then click Edit Selected Inks to edit only the selected records.

Use the filter options on the right to define the records you want to edit, then click Edit Filtered Inks to edit all inks in the filtered list.

Note: If you do not apply a filter, the system edits all inks.

Tip: Use the Searching Setup menu option to create a customized field.

The Edit Selected Inks screen opens.

Graphical user interface, text, application
Description automatically generated

Note: The system displays only the editable information.

Complete the fields, as applicable.

● Only the modified values are updated; the system retains the values in any unmodified field. Once you edit a field, the padlock icon turns red (locked).
● If click the padlock icon without modifying any values, the icon also turns red and the given value for that field is applied to all the selected inks.


Click Reset Fields, if necessary, to clear all changes.

Click Confirm to apply the changes.