Production Group Settings

The production group settings allow you to define the groups’ technical information, which are extremely important for the engineering operation. For this reason, it is necessary to be aware that improper changes may result in miscalculations, disrupting even the engineering operation in the budget and the production order. Here we will describe how to include a group and how to configure the Activity, Cost and Settlement tabs - fundamental to the system operation.

For more information on configuring production groups, see Production group. Most importantly, the following topics:

Adding Production Groups

Production Group Activities

Production Group Costs

Production Groups Setups


Note: In version 10.1 of iQuote, we added a new multiplier in the production group to allow the system to calculate the die cost for label product: Label > Perimeter.

The system will calculate the perimeter based on the product’s format size that you define in the Label characteristic when specifying your product in the Estimate. The equation to calculate it is: the width plus the height of the label multiplied by 2 (i.e., (W+H)*2). You can select it as a filter in the Activity, Cost, Setups, Speed, Producing Waste, Factor, Filters, and Others tabs.


Linking a functionality to the Production Group

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to add a functionality to the Production Group:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the appropriate Production Group. It is necessary to add the Production Group if it has not been recorded yet. For more information, refer to “Add Production Groups.”

Click on Advanced Settings.

Click on Functionalities.

Click on New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Look for and select the functionality by writing the functionality code, typing its name, or clicking on the magnifying glass next to the box in this field.


Allows entering a description of your choice for easy identification.


Allows selecting the Engineering components used by the functionality. For more information, refer to Input Components.


Allows selecting the Engineering components produced by the functionality. For more information, refer to Output Components.


Click Confirm. A screen will be displayed for setting the functionality. For more details on the settings refer to the description for each of the functionalities below.



A few observations regarding some functionalities that the Label Component Format uses:

1075 – Flexographic Printer: allows component’s output as a substrate roll.

1033 – Stripper (Die Cutting): allows component’s output as a substrate roll.

1054 – Web Trimmer: the field “Cut Quantity” was added in the functionality’s configuration screen. Other than that, from version 10.1, this functionality can cut the paper roll before the printing process (for more information about that, check Cut and Trimming Functionalities).

When the value in this field is equal to 0, the system will only trim the substrate roll and discard the trimmed waste. When the value is greater than or equal to 1 the system will cut the substrate roll in more parts, dividing the initial one in two or more.

Note: For more information on these functionalities, refer to Functionalities.

New functionalities were also created to meet the label product’s needs. See below a brief description of each one of the new functionalities.


Setting functionality 1079 – Label Die Cut – Sheet

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1079 – Label Die cut – Sheet functionality for kiss cutting products, making it possible to easily detach labels from their liner.

Engineering Component Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Component Format - Label Specification Characteristic Type Class activate the 1079 – Label Die cut – Sheet functionality.

For more information, refer to Product Specification Records in “Specification Characteristic Types – Component Format – Label.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Die cutting Machine.

Functionality Restriction

It is not possible to link the knife to it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Setting functionality 1080 – Inline Sheeter

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1080 – Inline Sheeter functionality for cutting substrate roll into sheets. The cutting is made according to the image below:

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Paper roll

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Engineering activates the 1080 – Inline Sheeter functionality when it is necessary to transform a substrate roll in sheets.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality


Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking the functionality 1080 – Inline Sheeter to the Production Group

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Imagem 1848

Complete the fields as described below:




Indicates whether there will be height restrictions on the machine feeder. This option is always selected for the Inline Sheeter functionality.


Value to be considered as minimum cutting height restriction. If there is no cylinder height set, the Engineering simulates any cut size between the minimum and maximum.


Value to be considered as a restriction of maximum cutting height. If there is no cylinder height set, the Engineering simulates any cut size between the minimum and maximum.

Output Width

Indicates whether there will be width restrictions on the machine feeder. This option is always selected for the Inline Sheeter functionality.


Minimum width of the input component. This functionality will not be selected in the Engineering if the substrate rolls available are smaller than the minimum value defined.


Maximum width of the input component. This functionality will not be selected in the Engineering if the substrate rolls available are larger than the maximum value defined.

Maximum number of rolls

Indicates whether to allow inform the sheeter can cut more than one coil per entry. Usually, this option is not used when this functionality is set inline in the production group.


Number of coils that can cut sheeter on the same machine input. This field is displayed only if the maximum number of coils is enabled.

Maximum number of columns in the layout

Indicates the maximum number of elements in the sheet width/ roll. For example, if the value set is 2, the Engineering can only simulate one or two elements in the width direction of the sheet/ roll, as the following scheme:

Enable this option if you want to restrict the number of elements in the width direction of the sheet/ roll.

Cylinder Height

Indicates the cutting cylinder height. The cylinder height is the height of the sheet after cutting.

Enable this option if you want the cylinder height to be considered by Engineering as a sheet cutting height.

Maximum not printed area on cylinder’s height

Indicates whether there is a restriction for the maximum size of the area not printed remaining in relation to the cylinders. For example, when entering the value1 in this field, the remaining not printed area can not be greater than 1 mm. If so, the Engineering will not be calculated.

Enable this option only if the cylinder height option is also enabled.

Paper effective use

Indicates whether there will be a minimum % of paper use for the functionality. The effective use % is calculated considering the label format and does not include margins and gaps.

Allows trimming

Indicates whether you can inform the measure value to trim the substrate roll lateral.

Maximum trimming

Maximum value to be applied to the roll’s width. . Usually, this option is not used when this functionality is set inline in the production group.

Note: For more information on how to fill the remaining fields in the screen above, refer to the iQuote User Guide – Engineering.

Click OK.

When finished, click Save and Close.


Setting functionality 1081 – Digital printer – Web

Technical information:


The 1081 – Digital printer – Web functionality is used to print on substrate rolls. This functionality can be used in the following situations:

Digital printing, only webfed;

Printing and variable data at the same time;

Digital printing of different components;

Digital printing of different components, on different substrates.

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Paper roll

1004 – Ink/ varnish

1003 – Paper roll

Functionality Activation

The Specification Characteristic Types with the following classes activate the 1081 – Digital printer – Web functionality:

Colors + Varnishes separated;

Color and varnish;

Variable data printing.

For more information, refer to Product Specification Records in “Specification Characteristic Type – Colors + Varnishes separated.”, “Specification Characteristic Type – Color and varnish.” and “Specification Characteristic Type – Variable data printing.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Webfed Digital Presses

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Inks (represented by the input component in 1004 – Ink/ varnish). For more information, refer "Ink”, in Engineering Records.

Substrate (represented by the input components 1003 – Paper roll). For more information, refer to "Substrate”, in Engineering Records.

It is possible to add other materials using the Customized raw materials function. For more information, refer to "Production Group Customized Raw materials”, in Engineering Records.


Records that relate to the functionality 1081 –Digital Printer – Web



Linking the functionality 1081 – Digital Printer – Web to the Production Group

Note: In order to add the 1081 – Digital Printer – Web it is necessary to previously record the colorants and color groups. For more information, refer to the Engineering Records in “Add Color Groups” and “Add Colorant Type”.


After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Imagem 1849

Complete the fields as described below:



Digital Printing

Indicates if the digital press options are enabled.

Colorant Type

Ink standard that determines the inks that can be selected by Engineering, when linked to functionality. For example: Sheetfed Offset. The printing functionality does not have a direct connection with the recorded inks, this connection is made through the Colorant. For more information, refer to iQuote User Guide – Engineering in "Colorant Type.”

Calculation of “clicks”

Calculation rule for the number of clicks, which can be:

By number of colors – indicates the number of clicks calculated will correspond to the number of colors printed on the component.

By print side – indicates the number of clicks calculated will correspond to the number of printed sides. If the component has color on the front and back, the system will calculate 2 clicks.

This click coefficient (by one pass) will consider this rule, which can be used in the Production Group cost calculation or a Production Group unit of measurement. For more information, refer to iQuote User Guide – Engineering in "Linking Cost Items to the Production Group" and "Link Unit of Measurement to the Production Group.”

“Click” Area

Area considered for calculating the number of clicks. When entering 1 in this field, the area will be 1 m2. If the product fits in 1 m2 the system will calculate one click. If the product occupies a 1.5 m2 area, the system will consider two clicks. If the product occupies 3 m2 th system will be consider 3 clicks, and so on. The click area will be multiplied by the value entered in the Calculation “clicks” field, that is, if the product has 3 m2 and 4 colors and the option selected in the Calculation of “clicks” field is By number of colors, the system will calculate 3 x 4 = 12 clicks per cycle.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

Number of Pockets

This parameter must stay empty for this functionality.

Print only Variable Data

This option should only be selected for presses exclusive for customization. If this option is enabled the functionality will only be activated by the Customization Specification Characteristic, requiring another Production Group for the other color Specification Characteristics. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristics Types – Customization.”

For more information on what Specification is compatible with the functionality, refer to iQuote User Guide – Engineering in "Setting the functionality 1052 – Sheetfed Digital Press.”

Requires paper treatment

Indicates the paper requires treatment before the digital printing process. In this case, it is necessary to record the 1068 – Paper Treatment functionality in at least one Production Group because it is activated to meet this requirement. For more information, refer "Setting the functionality 1068 - Paper Treatment."

Allows finishing before variable data

Indicates if the Engineering may simulate finishing processes before the variable data printing (customization). This option I s valid for the lamination and hot stamping. By selecting this option, the Engineering can simulate variable data printing both before and after these finishing processes.


On Printing Units, click New. Complete the fields as described below:



Number of units

Number of printing units that print the same color type.


On Color Group, click New.

Click the first line on Color Group. Complete the fields as described below:



Color Group

The Color Group will determine what colors can be printed. Example: process, Pantone, varnish. For units that can print only one Color Group type, such as varnish, it is necessary to create a printing unit that has only this Color Group. For more information on Color Groups, refer to "Color Group".


Proportion between width and length area:

Complete the fields as described below:



Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Size restriction of the paper that enters in the machine

Indicates if the substrate size will be restricted. By enabling this option, a field is displayed to enter the appropriate width and height. If there is no substrate in the specified format, the Engineering will activate the 1003 – Cutter functionality to cut the substrate so it fits in the restriction. When entering a format, more fields will be displayed for entering other formats.

Input Format

Indicates if the input component’s minimum and maximum format in height and width will be restricted. This option is always enabled for this characteristic.



Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Indicates if the input component thickness validation is used.

Front and back in one pass

This option should be selected if the digital press can print both sides at the same time. If this option is not enabled, the system will consider two passes for printing the front and back.

Maximum number of columns in the layout

Indicates if the number of elements in the sheet width direction will be restricted. By enabling this option a field for entering the maximum number of elements will be displayed. For example, if the value is set as 2 the Engineering simulates only 1 or 2 elements.

Paper Effective Use

Enable this option for defining a percentage of minimum substrate effective use to restrict this functionality.


Click Confirm.

When finished, click Save and Close.

Note: For more information on how to fill the remaining fields in the screen above, refer to the Engineering Records.


Setting functionality 1082 – Web Laminator

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1082 – Web Laminator functionality for applying lamination on the elements.

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Paper Roll

1008 – Film

1003 – Paper Roll

Functionality Activation

The Lamination class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1082 – Web Laminator functionality. For more information, refer to Product Specification Records in “Specification Characteristic Type – Lamination.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Lamination machines

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1008 - Film).

The raw materials will be linked to the Specification Characteristic Class that activates the functionality. For more information, refer to iQuote User Guide – Engineering in "Specification Characteristic Type – Lamination.”. For more information on recording raw materials, refer to "Substrate.”.


Linking the functionality 1082 – Web Laminator to the Production Group

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Imagem 1850

Complete the fields as described below:



Lamination items

Indicates if the lamination options will be enabled. By selecting this option, the system will show the list of lamination options available in the lamination Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to Product Specification Records in "Specification Characteristic Types – Lamination.”

If this option is enabled, at least one option for lamination must be selected. Otherwise, the Engineering will consider the lamination functionality can perform all lamination options recorded.

Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

This option will be always enabled for this functionality.

Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

This parameter must stay disabled for this functionality.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Imposition difficulty level

A number that represents the level of difficulty considered as a filter in the imposition process. For example, the hot stamping process is complex and is applied on a specific area, so it requires a special care and, therefore, the imposition process will need more time to be done. The number defined as the difficulty level is automatically add by the Engineering when the process of hot stamping is involved.

If another group also has some difficulty level (such as a spot varnish) only the higher number will be considered in the imposition process.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.



Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Lamination roll Width

Indicates whether the minimum or maximum width will be applied to select the film roll.

This option should only be selected if there is the input component 1008 – Film linked to this functionality.

Apply F/B in the same passing

Indicates whether the lamination on the front and back will be applied in the same pass.

If this option is enabled and if the input component 1008 - Film is linked to the functionality, the Engineering will calculate two film rolls, one for the front and one for the back.

Choose roll

Indicates if the rule for choosing the roll will be modified, according to the default rule. If this option is not selected, the rule Equal to or greater than live area will be applied.

This option should be selected if the input component 1008 - Film is linked to the functionality.

Allow lamination after hot stamping

Indicates the system will simulate both lamination before and after the hot stamping.

It should be enabled only in specific cases in which this modification is necessary due to machine’s requirements.


 Click Confirm.

When finished, click Save and Close.


Setting functionality 1083 – Hot Stamping – Roll

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1083 – Hot stamping – Roll functionality for applying hot stamping finishing in the elements.

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Paper Roll

1008 – Packaging film

1030 – Hot stamping form

1003 – Paper Roll

Functionality Activation

The Hot Stamping class of Specification Characteristic type activated the 1083 – Hot stamping – Roll functionality. For more information, refer to Hot Stamping.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Hot stamping machines.

Functionality Restriction

The Engineering will not simulate use of film rolls for this functionality. If there is more than one film reel format set to a substrate, Engineering select the coil randomly. For this reason, the configuration of this substrate, it is necessary to configure a single reel of film for each type of Hot Stamping.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1008 – Packaging roll) – The raw materials are linked to the Specification Characteristic Class that activates this functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping”, in Product Specification Records. For more information on recording the Substrate raw material, refer to iQuote User Guide – Engineering in "Substrate.”

Relief Plates (represented by the input component 1030 – Hot stamping form) – The raw material Form can be used for various functionalities. Therefore, to calculate forms based on the hot stamping Specification Characteristic, it is necessary to link the Engineering component 1030 – Hot stamping form to the Form raw material. For more information on recording the Form raw material, refer to iQuote User Guide – Engineering in "Form.”


Linking the functionality 1083 – Hot Stamping – Roll to the Production Group

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Imagem 1851

Complete the fields as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the Layout Simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

This parameter must stay disabled this functionality.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.



Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.

Hot stamping roll width

Indicates whether the minimum or maximum width will be applied to select the film roll.

This option should only be selected if there is the input component 1008 – Film packaging linked to this functionality.

Film consumption (bleeding)

Indicates if the bleeding informed in the Size field is applied, increasing the film consumption.

Hot stamping Items

Indicates if the hot stamping options will be enabled. By selecting this option, the system will show the list of hot stamping options available in the hot stamping Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.”

If this option is enabled, at least one option for hot stamping must be selected. Otherwise the Engineering will consider the hot stamping functionality can perform all hot stamping options recorded.

Hot Stamping Plate Margin

Select this option for adding a margin to the flexo plate, if necessary. This value will be added to the plate’s total size and can influence its consumption, depending on the type of calculation set.

Hot Stamping Plate Calculation

Indicates if a rule different from the default will be selected for this calculation.

Note: For more information on how to fill the remaining fields in the screen above, refer to the iQuote User Guide – Engineering.

Click Confirm.

When finished, click Save and Close.


Setting functionality 1084 – Label Die Cut – Web

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1084 – Label Die Cut – Web functionality for die cutting products, making it possible to easily detach labels from their backer.

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Roll

1003 – Roll

Functionality Activation

The Component Format - Label Specification Characteristic Type Class activate the 1084 – Label Die Cut – Web functionality. For more information, refer to Component Format – Label.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Die cutting Machine.

Functionality Restriction

It is not possible to link a knife to it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking the functionality 1084 - Label Die Cut - Web

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Complete the fields as described below:



Output Width

Indicates whether there will be width restrictions on the machine feeder.

Cylinder Type

Allows the user to indicate the cylinder type used, informing the required specifications by Cylinder Height, Gear Type or Maximum Height.



Indicates if margins will be added to the cutting layout.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this fiel to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.



Setting functionality 1087 – Die cutting – Web

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1087 – Die Cutting – Web functionality for performing kiss cut finishing on the elements.

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Paper roll

1016 – Die cutting tool

1003 – Paper roll

Functionality Activation

The Component Format – Label Specification Characteristic Type Class activates the 1087 - Die Cutting – Web functionality. For more information, refer to Component Format – Label.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Total cutting machines.

Functionality Restriction


Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Die (represented by the input components 1016 – Die cut blade). The material will be calculated by the functionality 1039 – Die Assemble when this component is linked to the functionality 1034 – Die Cutting – Sheet.

For more information, refer to "Substrate”, in Engineering Records.


Linking the functionality 1087 – Die Cutting – Web

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Imagem 1852

Complete the fields as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Minimum width (web) and height (machine step). If there are no substrate rolls with the minimum width and it is not possible to trim one for fitting, this functionality will not be selected by Engineering.

Maximum (WxH)

Maximum width (web) and height (machine step). If there are no substrate rolls up to the maximum size and it is not possible to trim one for fitting, this functionality will not be selected by Engineering.


Indicates if margins will be added to the cutting layout.





For this functionality, do not populate this field.



For this functionality, do not populate this field.



For this functionality, do not populate this field.



Substrate’s right margin. The engineering applies the value in this field to the substrate roll right lateral.



Substrate’s left margin. The engineering applies the value in this field to the substrate roll left lateral.


Printing area (WxH)

Maximum area on which the die tool will be applied. When this field is not populated the system will consider the total substrate area available.


Layout Simulation

For this functionality, do not populate this field.

Stripping indicator

For this functionality, do not populate this field.

Cylinder Type

Allows the user to indicate the cylinder type used, informing the required specifications by Cylinder Height, Gear Type or Maximum Height.

Cylinder Height

Allows the user to enter height values for multiple cylinders. This field is displayed only if the Cylinder Height option is selected in the Cylinder Type field.

Gear Type

Allows the user to select the gear type, among the ones previously recorded. This field is displayed only if the Gear Type is selected in the Cylinder Type field.

Minimum Height

Allows the user to specify the minimum height needed for the cylinder that will be used with the selected gear type. This field is only displayed if Gear Type is selected in the Cylinder Type field. The system will use the value in this field for simulating new cylinders, when this option is enabled in the product specification.

Maximum Height

Allows the user to specify the maximum height needed for the cylinder that will be used with the selected gear type. This field is only displayed if Gear Type is selected in the Cylinder Type field. The system will use the value in this field for simulating new cylinders, when this option is enabled in the product specification.

Minimum Height

Allows the user to specify the minimum cylinder height required. This field is only displayed if Maximum Height option is selected in the Cylinder Type field.

Maximum Height

Allows the user to specify the maximum cylinder height required. This field is only displayed if Maximum Height option is selected in the Cylinder Type field.


Click Confirm.

When finished, click Save and Close.

Note: we added the three functionalities that follows (Multi Roll LaminationFanfold Maker, and Application in Label) in the version 10.1 of iQuote. If your system has the 10.0 version or previous, you will not be able to use them.


Setting functionality 1096 – Multi Roll Lamination

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1096 - Multi Roll Lamination functionality to laminate more than one substrate roll together. This is useful, for example, when you need to apply a logo that you printed separately and a matte finishing onto your label product.

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Roll

1003 - Roll

Functionality Activation

The Component Format – Roll Format Specification Characteristic Type Class activates the 1096 - Multi Roll Lamination functionality. For more information, refer to Component Format – Roll Format.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Flexo printer

Finishing machines

Functionality Restriction

Does not have restrictions.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have default raw material.


Linking the functionality 1096 – Multi Roll Lamination to the Production Group

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Complete the fields as described below:



Input Width

Indicates if the minimum and maximum width for the functionality’s input will be restricted. This option is always enabled for functionality in 1054 – Web trimming.

Minimum: minimum width value for the functionality’s input. The system displays this field only if the Input Width option is enabled.

Maximum: maximum width value for the functionality’s input. This field is displayed only if the Input Width option is enabled.

Maximum rolls in the lamination

Indicates the maximum number of rolls that the machine will be able to laminate together. For this limit, the system considers all the rolls that add a new substrate to the final Label product, including the Product component itself, if you specify a substrate in it.

Note:  it is not mandatory to define a substrate in the Product component in Estimates and Jobs; you can use it only to define the Label format. In this scenario, add all the substrate specification to the components.

Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.

Click Confirm.

When finished, click Save and Close.



By default, iQuote simulates this functionality before, between print processesr, and after, which can cause the system to take a long time and a lot of memory to complete the simulation process. This might be necessary for some estimate scenarios envolving flexible products.

However, since there is no need to apply the Multi Roll Lamination before or during the print process when estimating label or form products, we suggest you configure the system to process the functionality after. For that, follow the steps described below.

Go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Engineering Component Type. The Engineering Component Type list will open.

Click the New button to create a new record.

Enter a description for the record and, in the Class field, select the "Multi Roll Lamination" option. Leave the Supressed by a Functionality and Active check boxes selected. 

On the Always process after functionalities area, write the code for the functionalities below, and press enter to add them to the grid.

1000 - Sheetfed Offset Press

1001 - Webfed Offset Press

1002 - Gravure Press

1052 - Digital Printer - Sheet

1075 - Flexographic Printer

1081 - Digital printer - Web

Click Save.


Setting functionality 1097 – Fanfold Maker

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1097 – Fanfold Maker functionality to create labels in the fanfold format.

Engineering Component Types Used



1003 – Roll

1037 – Fanfold

Functionality Activation

The Component Format – Label Specification Characteristic Type Class activates the 1097 - Fanfold Maker functionality. For more information, refer to Component Format – Label.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Flexo printer

Fanfold Maker

Finishing machines

Functionality Restriction

Does not have restrictions.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have default raw material.


Linking the functionality 1097 – Fanfold Maker to the Production Group

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Complete the fields as described below:



Output Width

Indicates whether there will be width restrictions on the machine feeder.

Max Cut Quantity

You can use this field to define the maximum number of vertical cuts on the label (other than the lateral trimming), in order to separate it in more than one roll. For example, if you define the Max Cut Quantity as 2, the system would cut the label twice, as depicted in the image below with the dashed red line:

When this value is 0, the system only trims the paper roll and discards the waste. When the value is 1 or greater, the system cuts the roll more times, separating it in two or more rolls.

Cylinder type

Allows the user to indicate the cylinder type used, informing the required specifications by Cylinder Height or Maximum Height.

Note: You can use the Maximum Height as a way to define the folding sizes.

Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.

Click Confirm.

When finished, click Save and Close.


Setting functionality 1098 – Application in Label

Technical information:


The Engineering uses the 1098 - Application in Label functionality to apply other components to the Label product. It makes you able to add Leaf, Folded, or Provided components to the Label, creating a booklet, for example.

The system is able to apply the components on both sides of the Label or only on one.

Engineering Component Types Used



1001 - Sheet

1003 – Roll

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1028 - Provided component

1003 - Roll

Functionality Activation

The system activates the 1098 - Application in Label functionality when there are components with another format inserted to the Label product. 

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Flexo printer

Finishing machines

Functionality Restriction

Does not have restrictions.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have default raw material.


Linking the functionality 1098 – Application in Label to the Production Group

You can add this functionality to an existing production group that has other functionalities already configured or to a new production group that will only have the Application in Label functionality.

After following the steps described in “Linking a functionality to the Production Group” the system will display this screen:

Complete the fields as described below:



Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.

Click Confirm.

When finished, click Save and Close.