
Before you can create label products, the first step that you must take is to configure the system's functionalities and resources that are required to create that type of product. With the configuration of tools, label die, gear, and cylinders, iQuote will be able to estimate labels.


Tool Type

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to edit the Tool Type:



In the system’s main menu, click Production > Records > Tools > Tool Type or enter "tool type" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add tool Type. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields as described below:




Allow the user to enter the desired name for easy identification.

Tool Type

Allows the user to select among the types of tooling, which can be:

Carton Die, used when the product contains carton format or irregular format characteristic;

Label Die, used when product contains label format characteristic;

Generic tools, used when the product contains a generic tool class characteristic.


Indicates whether the tool is available for use in the Engineering.


In the Information tab, complete the fields as described below:



Allows receiving association

Indicates this die tool can receive an association of another die in the same product.

Allows to be associated

Indicates this die tool can be associated to another die in a product.

Automatic coding

Indicates the system will automatically generate the encoding for the tools created in this type. When this option is enabled, new fields are made available for defining the encoding specifications.

Create tooling item automatically

Indicates the system will automatically generate a die item when a die specification is approved within this type of tooling.

MIS Tool Type ID

Allows the user to enter the ID for integration with MIS. This


In the Characteristics tab, click New.

In the Characteristics field, click the drop-down menu to select a generic class characteristic.

Enable the Use to filter/ select tool option so that the characteristic can be used as a search requirement in tooling selection.

Note: The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.



Label Die

Label Die Specification

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to edit label die specifications:



In the system’s main menu, click Production > Tools > Label Die > Label Die Specification or enter "label die specification" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add label die specification. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields as described below:




Allow the user to enter the appropriate name.

Tool Type

Allows the user to select the tool type, among the options previously recorded.


Click Confirm. New tabs will open.

Note: The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.


Label Die Item

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to edit the label die item:



In the system’s main menu, click Production > Tools > Label Die > Label Die Item or enter "label die item" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add label die item. The following screen will open:

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Complete the fields as described below:



Tool Specification

Allows the user to select the tool specification this die item will be linked to.

Inventory Item

Allows the user to select this die item’s inventory item.


Enable Create new inventory item from the selected one to create a new item when the die specification is approved. Observe this option will not be shown for systems integrated with Monarch.

Click Confirm.

Note: The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.


Gear Type Record

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to edit the gear type record:



In the system’s main menu, click Production > Tools > Cylinder > Gear Type or enter "gear type" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add gear type. The following screen will open:

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Complete the fields as described below:




Allow the user to enter the appropriate name.

Gear tooth gap

Allow the user to specify the tooth gap’s size in millimeters.


Indicates whether the gear type is available for use in the Engineering.


Allows the user to enter relevant notes on the gear type record.


Click Save and then click Exit.

Note: The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.



Cylinder Records

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to edit the cylinder records:



In the system’s main menu, click Production > Tools > Cylinder > Cylinder or enter "cylinder" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add cylinder. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields as described below:



Gear Type

Allows the user to select the gear type among the previously recorded options. For more information, see "Gear Type Record".

Cylinder Type

Allows the user to select the cylinder type that can be for cutting or for printing.


Allow the user to enter the appropriate name.


Indicates whether the cylinder will be available for use in the Engineering.

Planning ID

Allows the user to enter an identification number for integration with the planning.

Number of cylinders

Allows the user to specify the number of cylinders used. For example, when using printing cylinders, it is necessary to identify how many cylinders (how many colors) will be used.

Number of teeth

Indicates how many teeth this cylinder has.

Cylinder height

Indicates the cylinder’s height. This field is automatically populated and it is not editable.


Allows the user to indicate the distortion factor for the flexible plate used with this cylinder.

Ink Types

Allows the user to select the ink types that can be used with the flexible plate used with this cylinder.

This field is displayed only if the Printing cylinder option is selected under Cylinder type.

Solid die cutting cylinder

Allows the user to specify whether the cylinder is a solid die.

This option is displayed only if the Cutting cylinder option is selected under Cylinder Type.


Click Save and then click Exit.

Note: The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.