Creating product versions

Note: When versions are created for a product, the system calculates only one engineering, one total price and one Job for all the versions together.
The system also generates in Jobs only one Form sequence by multiple-versioned components. It does not split the sequence by runs.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.

Select the appropriate estimate or create a new one.

Note: The new version can only be created in estimates that are not approved or canceled yet.

Go to the Product tab and click to select one of the components.

Click again to display the component edition menu and select Product versioning, as follows:

The following screen will open:

Code: you can enter a code for each version, as a way to identify it. However, note that the system may reset the codes when you perform some actions. These are the action that do not reset the code:

In the Product Specification: create a new record from an Estimate or Job.

In the Estimate: copy an Estimate, copy from Job, duplicate a component, create a new component from an Estimate or Job, approve the Estimate, and return the Estimate to tag 2.

In the Job: duplicate the Job, duplicate a component, create a new component from an Estimate or Job, and accept any Estimate changes.

Version description: use this field to describe the version by giving it a name.

Color: if you define colors to the related version by using the Color Definition button, the system automatically fills in this field with the definition's description.

Finishing: select one of the available finishings for this version, if any.

Quantity: this field displays the specific quantity assigned to the related version.

Notes: use this field to leave notes regarding the version.

Click New to create a single new version or click Create versions in order to create several versions at the same time.

Select the parameters in this screen according to the product’s specifications:



All images change for each version

For each version, the images change on all plates used.

Black color on the front change for each version

For each version, the images on the front black plate are changed.

Black color on the back changes for each version

For each version, the images on the back black plate are changed.

Color Definition Options

Note: This field only appears if all the other options are unselected.

One Color Definition per all versions / single press run: This is the default option, and it means there is one color definition linked with all versions.

One Color Definition per version / multiple press run: iQuote creates one Color Definition per Version, but the Different Image column (from the Color Definition window) for all colors will be unselected.


Click Confirm, then click Confirm again.

Note: Notice that the system shows how many versions a component has:

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Other information can be defined in the buttons in this screen, as described in the next topics: Run definition, Color definition and Packaging.


Run definition

In the Versioning screen click Run definition.

Click New for creating a run. The following screen will open.

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Note: The user can define more than one version for each run.


Fill in the Repetition field with the number of version images in that run.

Click Run color details for viewing specific information about the colors used in that run.

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Color definition

Note: In the Color definition, you can define the specifications for versions with different images.


In the Versioning screen click Color definition.

Click New. The following screen will open:

Fill in the Name field with the version identification.

If needed, click New under Front.

Fill in the fields as follows:




Allow the user to select the type of color to be used from a list previously recorded.


Allow the user to select the specific color to be used from a list previously recorded.

% Coverage

Allow the user to indicate the ink coverage percentage to be used for this image.


Allow the user to select a color to represent this image in the engineering diagram.

Different image

Allow the user to indicate if this version contains a different image.

You can use the Check All Different Image Column or the Uncheck All Different Image Column buttons to check or uncheck the Different Image option from all the lines at once.

If needed, click New under Back.

Fill in the fields as described in item 4.

If needed, click New under Varnish.

Fill in the fields as follows:




Allow the user to select the type of varnish to be used from a list previously recorded.


Allow the user to indicate the type of coverage used, which could be:




Allow the user to indicate where the varnish will be applied, which could be:




Click Detail for adding notes about the varnishes used. When finished click OK.

Add as many color definitions as needed. When finished, click Confirm.

Note: Observe that in addition to marking which color are different from other versions it’s also possible to add different colors (both spot or process) and varnishes for each version.

Note: If a characteristic is edited in the version of a parent component it will affect all child components, but whatever is added in a child is valid only in that child.



Note: Packaging can only be versioned for parent components.

In this screen the user can define the packaging specifications for each product version, according to the Specification component type record.

In the Versioning screen select the appropriate version and click Package definition. The following screen will open:

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Check the box to select the packages to be used for this version and fill in the specifications as needed.

If necessary, click Apply in Other versions for automatically applying the same package specifications for the other versions.

When finished, click Confirm.


Editing versions

For editing the versions simply click on the component to select it as described in the beginning of this chapter.

Click again to display the component edition menu and select Product versioning.

Navigate through the buttons in this screen – as described above – to edit the versions as needed.

Click Confirm.

It may be necessary to recalculate the Estimate.


Deleting versions

Go to the Product tab and click to select one of the components.

Click again to display the component edition menu and select Product versioning.

Click to select the chosen version and click the trash icon in order to delete one specific version.

For deleting all versions at once, simply click Delete all versions.

Click Confirm, then click Confirm again.

It may be necessary to recalculate the Estimate.


Features in the estimate screens

Due to the new versioning possibilities, the following screens were modified:


Composition details

In the Product tab, click on the parent component and go to Composition detail:

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In the following screen notice that there are 5 columns related to versioning: Version, Aggregation type, Independent production, Uses and For each.

It is also possible to navigate through components using the drop down menu under Component:

And to change the items order by clicking the up and down arrows.

Note: If you enter numbers in the Page Numbering column for one version, the system does not replicate them to the other versions. Therefore, the Page Numbering column is blank by default.


Process group details

In the engineering tab, click on a production group to display the menu:

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Click Details.

The following screen will open. Notice the new Runs column was created in the Activities tab, indicating which runs are going through that production group.

Also, the Run definition button was added – which allows the user to see the information about each run:

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