Bag (Package)

The bag record allows the user to add all bags used in the Product Engineering. The bag needs to be recorded only for the Engineering to calculate its consumption and cost. For more information, refer to "Plate Consumption and Cost Calculation in the Engineering.”

The user is required to have enabled the following access options, for managing Bags (Package):



Information on the Bag (Package) Record Window

Go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Raw Material > Bag (Package)

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard toolbar” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on adding or editing search features refer to "Searching” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on how to add other information in columns, refer to "Views" in Basic Navigation.


Add Bag (Package)

Tip: To be able to add bag (package), the user must previously record a Package – Bag Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to “Package – Bag.”


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Raw Material > Bag or enter "Bag" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields as described below:



Raw Material

Name of the bag used in the Product Engineering.

Cost Account

Name of the cost account to which the bag cost shall be allocated for future cost analysis. For more information, refer to "Add Cost Accounts."

Cost sub account

Name of the cost sub account to which the bag cost shall be assigned. The Cost Sub Account belongs to the Cost Account. For more information, refer to "Add Cost Accounts.”

If the appropriate cost sub account is not listed, make sure the selected cost account is correct.

Production Unit

Unit of measurement to be sent as default for the modules of production for requesting materials. This field does not affect the Engineering calculation unit, which is the same as the generic Engineering component type unit.

For more information, refer to "Add Engineering Component Types.”

External Reference

Name used for integrating the bag record with other systems.


Indicates if the bag will be available for use in the Engineering.


Plant which indicates a material can only be used for Production Groups in the same plant, once it is linked to this material. Once the plant is selected and the raw material saved, it will no longer be allowed to unlink the plant linked to it, therefore, it is recommended to set this configuration with caution.

This field only appears if the “Separate raw materials by plant” is enabled in Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Estimate General Setup


Bag width. This field is informational only and will not be considered in the Engineering calculations.


Bag height. This field is informational only and will not be considered in the Engineering calculations.


Bag thickness. This field is informational only and will not be considered in the Engineering calculations.


Weight bag. This field is informational only and will not be considered in the Engineering calculations.

Bag Type

Bag type that can be linked to a raw material in order to allow this raw material to be selected by the Engineering, whenever it is selected in the Product Specification.

The bag type must be recorded previously. For more information, refer to "Package – Bag.”.


Bag material that can be linked to a raw material in order to allow this raw material to be selected by the Engineering, whenever it is selected in the Product Specification. The bag type must be previously recorded.

For more information on this specification characteristic type, refer to "Package – Bag.”

Maximum Width

Maximum width for the product that will be placed in this bag. If the product is bigger than the bag’s maximum width, this bag will not be selected by the Engineering.

If the product width is bigger than the maximum width, but smaller than the maximum height, the Engineering will calculate the product in both positions.

Maximum Height

Maximum height for the product that will be placed in this bag. If the product is bigger than the bag’s maximum height, this bag will not be selected by the Engineering.

If the product height is bigger than the maximum width, but smaller than the maximum width, the Engineering will calculate the product in both positions.

Maximum Thickness

Maximum thickness for the product that will be placed in this bag. If the product is bigger than the bag’s maximum thickness, this bag will not be selected by the Engineering.


When finished, click Save.


Edit Bag (Package)

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Raw Material > Bag (Package) or enter "Bag (Package)" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Bag (Package) to select it.

Click Edit.

Edit as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to “Add Bag (Package).”

When finished, click Save.


Delete Bag (Package)

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Raw Material > Bag (Package) or enter "Bag (Package)" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Bag (Package) to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

Tip: If the selected item is being used, the system displays a message that it can not be deleted.


Bag (Package) Cost and Consumption Calculation in the Engineering

Record the bag (package) in the Bag (Package) record. For more information, refer to "Add Bag (Package).”

Check if the Component Class 1018 – Bag (Package) exists in the Engineering Component Types record. For more information, refer to the "Add Engineering Component Types.”

In production groups, link the Component Class 1018 – Bag (Package) to the 1040 – Bag Machine inputs. For more information, refer to "Setting functionality 1040 – Bag Machine.”

Enter the Bag (Package) cost in the raw material cost record. For more information, refer to "Add Raw Material Costs.” The bag’s consumption calculation and costs are displayed in the Engineering.