Custom Raw Material

It is possible to create customized raw materials in the Engineering in order to calculate the consumption and cost for materials that are not recorded in the system.


Add Customized Raw Material

Add Generic Engineering Component Type. In the Generic Engineering Component Type are defined the customized raw material options that are displayed in the Estimate’s Product Specification and in the Job and also the cost accounts and inventory items for each material option. For more information, refer to "Add Generic Engineering Component Type.”

Add a Generic Raw Material Specification Characteristic Type. This characteristic will be linked to the Generic Engineering Component Type previously added, so that the material can be chosen in the Estimate’s Product Specification or in the Job. Two types of generic raw material classes are available in the Specification Characteristic Type record. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Generic Raw Material" and "Specification Characteristic Type – Generic Raw Material + Values” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Link the Generic Engineering Component Type that will calculate the raw material consumption to the Production Group. For more information, refer to "Production Group Customized Raw Materials."