Production Group

In the Production Group Record is possible to record the machines the Engineering will use. The Production Group contains all the information respective to a machine or group of machines with similar characteristics.

The Production Groups gather the Functionalities – functions the group can execute, such as printing, folding, trimming, gathering etc. The arrangement of those functionalities determines the functions, restrictions and materials produced by the Production Group in the Engineering. For more information on Functionalities, refer to “Production Group Functionalities.”

In the Production Groups are also available the speed, waste, cost rules and units of measurement, among other important information for the cost per hour calculation in the Engineering.

The image below shows the main Production Group’s functions and records:


Imagem 60


If the plant has many machines with similar or identical information it is recommended to group those machines in a Production Group in order to improve the time taken by the Engineering to make the required calculations. The real machines are represented in the planning and linked to a Production Group. 1TFor more information refer to1T “Production Group Planning.”

Note: If the plant has many machines with similar or identical information it is recommended to group those machines in a Production Group in order to improve the time taken by the Engineering to make the required calculations. The real machines are represented in the planning and linked to a Production Group. For more information refer to “Production Group Planning.”


Go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group to access the Production Group’s browser:


Note below a brief description of this toolbar’s buttons:


Button Name

Button Function


Allows the user to activate Production Groups selected from the list.


Allows the user to deactivate Production Groups selected from the list.


Allows the user to import Production Groups.


Allows the user to export Production Groups.


Allows the user to copy Production Groups selected from the list.

Advanced Set-up

Allows the user to access the advanced set-up of a Production Groups selected from the list.


Note: For more information on adding and editing search features, how to add other information in columns and the buttons in this toolbar refer to "Views" in Introduction to iQuote.



In order to set this record the user needs to have the following control accesses enabled:




Adding Production Groups

Note that the unit of measurements have to be already set in the system prior to adding production groups. This record can be accessed using a fast link in the production group or at Administration > General configuration > Unit of measurement.


  1. In the production group’s browser, click Add.
  2. A new window will open. Complete the fields as described below:




Allows you to enter an alphanumeric code with up to 15 characters.


Allows you to enter the appropriate name to identify the grouping of several machines together. You should use a name easy to understand, related to the machine(s) that you will group in it.

Production Group Type

Production group classification types. It can be:

  • Manual – indicates the Production Group is not composed of machines, but it is a group of factory workers. When you use this option, you must inform the Production Group’s cost per hour in the Transformation Cost Table. For more information, refer to “Edit Transformation Costs”;
  • Machinery – indicates the Production Group is composed by machines. When you use this option, you must inform the Production Group’s cost per hour in the Transformation Cost Table. For more information refer to “Edit Transformation Costs”;
  • Outsourced – indicates that the Production Group is an outsourcing provider. When you use this option, you must inform the Production Group’s cost per hour in the Cost Table as an Outsourcing Cost. For more information refer to “Edit Outsourcing Costs”;

Once you select the Production Group Type, you will not be able to change it anymore. You can still check it when editing the Production Group.

Unit of measurement

Allows you to select the appropriate unit of measurement. For more information, refer to “Units of measurement”.

Cost account

Allows the user to select the cost account used in the Production Group. The cost account determines where the system will place the Production Group cost for future estimate’s cost analysis and comparison with the post calculation. You can also use the cost account as a filter in various windows to help searching costs and Production Group linked to that account. For example, Production Group: Platemaking/ Cost account: Prepress.

It will be possible to edit the cost account selected in this field later in the Production Group’s Advanced Configuration. For more information, refer to “Add Cost Accounts” and “Link Cost Items to the Production Group”.


The plant represents the place where the Production Group is. You may use this field only if the company has more than one plant and if you do the machine control separately for each location – that is, if the Estimate’s Engineering calculations use only Production Groups in the same plant.

It will be possible to edit the plant selected in this field later in the Production Group’s Advanced Configuration. For more information, refer to “Add Cost Accounts” and “Add Plants.”


Allows you to inform if the Production Group that you are creating is a machine template that you will use as a reference for creating machine groups in other systems.

You must select this option to indicate that the Production Group is a Template and the Engineering will not use it for calculations.


  1. When finished, click Confirm.
  2. The following Advanced Settings screen will open:

Note: The Production Group Advanced Settings screen displays all the technical information on the groups, which are extremely important for adequate Engineering operation. The user that created the Production Group will need access permission to edit it. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group Advanced Configurations”, in Engineering Records.

Note: Even if the user do not have access to the Production Group Advanced Configurations, it is possible to edit basic information - such as speeds and waste - in the Simplified Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group Advanced Configurations.”

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard Toolbar” in Introduction to iQuote.


  1. Note below a brief description of this toolbar’s button:

Button Name

Button Function

Save and close

Allows saving the new Production Group or the editions made and close the screen.

Save and go to Simplified Settings

Allows saving the new Production Group or the editions made, closing the advanced settings screen and opening the simplified settings screen. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group Simplified Settings.”

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard Toolbar” in Introduction to iQuote.


  1. Complete the fields as described below:




Indicates whether the Production Group should be available for use in the Engineering.

External reference

Production Group identification code for integration with other systems.


Editing a Production Group

  1. In the Production Group’s browser, select the appropriate entry.
  2. Click Advanced Settings.
  3. Edit it as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to “Adding”.
  4. When finished, click Save.


Deleting a Production Group

  1. In the Production Group’s browser, select appropriate entry.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the action.

Note: Production groups in use by the Engineering cannot be deleted.


Production Group Functionalities

The functionalities are the main functions of a Production Group, and record its constraints and specific characteristics for each process. The system has several functionalities that represent the various functions of the printing process, for example, sheetfed printing, webfed printing, trimming, gathering, folding, etc.

Each functionality has a set of information relevant to the process, which must be defined. For example, it is necessary to inform margins, height, and width of the machine and number of colors for the sheetfed printing functionality. And in the gathering functionality it is necessary to report the number of pockets. 

It is possible to combine the functionalities together. For example, if a machine has a Webfed Printing functionality and should also cut the paper in sheets, it is necessary to record two functionalities: Webfed Printing and Sheeter.

For more information on the settings for each functionality refer to “Knowledge Base Article – iQuote Functionalities.”

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to manage functionalities in the Production Group:



Add Production Group Functionalities

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard toolbar” in Introduction to iQuote.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Go to the Functionalities tab. Note below a brief description of the buttons on this tab:

Button Name

Button Function


Allows accessing the functionality’s settings.


Allows accessing the functionality’s input components.


Allows accessing the functionality’s output components.

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard toolbar” in Introduction to iQuote.


On the Functionalities tab, click Add.

Complete the fields as described below:




Functionality that is linked to the printing group determining its functions restrictions. For example: functionality 1000 - Offset Sheetfed Printer, to allow printing of products with characteristics according with the characteristics and restrictions of a sheetfed printing machine such as maximum height and width and number of colors. For more information, refer to "Production Group Functionalities."


Functionality’s name within the Production Group.


The system considers Engineering components as a functionality’s input. For example, the inputs for the sheetfed printer functionality are paper, ink and plate. The inputs represent all components the functionality can receive to perform its activity, such as raw materials, tools and components from other processes. For more information, refer to "Production Group Functionalities."


Engineering components considered output for that functionality. For example, the outputs for the sheetfed printer functionality are sheets. The output represents all components that a functionality can produce and send to the next process. For more information, refer to Production Group Functionalities."


Click Confirm. The system will display the added functionality will be add in the grid, allowing the user to edit other settings.

Complete the fields described below:



Functionality Description

Functionality’s name, defined when added.


Displays the functionality selected when added.


Indicates whether it should be available for selection for calculating the Engineering.


Indicates whether the functionality depends on another one from the same Production Group to finish an activity. For example, a webfed machine with a folding unit in line has two functionalities: Printing and Folding. The Printing functionality can not finish its activities if the paper does not go through the Folding functionality. In this case the Printing functionality depends on the Folding functionality to finish its activity For more information, refer to “Relationships and dependency between functionalities.”


Allows the user to enter notes on the functionality, as needed.

Generate Diagram Filter Option

Indicates wether you can manually select the functionality in the Engineering path for the Engineering calculation. For more information, refer to “Engineering Path Selection.”


Publication that allows editing functionality’s specific technical fields in the Simplified Settings window, when linked to the Production Group activity For more information, refer to “Production Groups Technical Publication.1T


Copy Production Group Functionalities

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the functionality name to select it.

Click Settings.

When finished click Save and Close.


Edit Technical Information on Production Group Functionalities

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click Copy.

Edit the functionality as needed. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities”

Caution! If the functionalities’ information are wrongly edited it can lead to errors or even to the interruption of Engineering calculations for Estimate and the Job.

When finished click Save and Close.


Delete Production Group Functionalities

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the functionality’s name to to delete it.

Click Delete.

Caution! If the functionalities’ information are wrongly deleted it can lead to errors or even to the interruption of Engineering calculations for Estimate and the Job.


Inputs for the Production Group

The inputs used in the Production Groups are all the Engineering components that a functionality can receive to execute an activity, such as raw materials, tools and components coming from other process (see the graph below). For more information, refer to “Engineering Component Types” For example, the inputs for the functionality Sheetfed Offset Press are paper, ink and plate.

The graph below exemplifies the functionality’s inputs and outputs. The blue boxes (dark) represent the functionalities and the grey boxes (light) represent the Engineering components. The green continuous lines show the components used by functionalities – that is, the input components. The orange dashed lines show the components produced by the functionalities – that is, the outputs.

The inputs already processed come from other functionalities that may or may not be in the same Production Group, as the sheet is.

It is necessary to inform a functionality’s inputs when adding it to the Production Group. Those inputs can be edited aor excluded later, as needed.


Add functionality’s input components in the Production Group

Tip: First you must record the Engineering component in order to be possible to add input components in the Production Group’s functionality. For more information, refer to “Add Engineering Component Types.”


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Under the Functionalities tab click to select the functionality in which the input will be recorded.

Click Input and New. The following dialog box will pop up:

Imagem 6

Complete the fields as described below:



Engineering Component Type

Engineering components considered as inputs for the functionality. For example, the inputs to the Sheetfed Offset Press functionality are paper, ink and plate. The inputs represent a functionality can receive to execute an activity, such as raw materials, tools and components coming from other process. Each functionality has different components that can be used as inputs. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities”

Allows selecting the appropriate engineering component type.


Slot Relations Tab:

Note: The Relationship Tab shall be filled only if there are more than one functionality in the Production Group and those functionalities are in line. For example, the webfed printer has folding in line and, therefore, the folding functionality has a relation with the printing functionality.

Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Min x Max

Minimum and maximum number of Engineering components a specific functionality receives from other functionalities in the same Production Group, when it has in line functionalities:

Minimum 1 – to indicate this functionality must receive one component from the functionality selected in the in the Functionality field in the same Production Group. For example, the functionality Folding, in a webfed press, is linked to at least 1 printing functionality.

Minimum 2 – indicates the functionality shall receive components from two functionalities in the same Production Group.

Minimum 0 – indicates the functionality may optionally receive the component from a functionality selected in the respective field in the same Production Group or can receive the component from another Production Group.

Maximum 2 – indicates the maximum number of components a functionality can receive. For example, the Folding functionality in a webfed press with 2 paper rolls can receive1 or, at most, 2 components from the printing functionalities. For more information, refer to “Relationships and dependency between functionalities.”


Allows selecting the functionalities recorded in the Production Group. When the Production Group has functionalities executed in line in the machine the link between those functionalities should be made using input components, such as:

Die cutter machine with hotstamping application in line – in the Die Cutter functionality input, you simply indicate it receives the component made by the hotstamping functionality.

Die cutter machine with hotstamping application out of line – in this case there are no link between functionalities. For more information, refer to “Relationships and dependency between functionalities.”


Slot Relations Tab:

Note: The Relations window should be filled only for functionalities such as gathering and collecting, therefore it is not necessary to fill it for other functionalities. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities.”


Setup Tab:

Click New to inform the setup for each input component.

Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Setup Machine Type

Type of machine setup used to organize the setup options. Can be used for applying factors for reduction or increase of waste times, for example. For more information on types of setup, refer to “Add Machine Setup Types.” For more information on factors application, refer to “Add Factors in the Production Group.”

Setup Repetition (minutes)

Time in minutes used in the calculation of the setup time per repetition in the Production Group, in the Engineering. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page signature, it has to be separated in 16 pages and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. If there is one set up for each plate that will be 4 plates per repetition (10 x 4 = 40 plates). Therefore, if you fill in this field with 5 minutes, the Engineering will calculate 5 x 40, adding up to 200 minutes in setup time.

Repetition Waste

Value used in the Engineering for calculating the setup waste per repetition in the Production Group. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page signature, it has to be separated in 16 pages and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. If there is one set up for each plate that will be 4 plates per repetition (10 x 4 = 40 plates). Therefore, if you fill in this field with 10, the Engineering will calculate 10 x 40, adding up to 400 measurement units with setup. If the machine’s unit of measurement is prints/ hour, the waste will be 400 prints. For more information, refer to “Production Group Measurements Units.”


When finished, click OK.

Click Save and close.


Edit functionality’s input components in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the functionality’s name to edit its input components.

Click Input

Edit the functionality as needed. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities.”

When finished click OK.

Click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited input component it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the input is modified.


Delete functionality’s input components in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the functionality’s name to delete its input components.

Click Input

Click the chosen engineering component type.

Click Delete.

When finished click OK.

Click Save and Close.


Outputs for the Production Group

The outputs used in the Production Groups are all the Engineering components that a functionality can produce. For example, the Sheetfed Offset Press functionality produces sheets. For more information, refer to “Engineering Component Types.” Each functionality has different Engineering components that can bu used as outputs. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities.”

The graph below exemplifies the functionality’s inputs and outputs. The blue boxes (dark) represent the functionalities and the grey boxes (light) represent the Engineering components. The green continuous lines show the components used by functionalities – that is, the input components. The orange dashed lines show the components produced by the functionalities – that is, the outputs.

The inputs already processed come from other functionalities that may or may not be in the same Production Group, as the sheet is.

It is necessary to inform a functionality’s outputs when adding it to the Production Group. Those inputs can be edited or excluded later, as needed.


Add functionality’s output components in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Under the Functionalities tab click to select the functionality in which the input will be recorded.

Click Input and New. The following dialog box will pop up:

Imagem 7

Complete the fields as described below:



Component Type

Engineering components considered as outputs for the functionality. For example, the output produced by the Sheetfed Offset Press functionality is Sheet. Each functionality has different components that can be used as outputs. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities.”


Note: The Filter, Characteristic an output component must not have and Characteristic an output component must have fields shall be filled only if the functionality have a restriction to be selected by the Engineering. For example, when selecting the Coated Paper option in the Characteristic an output component must not have field this functionality will not be selected if the product has a coated paper.
Likewise, you can apply filters to select a functionality only when a characteristic exists. For more information, refer to “Restriction for Selecting a Functionality in the Engineering.”


When finished click OK.

Click Save and Close.


Edit functionality’s output components in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the functionality’s name to edit its output components.

Click Output

Edit the functionality as needed. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities.”

When finished click OK.

Click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited output component it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the input is modified.


Delete functionality’s input components in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the functionality’s name to delete its output components.

Click Output

Click the chosen engineering component type.

Click Delete.

When finished click OK.

Click Save and Close.


Production Group Activities

The Activity tab allows linking the activity types to the Production Group. The activity types are used for:

Facilitating the visualization of productive processes on the Engineering screen, through the link between the activity type and the activity group. For more information, refer to “Activities Group.”

Determining if the Production Group should or not be displayed in the Engineering as a productive process. A Production Group without any activity can be used in the Engineering, but can not be planned or receive production data. If there are a cost associated to this Production Group it will be added even with out the activity.

Facilitating the visualization of production data in standard or customized reports. The Job Summarizing report, for example, uses activity types to organizethe processes, showingthe production development by activity type.

Facilitating the organization of activities by classes in the printed Job.

Facilitating the visualization of productive and planning processes.


Link Activity Types to Production Groups

Tip: In order to be possible to link an activity type to the Production Group it is necessary to have recorded it previously.
This record can be accessed through the fast link when recording the Production Group.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Activities.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Activity Type

Activity types to link to the Production Group. For example, the Initial Trimming. It is possible to link many activity types to each Productions Group.


Note: it is possible to add the Activity type editing the Production Group.

Note: If there is only one activity type linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Activity types to a Production Group.”

When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Activity types Linked to Production Groups

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Activity.

Edit the activity as needed. For more information, refer to “Link Activity types to Production Groups.”

Click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited activity it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the input is modified.


Unlink Activity types to Production Groups

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Activity.

Click to select the activity type to unlink.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked activity it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the input is modified.


Link Multiple Activity types to a Production Group

Activity types should be linked to a Production Group so it is possible to identify different activities based on product characteristic or Engineering. For example, when a guillotine cutter makes the initial and further trimming during process the links between the Initial Trimming and the other Trimming activity are required. This way the Production Groups activities will be displayed in an organized way in the Engineering.

The activity types determine also if the group will be planned or not. For example, when the Production Group Guillotine Cutter is working on an initial trimming process it will not be planned. Therefore, the Initial Trimming activity type will not be selected as planned. But if this same group is cutting, among other processes, this should be planned. So the activity type Cut will be selected as planned.

Tip: In order to be possible to link an activity type to the Production Group it is necessary to have recorded it previously. For more information, refer to “Add Activity types”.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Activity.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Activity Type

Activity types to link to the Production Group. For example, the Initial Trimming. It is possible to link multiple activity types to each Productions Group. For more information, refer to “Link Activity types to Production Groups.1T


Filters tab:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the activity type, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this activity type be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this activity type be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this activity type be selected.


In the Conditions area, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Activity type option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.


Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add the appropriate activity types.

Click the arrows up and down to move the activity types to the appropriate position.

Caution! The activity type’s options are mutually exclusive, that is, from all the added activity types, the system will use only the first one in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the activity type’s options have a filter the system will use the first option in the list.

Click Save and close.


Production Group Costs

On the tab Costs is possible to determine the rules for the Production Group costs calculations. On this tab, are determined the cost accounts to which the Production Group should be linked and how the cost calculation formulas shall be applied. After recording the rules for the Production Group cost calculation, it is necessary to record its cost value in the Transformation Cost Table. For more information, refer to “Add Costs Transformation Cost Table”.


Link Cost Items to the Production Group

Tip: In order to be possible to link costs to the Production Group is necessary to record previously the transformation cost and unit of measurement. For more information, refer to “Add Costs in the Transformation Cost Table”.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Costs.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Cost Account

Name of the cost account to which the Production Group cost will be assigned for future cost analysis. For more information on cost accounts, refer to “Add Cost Account”.

On Cost Items Definition click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Cost rule option. It is possible to add multiple cost rules for the same Production Group.

Allows entering the appropriate description for use also in the transformation cost table. This description is used for identifying the Production Group Cost and is better if it is a simple one. For more information, refer to “Add Transformation Costs”.

On Cost Items, click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Transformation Cost Type

Indicates the cost item type of transformation cost. A cost option can have more than one cost item such as manpower, depreciation, fixed, cost, clicks, etc. To identify the cost items it is required to exist a type of cost item for each item. The type of standard cost item and the most used is the Hour Cost, which adds all kinds of costs in one. To be possible to record the cost items the Transformation Cost Type needs to be previously recorded. For more information, refer to “Add Transformation Cost Types”.

Calculation Type

Type of information the Engineering shall consider for calculating the cost, which can be:

Total Time – indicates the cost calculation will consider the total activity time performed by the Production Group.

Only Setup Time – indicates the cost calculation will consider only the Production Group setup time calculated by the Engineering.

Only Production Time – indicates the cost calculation will consider only the Production Group production time (process time).

Activity Quantity – indicates the cost calculation will consider the quantity of activity (with good outputs) performed by the Production Group. The quantity may vary according to the Production Group unit of measurement.

Activity Quantity + Waste – indicates the cost calculation will consider the quantity of activity performed by the Production Group, including the waste. The quantity may vary according to the Production Group unit of measurement.

Fixed – indicates the cost calculation will consider a fixed quantity. When selecting this option the considered quantity is 1. In this case the Multiplication Factor can be used to applying thins fixed quantity. For example, when selecting this option for the type of calculation and entering 100 in the multiplication field, the quantity used in the cost calculation will be 100.

Qty. in

Unit of measurement assigned to the cost. For example, when selecting Total Time as the type of calculation the Qty. in field should be filled with a time unit, such as time, hours, minutes, etc. For being able to select the measurement unit it is necessary to previously record it. For more information, refer to “Add Units of Measurement”.

Multiplication Factor

Number used as the multiplication factor for the activity quantity. For example, if the activity considers quantity + waste and this quantity is calculate as 1100, when applying a multiplication factor of 2 the quantity for cost calculation will be 2200.

Dynamic Multiplier

Characteristic or technical information used to calculate the activity quantity. For example: the element’s number of pages. For example, when applying the element’s number of pages Dynamic Multiplier for a 4-pages cover with a calculated quantity of 1000 the quantity considered for the cost calculation will be 4000. The Dynamic Multiplier uses standard technical information and generic specification characteristics – which can be recorded in the system. For more information, refer to Product Specification Records


Indicates if the cost item is available for selection for cost calculation in the Engineering.

Cost Account

Specific Cost Account for a cost item such as Digital cost account for the cost item Click and the Printing cost account for the cost item Labor. When this link is made the system does not consider the standard cost account linked in the Production Group cost tab. In order to link the cost account is necessary to previously record it. For more information, refer to “Add Cost Account”.

Cost Subaccount

Specific Cost Subaccount for a cost item. When selecting a specific cost account, it is necessary that a cost subaccount is also selected for information classification purposes. By default, the system uses the Production Group name or the subaccount cost. In order to link the cost account is necessary to previously record it. For more information, refer to “Add Cost Account”.

Note: If there is only one activity type linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Activity types to a Production Group.”


When finished click Save and Close.


Edit Cost Items Linked to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Costs.

Edit the cost item as needed. For more information, refer to “Link Cost Items to the Production Group.”

Click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the former linked item option it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the input is modified.


Unlink Cost Items from the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Costs.

Click to select the cost item to unlink.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked item cost option it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the input is modified.


Link Multiple Cost Items Options to a Production Group

In the Costs tab it is possible to add several Cost Items options for the same Production Group. Therefore, it is necessary to create filters to determine when the Engineering should choose each option such as a cost item for all types of product and another one for the wire-o products.

To be able to link costs to the Production Group, it is necessary to previously record the transformation cost type and the unit of measurement. For more information, refer to "Add Transformation Costs” and “Add Units of Measurement."

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Costs.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Cost Account

Name of the cost account to which the Production Group cost will be assigned for future cost analysis. For more information on cost accounts, refer to “Add Cost Account”.

On Cost Items Definition click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Cost rule option. It is possible to add multiple cost rules for the same Production Group.

Allows entering the appropriate description for use also in the transformation cost table. This description is used for identifying the Production Group Cost and is better if it os a simple one. For more information, refer to “Add Transformation Costs”.

On Cost Items, click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Transformation Cost Type

Indicates the cost item type of transformation cost. A cost option can have more than one cost item such as manpower, depreciation, fixed, cost, clicks, etc. To identify the cost items it is required to exist a type of cost item for each item. The type of standard cost item and the most used is the Hour Cost, which adds all kinds of costs in one. To be possible to record the cost items the Transformation Cost Type needs to be previously recorded For more information, refer to “Add Transformation Cost Types”.

Calculation Type

Type of information the Engineering shall consider for calculating the cost, which can be:

Total Time – indicates the cost calculation will consider the total activity time performed by the Production Group.

Only Setup Time – indicates the cost calculation will consider only the Production Group setup time calculated by the Engineering.

Only Production Time – indicates the cost calculation will consider only the Production Group production time (process time).

Activity Quantity – indicates the cost calculation will consider the quantity of activity (with good outputs) performed by the Production Group. The quantity may vary according to the Production Group unit of measurement.

Activity Quantity + Waste – indicates the cost calculation will consider the quantity of activity performed by the Production Group, including the waste. The quantity may vary according to the Production Group unit of measurement.

Fixed – indicates the cost calculation will consider a fixed quantity. When selecting this option the considered quantity is 1. In this case the Multiplication Factor can be used to applying thins fixed quantity. For example, when selecting this option for the type of calculation and entering 100 in the multiplication field, the quantity used in the cost calculation will be 100.

Qty. in

Unit of measurement assigned to the cost. For example, when selecting Total Time as the type of calculation the Qty. in field should be filled with a time unit, such as time, hours, minutes, etc. For being able to select the measurement unit it is necessary to previously record it. For more information, refer to “Add Units of Measurement”.

Multiplication Factor

Number used as the multiplication factor for the activity quantity. For example, if the activity considers quantity + waste and this quantity is calculate as 1100, when applying a multiplication factor of 2 the quantity for cost calculation will be 2200.

Dynamic Multiplier

Characteristic or technical information used to calculate the activity quantity. For example: the element’s number of pages. For example, when applying the element's number of pages Dynamic Multiplier for a 4-pages cover with a calculated quantity of 1000 the quantity considered for the cost calculation will be 4000. The Dynamic Multiplier uses standard technical information and generic specification characteristics – which can be recorded in the system. For more information, refer to Specification Characteristic Types.


Indicates if the cost item is available for selection for cost calculation in the Engineering.

Cost Account

Specific Cost Account for a cost item such as Digital cost account for the cost item Click and the Printing cost account for the cost item Labor. When this link is made the system does not consider the standard cost account linked in the Production Group cost tab. In order to link the cost account is necessary to previously record it. For more information, refer to “Add Cost Account”.

Cost Subaccount

Specific Cost Subaccount for a cost item. When selecting a specific cost account, it is necessary that a sub cost account is also selected for information classification purposes. By default, the system uses the Production Group name or the subaccount cost. In order to link the cost account is necessary to previously record it. For more information, refer to “Add Cost Account”.

Note: If there is only one activity type linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Activity types to a Production Group.”


Filters tab:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the cost item, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this cost item to be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this cost item to be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this this cost item to be selected.

In the Conditions area, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Cost Item option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records in “Add Specification Characteristic Types”.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.


Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add the appropriate cost items.

Caution! The cost items option are NOT mutually exclusive, that is, the system will use all the added cost items options having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the cost items options have a filter the system will all of them.

14.When finished, click Save and close.


Production Group Setups

In the Setups tab, it is possible to link setup times and wastes to the Production Group. Only the waste from the initial machine’s setups will be considered as setup waste. To configure the wastes during the process, refer to "Production Group Wastes on Running."

The setup waste unit will be the same unit recorded in the Unit of measurement field in the Speed area (Production Group record, in the Units tab). If the waste unit is different from speed (such as speed in number of prints/ hour and the waste in kilograms) it can be modified in the Setup Waste area, in the Production Group’s Units tab. For more information, refer to “Production Group Units of Measurement.”


Add Setups to the Production Group

In order to be possible to add setups to the Production Group, it is necessary to have the Setup Machine Types previously recorded.

It is possible to access this record through the quick link, when recording the Production Group. For more information, see "Quick Link".

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Setups.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the setup option. A Production Group may have more than one setup time or waste.

Setup Machine Type

Type of machine setup used to organize the setup options. The setup type can be used for applying factors for reduction or increase of waste times, for example. For more information on types of setup, refer to “Add Machine Setup Types.” For more information on factors application, refer to “Add Factors in the Production Group".

Setup Repetition (minutes)

Time in minutes used in the calculation of the setup time per repetition in the Production Group, in the Engineering. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page signature, it has to be separated in 16 pages and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. If there is one set up for each plate that will be 4 plates per repetition (10 x 4 = 40 plates). Therefore, if you fill in this field with 5 minutes, the Engineering will calculate 5 x 40, adding up to 200 minutes in setup time.

Repetition Waste

Value used in the Engineering for calculating the setup waste per repetition in the Production Group. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page signature, it has to be separated in 16 pages and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. If there is one set up for each plate that will be 4 plates per repetition (10 x 4 = 40 plates). Therefore, if you fill in this field with 10, the Engineering will calculate 10 x 40, adding up to 400 measurement units with setup. If the machine’s unit of measurement is prints/ hour, the waste will be 400 prints.

Fixed Setup (minutes)

Time in minutes used for calculating the fixed setup time for the Production Group in the Engineering. If a printing machine prints a 160-pages book block, it has to be printed in 16-pages signatures to fit the printer. This way the signature has to be repeated 10 times to complete 160 pages. When entering “5” in the Fixed Setup field the Engineering calculates only 5 minutes for setup time and does not multiplies this value by the number of repetitions.

Fixed Waste

Value considered for calculating the fixed setup waste for the Production Group in the Engineering. If a printing machine prints a 160-pages book block, it has to be printed in 16-pages signatures to fit the printer. This way the signature has to be repeated 10 times to complete 160 pages. When entering "10" in the Fixed Waste field the Engineering calculates a setup waste of only 10 (machine’s unit of measurement). If the machine’s unit of measurement is prints/hour, the waste will be 10 prints. For more information, refer to “Production Group Units of Measurement.”

Applied only once

Situation for application of fixed times and wastes, which can be:

For all repetitions of the same process – indicates the system applies the fixed waste and time individually in the activity executed by the Production Group and in its repetitions. For example, if 2 handouts in the same Engineering have the same size, are produced in the same machines and its fixed waste and time are set as10 in the folding Production Group, the system will apply 10 both in the waste and in the time for each folding, even being the same activity and Production Group.

For all activities with the same Production Group – indicates the system divides the fixed waste and time in the activities with the same characteristics executed by the same Production Group. For example, if 2 handouts in the same Engineering have the same size, are produced in the same machines but have separated processes and its fixed waste and time are set as10 in the folding Production Group, the system will apply 5 for both time and waste for each folding, even being different processes.


Notes tab:

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows entering the additional information, if necessary.

Note: If there is only one activity type linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple cost item types to a Production Group.”


When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Setups in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Setups.

Click the setup’s name to select it.

Edit the setups as needed. For more information, refer to “Add Setups to the Production Group.”

When finished click Save and Close.

Tip:  If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited setup it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the setup is modified.


Delete Setups in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Setups.

Click the setup’s name to select it.

Click Delete.

When finished, click Save and Close.

Tip:  If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the deleted setup it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the setup is deleted from the calculation.


Add Multiple Setups to a Production Group

It is necessary to add several Setups in a Production Group for applying times or wastes of different setups based on different product characteristics or Engineering. For example, when a printer machine has a setup waste different from the standard setup waste for a paper that is thicker it is necessary to add one more Setup option taking in consideration only thicker papers

Tip: In order to be possible to add setups to the Production Group it is necessary to have recorded it previously.
This record can be accessed through the fast link when recording the Production Group.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Setups.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the setup option. A Production Group may have more than one setup time or waste.

Setup Machine Type

Type of machine setup used to organize the setup options. The setup type can be used for applying factors for reduction or increase of waste times, for example. For more information on types of setup, refer to “Add Machine Setup Types.” For more information on factors application, refer to “Add Factors in the Production Group".

Setup Repetition (minutes)

Time in minutes used in the calculation of the setup time per repetition in the Production Group, in the Engineering. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page signature, it has to be separated in 16 pages and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. If there is one set up for each plate that will be 4 plates per repetition (10 x 4 = 40 plates). Therefore, if you fill in this field with 5 minutes, the Engineering will calculate 5 x 40, adding up to 200 minutes in setup time.

Repetition Waste

Value used in the Engineering for calculating the setup waste per repetition in the Production Group. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page signature, it has to be separated in 16-pages signatures and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. If there is one set up for each plate that will be 4 plates per repetition (10 x 4 = 40 plates). Therefore, if you fill in this field with 10, the Engineering will calculate 10 x 40, adding up to 400 measurement units with setup. If the machine’s unit of measurement is prints/ hour, the waste will be 400 prints. For more information, refer to "Production Group Measuments Unit".

Fixed Setup (minutes)

Time in minutes used for calculating the fixed setup time for the Production Group in the Engineering. If a printing machine prints a 160-pages book block, it has to be printed in 16-pages signatures to fit the printer. This way the signature has to be repeated 10 times to complete 160 pages. When entering “5” in the Fixed Setup field the Engineering calculates only 5 minutes for setup time and does not multiplies this value by the number of repetitions.

Fixed Waste

Value considered for calculating the fixed setup waste for the Production Group in the Engineering. If a printing machine prints a 160-pages book block, it has to be printed in 16-pages to fit the printer. This way the signature has to be repeated 10 times to complete 160 pages. When entering "10" in the Fixed Waste field the Engineering calculates a setup waste of only 10 (machine’s unit of measurement). If the machine’s unit of measurement is prints/hour, the waste will be 10 prints. For more information, refer to “Production Group Units of Measurement.”

Applied only once

Situation for application of fixed times and wastes, which can be:

For all repetitions of the same process – indicates the system applies the fixed waste and time individually in the activity executed by the Production Group and in its repetitions. For example, if 2 handouts in the same Engineering have the same size, are produced in the same machines and its fixed waste and time are set as10 in the folding Production Group, the system will apply 10 both in the waste and in the time for each folding, even being the same activity and Production Group.

For all activities with the same Production Group – indicates the system divides the fixed waste and time in the activities with the same characteristics executed by the same Production Group. For example, if 2 handouts in the same Engineering have the same size, are produced in the same machines but have separated processes and its fixed waste and time are set as10 in the folding Production Group, the system will apply 5 for both time and waste for each folding, even being different processes.


Notes tab:

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows entering the additional information, if necessary.


Filters tab:

Go to the Conditions tab > Filters.

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the setup, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this setup to be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this setup to be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this setup to be selected.


In Conditions, click New.

Click on the first line Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “How to Add Filters in the Production Group.”

Click on the first line of the Filter Option field.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “How to Add Filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Setups option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.


Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add the appropriate setups.

Caution! The setup option are NOT mutually exclusive, that is, the system will use all the added cost items options having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the cost items options have a filter the system will all of them.

When finished, click Save and close.


Production Group Speeds

In the Speed tab is possible to link the speed tables that determine the Production Group speed. The speed table selected and the unit of measurement recorded in the Units tab, in the Speed section, Unit of Measurement field in the Production Group determines the machine speed. The default time unit used for calculating is hours. That is, if the unit for production is prints the speed will be in prints/ hours. For more information, refer to "Speed Tables."


Link Speed Table to the Production Group

Tip: In order to be possible to link a speed table to the Production Group it is necessary to have it previously recorded.
This record can be accessed through the fast link when recording the Production Group.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Speed.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows entering the appropriate name in order to better identify the speed tables when there are more than one speed tables linked to the same Production Group.

For example: speed for thick products.For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Speed Tables to a Production Group”.

Speed Table

Speed Table linked to the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Add Productive Tables.1T

Note: it is possible to add the Speed Table editing the Production Group.

Note: If there is only one activity type linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Speed Tables to a Production Group.”

When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Speed Table Linked to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Speed.

Edit the speed tables as needed. For more information, refer to “Link Speed Tables to the Production Group.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited table speed it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the speed table is modified.


Unlink Speed Table to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Speed.

Click to select the speed table to unlink.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked speed table it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the speed table is deleted.


Link Multiple Speed Tables to a Production Group

To link multiple speed tables to a Production Group is important when the Production Group have different speeds tables based on product characteristics such as having coated paper. In this case, there would be two options in the Speed tab, one with a filter determining the linked speed table should be used only when the paper is coated and the other with a speed table for the other products.

Tip: To make it possible to link a speed table to the Production Groups it is necessary to previously record the speed table. For more information, refer to “Add Productive Table”.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Speed.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows entering the appropriate name in order to better identify the speed tables when there are more than one speed tables linked to the same Production Group.

For example: speed for thick products.

Speed Table

Speed Table linked to the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Add Productive Tables.1T


Filters tab:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the speed table, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this speed table be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this speed table be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this speed table be selected.


In the Conditions area, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Speed option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.


Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add the appropriate speed tables.

Click the arrows up and down to move the speed tables to the appropriate position.

Caution! The speed table options are mutually exclusive, that is, from all the added speed tables, the system will use only the first one in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the speed table options have a filter the system will use the first option in the list.

Click Save and close.


Production Group Producing Waste

In the Producing Waste tab is possible to link the waste tables that determine the wastes applied to the Production Group. The Producing Waste uses only the waste during production and does not consider the waste produced during machine setup. For more information on machine setup waste, refer to “Production Group Setups.”

The waste table selected and the unit of measurement recorded in the Units tab, in the Control and Production section, Unit of Measurement field in the Production Group determines the producing waste. The producing waste can be calculated in prints, passes etc, according to what is defined in this field. For more information, refer to "Link Unit of Measurement to the Production Group.”


Link a Waste Table to the Production Group

Tip: In order to be possible to link a waste table to the Production Group it is necessary to have it previously recorded.
This record can be accessed through the fast link when recording the Production Group.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Producing Wastes.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows entering the appropriate name in order to better identify the waste tables when there are more than one waste tables linked to the same Production Group. For example: waste for thick products.

For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Waste Tables to a Production Group.”

Speed Table

Waste Table linked to the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Add Speed Tables.”

Note: If there is only one waste table linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Waste Tables to a Production Group.”

When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Waste Table Linked to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Producing Waste.

Click the waste option to edit it.

Edit the waste option as needed. For more information, refer to “Link WasteTable to the Production Group.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited waste table it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the waste table is modified.


Unlink the Waste Table from the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Producing Waste.

Click to select the waste table to unlink.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked waste table it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the waste table is modified.


Link Multiple Waste Tables to the Production Group

Multiple Waste Tables should be linked to a Production Group when the Production Group has different waste tables based on product characteristics such as when a product has coated paper. In this case, there would be two options in the Producing Waste tab, one with a filter determining the linked waste table should be used only when the paper is coated and the other with a waste table for the other products.

Tip: In order to be possible to link a waste table to the Production Group is necessary to have previously recorded it. For more information, refer to “Add Waste Table.”


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Producing Wastes.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows entering the appropriate name in order to better identify the waste tables when there are more than one waste tables linked to the same Production Group. For example: waste for thick products.

For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Waste Tables to a Production Group.”

Speed Table

Waste Table linked to the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Add Waste Tables.”


Filters tab:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the waste table, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this waste table be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this waste table be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this waste table be selected.

In Conditions, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Waste Table option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add the appropriate waste tables.

Click the arrows up and down to move the waste tables to the appropriate position.

Caution! The waste table options are mutually exclusive, that is, from all the added activity types, the system will use only the first one in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the waste table options have a filter the system will use the first option in the list.

Click Save and close.


Production Group Factors

In this tab it is possible to record the factors applicable to the initial Production Group speed, waste or setups for modifying those. For example, if a Production Group has only one Speed table (speed) and suffers a speed reduction of 10 % when printing on a glossy coated paper it is not necessary to create a new table to modify the Production Group speed. Just create a 10 %, reduction to be applied only on this speed condition.


Add Factor in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Factors.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Factor option’s name, for example: Glossy coated – 10 % speed.It is possible to add more than onefactor in each Production Group.

Waste Factor

Factor applied to the waste table selected in the Production Group. This field is automatically filled with 1.0 indicating the value selected in the waste table shall be multiplied by 1.0. Therefore, you shall enter 0.9 in this field for setting a 10 % reduction in the waste, and 1.1 for setting a 10 % increase.

Speed Factor

Factor applied to the speed table selected in the Production Group. This field is automatically filled with 1.0 indicating the value selected in the speed table shall be multiplied by 1.0. Therefore, you shall enter 0.9 in this field for setting a 10 % reduction in the speed, and 1.1 for setting a 10 % increase.


Setup Factor area:

Note: In order to be possible to add a setup factor to the Production Group is necessary to have previously recorded the machine setup. For more information, refer to “Add Machine Setup Types.”


On Setup Factor click New.

Complete the fields described below:



Machine setup Type

Type of machine setup in which the factor is applied.

Allows selecting the appropriate setup type clicking the arrow next to this field

Time Factor

Factor applied to the machine setup type selected in the Setups tab. The time factor is applied only in the Setup Repetition (minutes) and Fixed Setup (minutes) fields in the Setups tab. This field is automatically filled with 1.0 indicating the value selected in the times fields shall be multiplied by 1.0. Therefore, you shall enter 0.9 in this field for setting a 10 % reduction in the time, and 1.1 for setting a 10 % increase.

Allows entering the appropriate value.

Note: It is possible to edit only one option’s factor. For applying the factor only for speed, for example, simply enter the appropriate value in the field Speed Factor and keep the other factor fields with the default value 1,0.


On Filters in the Conditions tab:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the factors, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this factor to be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this factors to be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this factor to be selected.

In Conditions, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Factor option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Caution! The factor options are NOT mutually exclusive, that is, the system will use all the added factor options having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the factor options have a filter the system will all of them.


Click the Notes tab.

Enter information as needed in the Observations field.

When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Production Group Factors

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Factors.

Click the factor’s name to edit it.

Edit the factor as needed. For more information, refer to “Add Factor to the Production Group.”

When finished click OK.

Click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited factor it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the factor is modified.


Delete Factors from Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Factors.

Click the factor’s name to delete it.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the deleted factor it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the factor is deleted.


Production Group Units of Measurement

In the Units tab, it is possible to define the units of measurement used by the Production Group. The unit of measurement used depends on the type of machine and it is possible to record more than one unit for the same Production Group. For example, you can use prints for speed and kilograms for setup waste.

In the Control and Production area is possible to define the default unit used in the production module. If the fields in Speed and Setup Waste are not filled the system will use the default unit set in the Engineering for speed and setup waste. For more information, refer to “Add Unit of Measurement to the Production Group.” and “Add Setup Waste Unit to the Production Group”.


Link Production Group Units of Measurement

Tip: In order to be possible to link units to the Production Group it is necessary to have previously recorded it. For more information, refer to ”Add Units of Measurement”.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Units.


On Control and Production:

Complete the fields as described below:



Unit of Measurement

Unit that, when linked to the Production Group, defines the default unit for speed and wastes. For example, prints. For more information, refer to “Add Units of Measurement”.

Calculation Basis

Production Group calculation basis in the Engineering, which can be:

By output element – indicates the Engineering will consider the output elements as the quantity for this process. For example, if a guillotine cutter receives 10 large sheets and after the process there are 100 smaller sheets, those are the machine output elements. In this case the quantity for this process is 100.

By input element – indicates the Engineering will consider the input elements as the quantity for this process. For example, if a guillotine cutter receives 10 large sheets and after the process there are 100 smaller sheets, the large sheets are the machine input elements. In this case the quantity for this process is 10.

Default (measure by input) - it is similar to the Default option. The difference is that the system gets the information from the input component from the Unit of Measurement options, instead of the output component.


Displays the calculation coefficient for machines that need specific units for speed or production control. For example, a guillotine cutter uses “paper block” as unit and needs a thickness coefficient for the Engineering calculation specific for the printing process that differs from meters or millimeters. In this case the paper block is determined by its “height” (thickness). This way, when entering 400 in this coefficient this value will represent one “paper block”. The coefficient is multiplied by the selected unit of measurement.


Click Edit.

Complete the fields as described below:



Unit of Measurement

Unit that defines the default unit for speed and wastes when linked to the Production Group. It is possible to record more than one unit for the same Production Group, for example you can use prints (for speed) and kilograms (for waste). In the Speed area is possible to define the unit used in the speed tables. If the speed unit is not informed the Engineering will use the default unit defined for speed in the Production Group.For more information, refer to “Add Units of Measurement”.


Displays the calculation coefficient for machines that need specific units for speed or production control. For example, a guillotine cutter uses “paper block” as unit and needs a thickness coefficient for the Engineering calculation specific for the printing process that differs from meters or millimeters. In this case the paper block is determined by its “height” (thickness). This way, when entering 400 in this coefficient this value will represent one “paper block”. The coefficient is multiplied by the selected unit of measurement.


Click Confirm.


On Speed:

Complete the fields as described below:



Unit of Measurement

Unit previously linked to the Production Group. For example, prints. For more information, refer to “Add Units of Measurement”.

Calculation Basis

Production Group calculation basis in the Engineering, which can be:

By output element – indicates the Engineering will consider the output elements as the quantity for this process. For example, if a guillotine cutter receives 10 large sheets and after the process there are 100 smaller sheets, those are the machine output elements. In this case the quantity for this process is 100.

By input element – indicates the Engineering will consider the input elements as the quantity for this process. For example, if a guillotine cutter receives 10 large sheets and after the process there are 100 smaller sheets, the large sheets are the machine intput elements. In this case the quantity for this process is 10.


Displays the calculation coefficient for machines that need specific units for speed or production control. For example, a guillotine cutter uses “paper block” as unit and needs a thickness coefficient for the Engineering calculation specific for the printing process that differs from meters or millimeters. In this case the paper block is determined by its “height” (thickness). This way, when entering 400 in this coefficient this value will represent one “paper block”. The coefficient is multiplied by the selected unit of measurement.


Click Edit.

Complete the fields as described below:



Unit of Measurement

Unit linked to the Production Group. For example, prints. For more information, refer to “Add Units of Measurement”.


Displays the calculation coefficient for machines that need specific units for speed or production control. For example, a guillotine cutter uses “paper block” as unit and needs a thickness coefficient for the Engineering calculation specific for the printing process that differs from meters or millimeters. In this case the paper block is determined by its “height” (thickness). This way, when entering 400 in this coefficient this value will represent one “paper block”. The coefficient is multiplied by the selected unit of measurement.


On Setup Waste:

Complete the fields as described below:



Unit of Measurement

Unit that defines the default unit for speed and wastes when linked to the Production Group. It is possible to record more than one unit for the same Production Group, for example you can use prints (for speed) and kilograms (for waste). In the Speed area is possible to define the unit used in the speed tables. If the speed unit is not informed the Engineering will use the default unit defined for speed in the Production Group.For more information, refer to “Add Units of Measurement”.


8.Click Confirm.

9.When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Unit of Measurement Linked to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Units.

Edit the functionality as needed. For more information, refer to “Production Group Functionalities.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited unit of measurement it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the unit is updated.

Tip: The default unit of measurement it required and cannot be unlinked.


Unlink Unit of Measurement from the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Units.

Click to select the unit of measurement and erase it to unlink.

Click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked unit it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the unit is unlinked.

Tip: When the setup waste unit is unlinked the Engineering will use the default unit defined for waste.For more information, refer to “Link Unit of Measurement to the Production Group.”


Production Group Scopes

The scopes determine specific Production Group behaviors such as when it is not the Engineering first choice even being the cheapest (Alternative Scope). In the Scope record is possible to set multiple types of behaviors for the Production Group. For more information refer to “Scope”.


Link Scope to the Production Group

Tip: In order to be possible to link a scope to the Production Group it is necessary to have previously recorded it. For more information, refer to “Add Scopes”.
This record can be accessed through the fast link when recording the Production Group.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Units.

On the Scope area, click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Engineering Scope

Previously recorded scope that modifies standard behaviors for the Production Group to which it is linked in the Engineering. For more information, refer to “Add Scope”.

Allows selecting the appropriate scope.


Allows selecting the Scope situation. It can be:




For more information, refer to “Add Scope”.


Functionality to which the scope is applied. If no functionality is selected the scope will be applied for all the functionalities in the production group.


Identification number automatically generated by the system.

When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit the Production Group Scope

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Units.

Click the Scope area.

Edit the functionality as needed. For more information, refer to “Link Scope to the Production Group.”

When finished click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited scope it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the scope is updated.


Unlink Scope from the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Units.

On the Scope area, click the appropriate scope to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked scope it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the scope is unlinked.


Apply Filters in the Production Group Scope

It is possible to select characteristics and technical information from Engineering to indicate if a scope should or shouldn’t be applied in the Production Group. For example, apply the alternative scope only when a 4-color printing functionality is used and the substrate selected is coated paper. For more information, refer to “Add Scope”.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Units.

On the Scope area, click the appropriate scope to select it.

Click Filter.

Tip: In order to be possible to apply filters it is necessary the scope linked to the group have one of the functionalities selected in the Functionality field. If no functionality is linked to the scope it will not be possible to access the filter screen when clicking Filter. For more information, refer to “Link Scope to the Production Group.”

Double click the Filters area (in blue).

Execute the appropriate filter. For more information on how to create filters, refer to “Production Group Filters.”

When finished click Save and Close.


Production Group Filters

It is possible to create filters in the Production Group for selecting a speed table, a waste, a factor or a cost item, for example, based on engineering, product or even client information.

Those filters should be created only once, using the Filters tab. Once the filters were created, they can be used in all the Production Group tabs, except the Functionalities tab.


Add Filters to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Filters

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows entering the appropriate name. For example: “Color Filter”.


Indicates wether the filter should be available for use in theProduction Group tabs.

Click Notes.

Enter additional information, as needed.

Click OK.

In the Filter Options area, complete the fields described below:




Filter’s name within the selected Production Group. For example: “Spot Color”.

Click New and repeat step 9 for adding each filter option.

Tip: In order to delete an option click the tab where it was added and click Delete.

Click Notes.

Complete the fields described below:




Observations on the filter option.

Alert text

Alert displayed in the Engineering if the filter is manually selected. This alert appears when the filter is selected in an engineering activity budget and Job.

Click OK.

On the Conditions for Filter Selection area, click New.

On the Filter Conditions – Output Components area, double click Filter.

Add filters as needed. For more information on how to create customized filters, refer to “Add Filter Conditions”.

Click OK.

Tip: For adding more than one filter condition repeat steps from 12 to 14. In order to the filter to be true on of its conditions must be met.

Note: In order to delete a condition click the tab where it was added and click Delete.


Filter Conditions – Functionalities area:

Select the functionality filter only if it should be used when the Production Group functionality is selected in the Engineering.

It is also possible to access functionality’s technical information for creating the filter. For example, when selecting the Gathering functionality it is possible to filter the number of pockets that is technical information for this functionality.

Select the appropriate Functionality clicking the box next to its name.

Select the Functionality to which the filter will be applied.

Click Filters.

Double click the Filter area.

Create the filters as needed. For more information on how to create customized filters, refer to “Add Filter Conditions”.

Click OK.

Click OK again.

When finished, click Save and Close.

Tip: When selecting more than one functionality in the same filter option both functionalities shall be used in the Engineering so that the filter can be considered true. If the filter has to be considered ture when one functionality or the other is used in the Engineering, it is necessary to create another filter condition in the same option.


Edit Production Group Filters

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Filters.

Edit the filter as needed. For more information, refer to “Add Filters to the Production Group.”

When finished Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited filter it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the filter is updated.


Delete Production Group Filters

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Filters.

Click the filter to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the deleted filter it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the filter is deleted.


Production Group Custom Raw Material

The custom raw material should be created in order to calculate the consumption of a specifc material that is not in the system by default. For more information on the required settings for specifying custom raw materials, refer to “Custom Raw Material.”

When linking a raw material to a Production Group, it is possible to determine the material’s consumption calculation and also to determine rules for its selesction.


Link Custom Raw Materials to the Production Group

Tip: In order to be possible to link a custom raw material to the Production Group it is necessary that a Generic Engineering Component Typehave been previously recorded. For more information, refer to “Add Generic Engineering Component Types”.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Custom Raw Materials.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Engineering Component Type

Generic Engineering Component Type previously recorded that determines the generic material and its options. For more information on the Generic Engineering Component Type, refer to “Add Generic Engineering Component Type”.


Functionalities previously recorded in the Functionalities tab in the Production Group to which the custom raw material will be linked. When selecting a functionality the material is linked to it and will be considered into calculations only if the functionality is used in the Engineering. Besides that the material calculation is also based in this functionality information. For example, when informing the raw material is calculated based on cycles they can be calculated in this functionality in the Engineering.

In the blue area, click New.

Note: The custom material calculation options are displayed only if there is a functionality selected in the Fuctionality field.

Complete the fields as described below:



Qty by cycle

Value that represents the material consumption per cycle considered when a functionality linked to the material is selected in the Engineering. For example, is the value in this field is 2, for each 1000 functionality cycles, the material consumption is 2000.

Multiplication Fields

Fields used to find product or Engineering information, such as height, width, thickness, etc. This information can be multiplied by the value in the Qty by cycle field.

Sum Fields

Field for summing a value to the value in the Qty by cycle field.

Fixed Qty

Value that represents the fixed material consumption considered when a functionality linked to the material is selected in the Engineering. This value is counted only once per repetition.

Multiplication Fields

Fields used to find product or Engineering information, such as height, width, thickness, etc. This information can be multiplied by the value in the Fixed Qty field.

Sum Fields

Field for summing a value to the value in the Fixed Qty field.

Minimum Qty

Custom material consumption minimum value.The Engineering considers value set in this field for calculations if the actual consumed value is lower than it. For example, if 10 is set in this field and the actual material consumption is 2, the consumption considered by the Engineering will be 10. If the value calculated in the Engineering is higher than the minimum, the calculated value will be considered.


Raw Material area:

Complete the fields as described below:



Raw Material

Custom raw material option, previously recorded in the generic Engineering component type. For more information, refer to “Add Generic Engineering Component Types.” For example, if a glue custom raw material has 2 options (dimple glue and special glue) and the simple glue option is selected, every time this functionality is selected in the Engineering, the simple glue will be calculated.

Or based on product’s characteristic

Custom raw material option selected in the Estimate’s or Job’s product specification. Indicate in this field the specification characteristic considered for choosing the custom raw material option. For example, if a glue custom raw material has 2 options (dimple glue and special glue) and the special glue option is selected in the product specification, the special glue will be calculated.

Tip: The fields Raw Material and Or based on product’s characteristic are mutually exclusive, that is, when using one of the fields the other shall not be used.


Double click Filter.

Create filters as needed. For more information on how to create custom filters, refer to “Add Filter Conditions.”

Click OK.

When finished Save and Close.

Repeat steps from 6 to 10 to add each custom raw material of the same Engineering component type.

Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add each custom raw material of a different Engineering component type.


Edit Custom Raw Materials in the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Custom Raw Material.

Edit raw materials as needed. For more information, refer to “Link Custom Raw Materials to the Production Group.”

When finished Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited raw material it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the raw material is modified.


Unlink Raw Material from the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Custom Raw Material.

Click to select the material to unlink.

Click Save and Close.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked material it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the materials unlinked.


Production Group Additional Information

It is possible to record important information about the Production Group using an open field and link the Manufacturer with the Production Group and the Product Classification.


Add Production Group Additional Information

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click General.

Complete the fields as described below:



Allows Manual Engineering

Indicates if the Production Group can be manually added in the Engineering. When manually adding Product Groups in the Engineering many restrictions are dismissed, such as dependency rules between other groups, sizes and margins etc. This setting is not recommended for machine groups with great relevance in the Engineering, such as printers. For more information, refer to “Manualy Add Production Groups in the Engineering.”


Allows informing if the Production Group is a Template, that is, a machine model to be used as a parameter for creating machine groups in other systems.


Allows selecting the appropriate manufacturer. For more information, refer to "Manufacturers for the Production Groups.”


Allows selecting the appropriate classification. For more information, refer to “Production Group Classifications.”

Original Description

Original Production Group description, displayed only when the Production Group is imported from a Production Group library made available by EPS.

For more information, refer to “Import Production Group.”


Additional information about the Production Group.

When finished, click Save and Close.

Note: The manufacturer and the classification can be added by editing the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Quick Link.”


Production Group Output Options

Registering output options allows you to restrict the number of different elements that can be produced by a machine. This configuration is normally used on rotary printers, but it can be used on any machine.


Add Production Group Output Options

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Ouput options.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Output option’s name within the selected Production Group.

Number of different outputs

Number of different elements that can be produced in the machine. For example, if the machine produces 4 signatures with 4 pages each or 2 signatures with 8 pages each per cycle:

If the value in this field is 1, the machine can only produce signatures of the same element per cycle.

If the value in this field is 2, the machine can produce:

4 signatures with 4 pages each of the same element

4 signatures with 4 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of the same element

If the value in this field is 4, the machine can produce:

4 signatures with 4 pages each of the same element

4 signatures with 4 pages each of 4 different elements

4 signatures with 4 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of the same element

If this field is not filled, the Engineering will simulate any element output option and, if there are no restrictions, will choose the cheaper.


Edit Production Group Output Options

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click the Output Options.

Edit the output option as needed. For more information, refer to “Link a Planning Group to the Production Group.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the edited output option it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the output is updated.


Delete Production Group Output Options

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Output options.

Click the chosen output option to select it.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the deleted output option it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the output option is updated.


Link Multiple Output Options to the Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Output options.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Output option’s name.

Number of different outputs

Number of different elements that can be produced in the machine. For example, if the machine produces 4 signatures with 4 pages each or 2 signatures with 8 pages each per cycle:

If the value in this field is 1, the machine can only produce signatures with of the same element per cycle.

If the value in this field is 2, the machine can produce:

4 signatures with 4 pages each of the same element

4 signatures with 4 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of the same element

If the value in this field is 4, the machine can produce:

4 signatures with 4 pages each of the same element

4 signatures with 4 pages each of 4 different elements

4 signatures with 4 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of 2 different elements

2 signatures with 8 pages each of the same element

If this field is not filled the Engineering will simulate any element output option and, if there are no restrictions, will choose the cheaper.


Filters area:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the output options, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this planning group be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this planning group be selected.

All conditions must be met –indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this planning group be selected.

In the Conditions area, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the output option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add the appropriate output options.

Click the arrows up and down to move the output options to the appropriate position.

Caution! The output options are mutually exclusive, that is, from all the added output, the system will use only the first one in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the output options have a filter the system will use the first option in the list.

Click Save and close.


Production Group Planning

The iQuote Engineering, with its activity sequence and Production Groups, allows the system to be integrated with other planning systems. It is possible to integrate iQuote either with M3 Planner or with Printflow/ Foundation.

On the Planning tab it is possible to link the Planning Groups created in M3 Planner or to link the resources directly to the Production Group, if the iQuote is integrated with Printflow/ Foundation and not with M3 Planner.


Systems integrated with M3 Planner

If the iQuote is integrated with M3 Planner it will be necessary to create Planning Groups that can be linked to the Production Group. The resources that can be used by the Engineering for creating the production routes are allocated in the Planning Groups.

Link a Planning Group to the Production Group

Tip: In order to be possible to link a planning group to the Production Group it is necessary to have previously recorded it in the M3 Planner. For more information on the M3 Planner system, refer to its Help files.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning and then click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Planning Group

Name of the planning group linked to the Production Group, for use in the M3 Planner system. It is possible to link multiple planning groups to the same Production Group. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Planning Groups to a Production Group.” For more information on the M3 Planner system, refer to its Help files.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings does not have "Foundation" selected.

Note: If there is only one type of planning group linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Planning Groups to a Production Group.”

When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Planning Group linked to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning.

Edit the planning group as needed. For more information, refer to “Link a Planning Group to the Production Group.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the formerly linked planning group it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the planning group is updated.


Unlink a Planning Group from the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning.

Click to select the planning group to unlink.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked planning group it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the planning group is updated.


Link Multiple Planning Groups to a Production Group

Multiple Planning Groups should be linked to a Production Group when the Production Group represents multiple machines doing the same activity type, differing in some characteristics in order to improve the recording and Engineering calculations. The planning group is used for identifying those differences and heading the the planning.

For example, if two folding machines do the same types of foldings, except that only one of them do the double gate fold, the system could have only one Production Group for both of them called “Folding Machine”. The products with double gate fold will be send only to the machine that has this option. All the other products may be sent to both machines. Is only necessary to create a planning group for All folding types containing both machines and another one called Double gate folding only containing just the respective machine.

The Planning Groups should only be linked to the Production Groups if there is an integration with the M3 Planner system. For more information, refer to the M3 Planner Help files, on “Setting M3 Planner integration”.

Tip: In order to be possible to link the Planning Group to the Production Group it is necessary to have previously recorded it in the M3 Planner system. For more information on the M3 Planner system, refer to its Help files.


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:



Planning Group

Name of the planning group linked to the Production Group, for use in the M3 Planner system.

For more information on the M3 Planner system, refer to its Help files.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings does not have "Foundation" selected.


Filters area:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the planning group, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this planning group be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this planning group be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this planning group be selected.

In the Conditions area, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Activity type option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Repeat steps from 5 to 11 to add the appropriate planning groups.

Click the arrows up and down to move the planning group to the appropriate position.

Caution! The planing group options are mutually exclusive, that is, from all the added planning groups, the system will use only the first one in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed. If none of the planning group options have a filter the system will use the first option in the list.

Click Save and close.


Systems integrated with Printflow/ Foundation

If the iQuote system is integrated with Printflow/ Foundation the Planning Groups are not used. The resources are directly linked to the Production Group. It is required that at least one main resource be linked and secondary resources can be added as needed. Each resource secondary resource will generate a different production route in the Printflow, which simulates the best resource for planning an activity according to the machine’s availability.


Link a Resource to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning.

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows the user to select the resource to be added to the Production Group.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings has "Foundation" selected.

Setup factor

Factor that allows modifying the applied setup value. This field is automatically filled with 1.0 indicating the value selected in the setup table shall be multiplied by 1.0. Therefore, you shall enter 0.9 in this field for setting a 10 % reduction in the setup, and 1.1 for setting a 10 % increase.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings has "Foundation" selected.

Speed Factor

Factor that allows modifying the applied speed value. This field is automatically filled with 1.0 indicating the value selected in the speed table shall be multiplied by 1.0. Therefore, you shall enter 0.9 in this field for setting a 10 % reduction in the speed, and 1.1 for setting a 10 % increase.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings has "Foundation" selected.

Note: If there is only one type of planning group linked to the Production Group, there are no need to fill the fields in the windows Filters and Filter by Information Range. For more information, refer to “Link Multiple Resources to a Production Group.”


When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Resource linked to the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning.

Edit the resources as needed. For more information, refer to “Link a Resources to the Production Group.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the formerly linked resources it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the resources is updated.


Unlink a Resource from the Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning.

Click to select the planning group to unlink.

Click Delete.

Tip: If any Estimate or Job Engineering had already been calculated with the unlinked resource it will be necessary to calculate it again, so the resource is updated.


Link Multiple Resources to a Production Group

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Others.

Click Planning.

Click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Allows the user to select the resource to be added to the Production Group.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings has "Foundation" selected.

Setup factor

Factor that allows modifying the applied setup value. This field is automatically filled with 1.0 indicating the value selected in the setup table shall be multiplied by 1.0. Therefore, you shall enter 0.9 in this field for setting a 10 % reduction in the setup, and 1.1 for setting a 10 % increase.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings has "Foundation" selected.

Speed Factor

Factor that allows modifying the applied speed value. This field is automatically filled with 1.0 indicating the value selected in the speed table shall be multiplied by 1.0. Therefore, you shall enter 0.9 in this field for setting a 10 % reduction in the speed, and 1.1 for setting a 10 % increase.

This field is available only if the MIS Integration field from the General Settings has "Foundation" selected.


Filters area:

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the resource, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this resource be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this resource be selected.

All conditions must be met –indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this resource be selected.

In the Conditions area, click New.

Click the first line in the Filter field.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line on the field Filter Option.

Click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate option. For more information, refer to Add filters in the Production Group.”


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Activity type option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Repeat steps from 5 to 11 to add the appropriate resources.

Click Save and close.


Helper Resources

You can link a Helper Resource to the Production Group, so that its time is taken into consideration.

Go to Planning > Record > Planner > Resource Record.

Select the record that you want to mark as a helper and click to Edit it.

Select the Helper checkbox and Save.

Note: Once you relate a Helper Resource with a Production Group, you cannot deselect the Helper checkbox.

Go to Sales > Records > iQuote> Engineering > Production Group.

Select a record and click to Edit it. Open the Costs tab.

Create a new Cost Item line or click to edit an existing one.

On the Helper Resource column, select one of the available resources.

If you have an integration with Foundation and there is a Job that uses a Production Group with a related Helper Resource, the system sends a new Operation node in the job integration with the total time of the process.


Edit Production Groups

The Production Group has two editing screens: the Simplified Settings screen and the Advanced Settings screen.

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to edit simplified settings in the Production Group:



Edit Production Group Simplified Settings

The Production Group Simplified Settings screen allows editing basic information such as speed and waste. This screen should be used when there is no access to the Advanced Settings screen. If any Production Group’s technical information is not available for editing it is possible to add more fields through publication. For more information, refer to “Add Technical Fields in the Production Group’s Simplified Settings.”


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit. The following screen will open:

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, refer to Basic Navigation

Complete the fields as described below:




Production Group identification code, with up to 15 alphanumeric characters. This code can be edited in the main Production Group edition screen.


Production Group name, displayed in the Engineering. Allows entering the appropriate name. This name can be edited in the main Production Group edition screen.


Enable this option if the Production Group should be available for calculation in the Engineering.

Allows Manual Engineering

Indicates if the Production Group can be manually added in the Engineering. For more information, refer to “Manually Add Production Groups in the Engineering.”

Select this option only if the Production Group should be manually added in the Engineering. Machine groups essential to the Engineering, such as printers, should not have this option selected.


Production Group Type, which can be:

Manual – indicates the Production Group is not composed of machines, but it is a group of factory workers. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Transformation Cost Table.

Machinery – indicates the Production Group is composed by machines. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as a Transformation Cost

Outsourced –indicates the Production Group is an outsourcing provider. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as an Outsourcing Cost. For more information refer to “Edit Outsourcing Costs”;


Industrial building space to which the Production Group belongs. This group can be used only if there is no plant defined in the in the Estimate or in the Job. For more information, refer to “Plants.”


Name of the Production Group manufacturer. For more information, refer to “Production Group Manufacturers.”


Production Group classification name. For more information, refer to “Production Group Classification.”


Setups – (Time and wastes during setup) area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the setup option linked to the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Add setup in the Production Group”.

Setup Machine Type

Type of machine setup used to organize the setup options. For more information on types of setup, refer to “Add Machine Setup Types.”

The type of setup can be edited only through the Advanced Settings screen in the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Add setup in the Production Group.”

Fixed Setup Time

Time in minutes used for calculating the fixed setup time for the Production Group in the Engineering. If a printing machine prints a 160-pages book block, it has to be printed in 16-pages signatures to fit the printer. This way the signature has to be repeated 10 times to complete 160 pages. When entering “5” in the Fixed Setup field the Engineering calculates only 5 minutes for setup time and does not multiplies this value by the number of repetitions.

Setup Repetition Time

Time in minutes used in the calculation of the setup time per repetition in the Production Group, in the Engineering. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page book block, it has to be separated in 16-page signatures and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. Therefore, if you fill in this field with 5 minutes, the Engineering will calculate 5 x 10, adding up to 50 minutes in setup time.

Fixed Waste (1st impression)

Value considered for calculating the fixed setup waste for the Production Group in the Engineering. If a printing machine prints a 160-pages book block, it has to be printed in 16-page signatures to fit the printer. This way the signature has to be repeated 10 times to complete 160 pages. When entering "10" in the Fixed Waste field the Engineering calculates a setup waste of only 10 (machine’s unit of measurement). If the machine’s unit of measurement is prints/hour, the waste will be 10 prints. For more information, refer to “Production Group Units of Measurement.”

Waste per Repetition (all impressions)

Value used in the Engineering for calculating the setup waste per repetition in the Production Group. In order to a printer to be able to print a 160-page book block, it has to be separated in 16-page signatures and repeated 10 times, to fit in the printer. This way the signature has to be repeated 10 times to complete 160 pages. Therefore, if you fill in this field with 10, the Engineering will calculate 10 x 10 repetitions, adding up to 100 measurement units with setup. If the machine’s unit of measurement is prints/hour, the waste will be 100 prints. For more information, refer to “Production Group Measurements Units.

Tip: It is possible to add new setups (setup time and waste) only through the Production Group Advanced Settings. For more information, refer to “Add Setups in the Production Group”.


Setup Factors – (Adjustments in setup time) area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the factor option. A Production Group may have more than one factor. For more information, refer to “Add factors through the Production Group Simplified Settings.”

Setup Machine Type

Type of machine setup to which the factor should be applied considering the machine setup types selected in the Setups – (Time and waste during the setup) area.


Factor value applied in the machine setup type selected in the Setups – (Time and waste during the setup). The time factor should be applied only to the Repetition Setup (minutes) and Fixed Setup (minutes) fields. For more information, refer to “Add factors through the Production Group Simplified Settings.”


Displays a brief description of the applied factor. For example, if the Factor field is filled with 0.5 and the Production Group is saved, when opening the Production Group Simplified Settings again this field will display the information “50 % reduction”. The same way, if it is filled with 2 the displayed information will be “100 % increase”.


Speeds area:

Complete the fields as described below:



Interpolate speeds

Allows determining if the speed table should interpolate its speeds, that is, if a speed corresponding to intermediate values in the scale of production should or not be calculated as follows:

Where x is the speed to be applied.


Taking in consideration the following table...

Scale of Production


Starting at









...if the value calculated by the Engineering is 500 machine cycles, the calculation will be:

where x = 7500


If this option is not enabled, the table will not interpolate the speeds. Considering the same speed table above, if the quantity calculated in the machine cycle is 500, the speed will be 8000. If the quantity calculated in the cycle is 10, the speed will also be 8000. This way all quantities calculated in the machine cycle in the same range in the scale of production have the same speed.

Tip: Under the Interpolate Speeds field is displayed an interpolation calculation example based on the speeds applied in the standard table.

In the Default area, inside the Speed area, click New.

Tip: The Standard area represents a speed table and will always be available to be filled. For more information on adding more speed tables, refer to “Add Speed Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen.”

Complete the fields as described below:



Starting at

List of ranges for quantities produced in the machine that indicate the speed to be used. Enter the values considering the criteria “Starting at”, that is, using the following table as an example, starting at 1 (quantity) the speed applied will be 8000. Starting at 1000 the speed applied will be 7000 and so on. This value can vary if the option Interpolate Speeds is enabled.


Scale of Production


Starting at











Speed value applied to the Engineering, according to the scale of production. If the option Interpolate Wastes is enabled this speed can vary according to the scale of production.


Displays the speed unit of measurement linked to the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Production Group Unit of Measurement.”

Minimum Time

Minimum time in minutes applied ti the speed linked to the Production Group. If the time calculated according to the table for the machine cycles is shorter than the minimum time, the minimum time is considered for calculating the cost/ hour.

Additional Time

Allows adding extra time to the time calculated with the speed value. Considering the machine need to print 1000 products and it has a 1000 cycles/ hour speed it will be necessary 1 hour top print all products. If this field is filled with 10 minutes you will have total 10h10 to print 1000 cycles, therefore the machine will have less cycles in 1 hour.


Speed Factors area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the factor option linked to the Production Group. If no factor is linked it will be necessary to create an option. For more information, refer to “Add Factors Through the Production Group Simplified Settings.”


Factor applied to the speed table. For example, enter 0.9 in this field for applying a 10 % reduction to the repetition setup time. And enter 1.1 for applying a 10 % increase to the repetition setup.


Displays a brief description of the applied factor. For example, if the Factor field is filled with 0.5 and the Production Group is saved, when opening the Production Group Simplified Settings again this field will display the information “50 % reduction”. The same way, if it is filled with 2 the displayed information will be “100 % increase”.


Running Waste area:

Complete the fields as described below:



Interpolate speeds

Allows determining if the waste table should interpolate its wastes, that is, if a speed corresponding to intermediate values in the scale of production should or not be calculated as follows:

Where x is the % to be applied.


Taking in consideration the following table...

Scale of Production

% Waste

Starting at


10 %


8 %


6 %


5 %


...if the value calculated by the Engineering is 500 machine cycles, the calculation will be:

where x = 0,09 or 9 % waste


When this option is disabled the table does not interpolate the wastes. Considering the same speed table above, if the quantity calculated in the machine cycle is 500, the running waste will be 10 %. If the quantity calculated in the cycle is 10, the waste percentage will also be 10 %. This way all quantities calculated in the machine cycle in the same range in the scale of production have the same speed.

Tip: Under the Interpolate Wastes field is displayed an interpolation calculation example based on the wastes applied in the standard table.

In the Default area, inside the Speed area, click New.

Tip: The Standard area represents a waste table and will always be available to be filled. For more information on adding more waste tables, refer to “Add Waste Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen.”

Complete the fields as described below:



Starting at

List of ranges for quantities produced in the machine that indicate the speed to be used. Enter the values considering the criteria “Starting at”, that is, using the following table as an example, starting at 1 (quantity) the speed applied will be 8000. Starting at 1000 the speed applied will be 7000 and so on. This value can vary if the option Interpolate Speeds is enabled.

Scale of Production


Starting at









% Running

Waste percentage applied to the Engineering, according to the scale of production. This percentage may vary if the Interpolate Waste option is enabled.

% Reservation

Percentage applied in the scale of production to raise the number of machine cycles, adding the reservation percentage selected in the scale of production to the cycles of “good” products. This percentage will not be applied on further activities, that is, if the product’s press run is 1000 it will be 1000 in all processes, except in the groups where a 10 % reservation was set in the waste table, in which cases the press run will be 1100 good products.


Waste Factors area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the factor option linked to the Production Group. If no factor is linked it will be necessary to create an option. For more information, refer to “Add Factors Through the Production Group Simplified Settings.”


Factor applied to the waste table.

For example, enter 0.9 in this field for applying a 10 % reduction to the repetition setup time. And enter 1.1 for applying a 10 % increase to the repetition setup.


Displays a brief description of the applied factor. For example, if the Factor field is filled with 0.5 and the Production Group is saved, when opening the Production Group Simplified Settings again this field will display the information “50 % reduction”. The same way, if it is filled with 2 the displayed information will be “100 % increase”.


Add Speed Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

The Speed Tables may be added using the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. When creating a new speed table it is displayed in the Production Group Simplified Settings and in the Advanced Settings screen.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Speeds and Create Speed:

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, refer to “Standard toolbar.”

Complete the fields as described below:




Speed option name. For example: speed for thick products.

There can be more than one speed table in the same Production Group.


Conditions area:

On Conditions, click New.

Click the first line in the Attribute field.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field for selecting the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add Filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line in the field Value for The Attribute.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field for selecting the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add Filters in the Production Group.”

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the speed table, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this speed table to be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this speed table to be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this speed table to be selected.

Tip: It is possible to add new setups (setup time and waste) only through the Production Group Advanced Settings. For more information, refer to “Add Setups in the Production Group”.


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Speed Table option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, refer to “Standard toolbar.”

On Speed Tables click New.

Tip: On the Speed Tables area the recorded speeds grid will be displayed in the default speed table.

Complete the fields as described below:



Starting at

Enable this option if this speed table should interpolate its speeds. Enter the values considering the criteria “Starting at”, that is, using the following table as an example, starting at 1 (quantity) the speed applied will be 8000. Starting at 1000 the speed applied will be 7000 and so on. This value can vary if the option Interpolate Speeds is enabled.

Scale of Production


Starting at










Speed value applied to the Engineering, according to the scale of production. If the option Interpolate Wastes is enabled this speed can vary according to the scale of production.


Displays the speed unit of measurement linked to the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Production Group Unit of Measurement.”

Minimum Time

Minimum time applied ti the speed linked to the Production Group. The machine speed is calculated based on the table.

The system will use the minimum time set for the cost/ hour calculation for machines using speed tables with a minimum time recorded. When the production activity is repeated in the Engineering, the minimum time will be applied for each repetition.

Additional Time

Allows adding extra time to the time calculated with the speed value. Considering the machine needs to print 1000 products and it has a 1000 cycles/ hour speed it will be necessary 1 hour to print all products. If this field is filled with 10 the total time will be 10h10 to print 1000 cycles, therefore the machine will have less cycles in 1 hour.

Repeat steps from 5 to 11 to add the appropriate speeds.

Click the arrows up and down to move the speeds to the appropriate position.

Caution! The speed table options are mutually exclusive, that is, from all the added speed tables, the system will use only the first one in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed.

When finished, click Save and close.

Tip: After adding the speed table its values can be edited through the main Group Production Simplified Settings screen. For editing the description or the selection conditions it is required to click on Speeds. For more information, refer to “Add Speed Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen.”


Edit Speed Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

The Speed Table values can be edited in the speed grid in the main Production Group Simplified Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Edit Simplified Settings in the Production Group”.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Speeds.

Edit the speed as needed. For more information, refer to “Add Speed Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: It is not possible to edit the description and filter descriptions for the speed table through the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. In order to edit those information access the Production Group Advanced Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Link a Speed Table to the Production Group.”


Delete Speed Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Speeds.

Click the chosen speed option to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm this action.

Tip: It is not possible to delete a default speed table through the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. In order to delete it acess the Production Group Advanced Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Unlink a Speed Table from the Production Group.”


Add Waste Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

The Running Waste Tables may be added using the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. When creating a new waste table it is displayed in the Production Group Simplified Settings and in the Advanced Settings screen.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Wastes and Create Makeready Waste.

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, refer to “Standard toolbar.”


Complete the fields as described below:




Waste option name. For example: waste for thick products.

There can be more than one speed table in the same Production Group.


Conditions area:

Filters for selecting a table. The displayed filter options should be previously recorded through the Production Group Advanced Settings. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”


On Conditions, click New.

Click the first line in the Attribute field.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field for selecting the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add Filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line in the field Value for The Attribute.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field for selecting the appropriate option.

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the waste table, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this waste table to be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this waste table to be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this waste table to be selected.


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Waste Table option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Tip: There must be at least one condition per waste table option. If no condition is selected the system is going to show a message when the inclusion is confirmed.

On Waste Tables click New.

Tip: On the Waste Tables area the recorded wastes grid will be displayed in the default waste table.

Complete the fields as described below:



Starting at

Enable this option if this speed table should interpolate its speeds. Enter the values considering the criteria “Starting at”, that is, using the following table as an example, starting at 1 (quantity) the waste applied will be 10 %. Starting at 1000 the waste applied will be 8 % and so on. This value can vary if the option Interpolate Wastes is enabled.


Scale of Production


Starting at


10 %


8 %


6 %


5 %


% Running

Waste percentage applied to the Engineering, according to the scale of production. This percentage may vary if the Interpolate Waste option is enabled.

% Reservation

Percentage applied in the scale of production to raise the number of machine cycles, adding the reservation percentage selected in the scale of production to the cycles of “good” products. This percentage will not be applied on further activities, that is, if the product’s press run is 1000 it will be 1000 in all processes, except in the groups where a 10 % reservation was set in the waste table, in which cases the press runwill be 1100 good products.

Repeat steps from 5 to 11 to add the appropriate waste tables.

Click the arrows up and down to move the waste tables to the appropriate position.

Caution! The waste table options are mutually exclusive, that is, from all the added speed tables, the system will use only the first one in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed.

When finished, click Confirm.

Tip: After adding the waste table, its values can be edited through the main Group Production Simplified Settings screen. For editing the description or the selection conditions it is required to click on Wastes. For more information, refer to “Add Waste Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen.”


Edit Waste Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

The Waste Table values can be edited in the waste grid in the main Production Group Simplified Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Edit Simplified Settings in the Production Group”.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Wastes.

Edit the waste table as needed. For more information, refer to “Add Waste Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: It is not possible to edit a default waste table through the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. In order to edit it acess the Production Group Advanced Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Link a Waste Table from the Production Group.”


Delete Waste Tables through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Wastes.

Click the chosen waste table option to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm this action.

Tip: It is not possible to delete a default waste table through the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. In order to delete it acess the Production Group Advanced Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Unlink a Waste Table from the Production Group.”


Add Factors through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

The Factors applied to the speeds, setups and running wastes may be added through the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. When creating a new factor it is displayed in the Production Group Simplified Settings and in the Advanced Settings screen.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Factors and New.

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, refer to “Standard toolbar.”

Complete the fields as described below:




Factor option name. For example: Glossy coated – 10% speed.

There can be more than one factor in the same Production Group.


Conditions area:

Filters for selecting a factor. The displayed filter options should be previously recorded through the Production Group Advanced Settings. For more information, refer to “Add filters in the Production Group.”

On Conditions, click New.

Click the first line in the Attribute field.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field for selecting the appropriate option. For more information, refer to “Add Filters in the Production Group.”

Click the first line in the field Value for The Attribute.

Click the arrow next to the box in this field for selecting the appropriate option.

Complete the fields as described below:



How to validate the conditions

Conditions for selecting the factors, which can be:

No condition must be met – indicates none of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this factors to be selected.

At least one condition must be met – indicates at least one of the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this factors to be selected.

All conditions must be met – indicates all the attributes and values linked in the Conditions area should be met in order to this factors to be selected.


Filter by Information Range area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Variable value for selecting the Factors option. It represents a Product Engineering technical characteristic such as coverage %, height, thickness, etc. or a generic characteristic informed in the specification characteristics. For more information, refer to “Add Specification Characteristic Types” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

The Engineering considers the values in the fields Values between… and… for validating the selected characteristic.

Value between… and…

Range for integer values that can be used for comparison with the information set in the Variable field.

Tip: There must be at least one condition per factor option. If no condition is selected the system is going to show a message when the inclusion is confirmed.


Factor area:

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the Production Group items in which the factor is applied. Which can be:

Speed – Allows applying an adjustment factor to the speed tables.

Waste – Allows applying an adjustment factor to the waste tables.

Setup Time – Allows applying a time factor to the setup types linked to the Production Group. If the appropriate machine setup type is not listed it will be necessary to record it through the Production Group advanced settings. For more information, refer to “Add Setups in the Production Group.”


Factor value applied to the speed, setups or running waste linked to the Production Group. For example, enter 0.9 in this field for applying a 10 % reduction. And enter 1.1 for applying a 10 % increase.


Displays a brief description of the applied factor. For example, if the Factor field is filled with 0.5 and the Production Group is saved, when opening the Production Group Simplified Settings again this field will display the information “50 % reduction”. The same way, if it is filled with 2 the displayed information will be “100 % increase”.

11.Repeat steps from 5 to 10 to add the appropriate factors.

Caution! The factor options are NOT mutually exclusive, that is, system will use all the factors in the list having a filter condition that is obeyed.

When finished, click Confirm.


Edit Factors through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

The Factors can be edited in the speed, setup and waste areas in the main Production Group Simplified Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Edit Simplified Settings in the Production Group”.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Factors.

Edit the factors as needed. For more information, refer to “Add Factors through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen.”

When finished click Save.

Tip: It is not possible to edit the description and filter descriptions for the factors that were not created through the Production Group Advanced Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Add a Factor to the Production Group.”


Delete Factors Through the Production Group Simplified Settings Screen

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Edit.

Click Factors.

Click the chosen option to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm this action.

Tip: It is not possible to delete the description and filter descriptions for the factors that were not created through the Production Group Advanced Settings screen. For deleting this factors it is required to access the Production Group Advanced Settings. For more information, refer to “Add Factors to the Production Group.”


Add Technical Fields in the Production Group Simplified Settings

In the Production Group Simplified Settings screen is possible to add fields with functionalities technical informations, for viewing and editing without needing to access the Production Group Advanced Settings screen, such as margins, machine settings, etc.

Tip: To make it possible to add technical fields in the Production Groups simplified settings it is necessary to previously record the publications. For more information refer to “Production Group Technical Publication.”


In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the appropriate Functionality to add technical fields.

In Publications click the arrow next to the box and select the appropriate publication. Fore more information on how to add publications, refer to “Add Technical Publications to the Production Group.”

When finished, click Save and Close.

Tip: In the publication record is possible to define if a field should or shouldn't be available for edition more than once through the Simplified Settings screen when there are multiple functionalities recorded in the same Production Group sing the same field. For more information, refer to “Add Technical Publications in the Production Group.”


Delete Technical Fields from the Production Group Simplified Settings

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click the appropriate Functionality to add technical fields.

In Publications select the appropriate publications, erase the text in this field and press tab to exit it.

When finished, click Save and Close.


Edit Advanced Settings in the Production Group

The Production Group advanced settings allows accessing all the group’s technical information that are highly important for the appropriate Engineering operation. For this reason, it is necessary to know all the functionalities and its relations and settings and to have in mind improper editions can result in calculation errors, that can even interrupt the Engineering while it is working in the Estimate and the Job.

It is possible to make simple adjustments in the Production Group (such as changing speeds, wastes, etc.) through the Production Group Simplified Settings screen. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group Simplified Settings”.

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to edit the Advanced Settings in the Production Group:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Advanced Settings.

Edit the Advanced Settings as needed. For more information, refer to “Add Production Groups.”

When finished click Save.


Delete Production Groups

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the Production Group exclusion.

Note: If the selected Production Group is used the system will show a message informing it can not be deleted.


Activate Production Groups

In order to the Production Group functions to be used in the Engineering, the Production Group must be active. When activating it the functionalities will be available, if they are required for the production routes. When a Production Group is mistakenly activated and selected for the calculation, inappropriate Engineering routes might be created, influencing the selection of other groups that otherwise would not be considered.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Activate.

Note: For activating multiple Production Groups simultaneously, keep the Ctrl key pressed and click the appropriate groups for selecting them.

Tip: The Production Group can also be activated through the Production Group Advanced Settings. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group Advanced Settings.”


Deactivate Production Groups

In order to the Production Group functions to be used in the Engineering, the Production Group must be active. When activating it the functionalities will be available, if they are required for the production routes. The same way when a Production Group is deactivated, this will not be considered by the Engineering anymore.

Therefore, a group should not be deactivated unless it is certain it should not be available in the Engineering. When a Production Group is mistakenly deactivated calculation erros may occur and the Engineering may stop working in the Estimate and the Job.

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Production Group.

Click Deactivate.

Tip: For activating multiple Production Groups simultaneously, keep the Ctrl key pressed and click the appropriate groups for selecting them.

Tip: The Production Group can also be deactivated through the Production Group Advanced Settings. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group Advanced Settings.”


Import Production Groups

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click Import.

Note: Select Reload Libs so that the system will update new libs included since the last acess.

Tip: This screen will show to where the files containing the Product Group information are going to be imported. The default filesare made available during the system version update. For importing informations from a Production Group from other ambient, it is necessary to first export the appropriate Production Group information, using the Export function. For more information, refer to “Export Production Groups.”

Click the green arrow to continue with the importation. The following screen will open:

Wait until all Production Groups that can be imported are displayed.

Select the appropriate Production Groups by clicking the check box next to it.

Tip: For selecting multiple Production Groups and simultaneously importing them, click Select All, in the grid’s first column.

Complete the fields as described below:




Displays the code of the imported Production Group.


Displays the name of the imported Production Group.

Production Group Type

Displays the Production Group Type classification, which could be:

Manual – indicates the Production Group is not composed of machines, but it is a group of factory workers. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as a Transformation Cost. For more information, refer to “Edit Transformation Costs”;

Machinery – indicates the Production Group is composed by machines. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as a Transformation Cost. For more information refer to “Edit Transformation Costs”;

Outsourced – indicates the Production Group is an outsourcing provider. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as a Outsourcing Cost. For more information refer to “Edit Outsourcing Costs”;

New code

By default, this field is filled with the original imported Production Group code. If there are already another Production Group with this same code it will be necessary to change it. The code can be edited after importing the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group.”

New description

By default, this field is filled with the original imported Production Group name. If there are already another Production Group with this same description it will be necessary to change it. The name can be edited after importing the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group.”

Production Group Type

Type of classification of the production group. It can be:




Once the Production Group Type is selected it can not be edited anymore. Besides that it can be viewed when editing the Production Group.


When finished, click Confirm importing.


Export Production Groups

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the Production Group to be exported. For selecting multiple Production Groups press and hold Shift and select the appropriate groups.

Click Export. The following window will open:

Complete the fields as described below:




Path where the files containing the selected groups information are saved. By default this field is filled with the same path used for the default production Groups, created during the system version update.


Displays the code of the exported Production Group.


Displays the name of the exported Production Group.

Production Group Type

Displays the Production Group Type classification, which could be:

Manual – indicates the Production Group is not composed of machines, but it is a group of factory workers. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as a Transformation Cost. For more information, refer to “Edit Transformation Costs”;

Machinery – indicates the Production Group is composed by machines. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as a Transformation Cost. For more information refer to “Edit Transformation Costs”;

Outsourced – indicates the Production Group is an outsourcing provider. When this option is selected the Production Group’s cost per hour shall be informed in the Cost Table as a Outsourcing Cost. For more information refer to “Edit Outsourcing Costs”;

New code

New Production Group’s code. By deafult, this field is filled with the original exported Production Group code. If there are already another Production Group with this same code it will be necessary to change it. The code can be edited after exported the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group.”

New description

New Production Group’s name. By deafult, this field is filled with the original imported Production Group name. If there are already another Production Group with this same description it will be necessary to change it. The name can be edited after importing the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group.”

Production Group Type

Type of classification of the production group. It can be:




Once the Production Group Type is selected it can not be edited anymore. Besides that it can be viewed when editing the Production Group.

When finished, click Confirm.


Copy Production Groups

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the appropriate Production Group.

Click Copy. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields as described below:



New code

By default, this field is filled with the original Production Group code. The user is required to change this code since there can not be two groups with the same code in the system. The code can be edited after copying the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group.”

New description

By default, this field is filled with the original Production Group name. The user is required to change this name since there can not be two groups with the same name in the system. The name can be edited after importing the Production Group. For more information, refer to “Edit Production Group.”


When finished, click Confirm.