
The engineering scope is a system’s resource for structuring sets of production groups and functions and creating rules for the interactions between them. The scope defines the range of options that the Engineering will take in consideration when creating a production route. By properly defining the different sets (scopes) and their behavior the user can guarantee the routes generated by the Engineering comply with specific restrictions, such as the segregation of a production group or the division of plants, etc.

It is possible to link an Engineering Scope to a Production Group. For more information refer to “Production Group Scopes”.

The user is required to have enabled the following access options, for editing Engineering Scopes:



Information on the Engineering Scope Window

Go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Scope

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard toolbar” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on adding or editing search features refer to "Searching” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on how to add other information in columns, refer to "Views" in Basic Navigation.


Add Engineering Scope

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Scope or enter "Scope" in the Quick Search field

Click Add. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields as described below:




Identification code created by the user.


Name for easy identification.


It allows the user to define the scope as alternative or not and, if alternative, its priority level in the production route:


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


It indicates if the scope will be available to be used in the Engineering.

Tip: When defining a scope as alternative the system will avoid selecting the production groups linked to this scope to create the engineering route, even if this production group is the cheapest option. Alternative scopes can be enabled manually or will be used by Engineering when no other scope can be selected.


Members tab:

On the Production Group area, complete the fields as described below:



Production Group

Allows the user to specify which Production Groups will be added to this scope.


Allows defining which functionality, in a Production Group, will be added to this scope.

This field is not mandatory. If a functionality is defined in this field the rules set for this scope will apply only to this functionality and not to the whole Production Group.


Defines the behavior between the scope members:

Normal – Just groups the machinery, scopes or functionalities without setting any specific relationship between them.

Follower – Creates a link, indicating that a member should only be considered by the Engineering if another member is activated and must be allocated necessarily after the other one in the production route.

Exclusive – Creates a relationship of exclusion, indicating that a particular machine, functionality or scope can not be used with another one.


Identification code created automatically by the system.


On the Functionalities area, complete the fields as described below:



Production Group

Allows the user to specify which functionalities will be added to this scope.


Defines the behavior between the scope members:

Normal – Just groups the machinery, scopes or functionalities without setting any specific relationship between them.

Follower – Creates a link, indicating that a member should only be considered by the Engineering if another member is activated and must be allocated necessarily after the other one in the production route.

Exclusive – Creates a relationship of exclusion, indicating that a particular machine, functionality or scope can not be used with another one.


Identification code created automatically by the system.


On the Scopes area, complete the fields as described below:



Production Group

Allows the user to specify which scopes will be added to this scope.


Defines the behavior between the scope members:

Normal – Just groups the machinery, scopes or functionalities without setting any specific relationship between them.

Follower – Creates a link, indicating that a member should only be considered by the Engineering if another member is activated and must be allocated necessarily after the other one in the production route.

Exclusive – Creates a relationship of exclusion, indicating that a particular machine, functionality or scope can not be used with another one.


Identification code created automatically by the system.

Note: On the Production Group and Functionalities areas use the Filter button for setting requirements for activating the scope, such as a specific customer or format.

Note: Members added on any of those three areas will relate among each other, even if they are in different cetegories.


Repeat steps from 3 to 5 for including the appropriate members to this scope.

Example 1: To set a segregated area in the system and define a product done in this area can not go through the rest of the plant it is possible to create a scope with the segregated area machinery set and a scope containing all the other machines in the plant, the Printshop A.

Since in this case the goal is to just group all the machines in one set, without interfering in the relationship between them, the behaviors must be defined as Normal for each production group added in both scopes:

Finally, the user creates the “Scope Segregation” containing the “Segregated area” and the “Printshop A” scopes. In this scope it is defined that the behavior between its members is Exclusive. That is, the machines in the “Segregated area” scope can not be used on the same production route as the machines in the “Printshop A” scope.

Example 2: To define in the system that a particular cutter is used only when the material is produced in a specific printer the user can create a scope with the two machines, in which the cutter is set with a Follower behavior:

In the Propagation tab the user can check the Spreads checkbox to define this scope will be propagated, that is if rules of this scope will be applied along the other production route steps.

Note: This feature is linked to the Engineering Component belonging to the Production Group in which the scope is created. When the propagation is enabled the system applies the scope rules to all the production route, including other Engineering Components.

To set the propagation check Spread, click New and complete the fields as described below:



Engineering Component Type

Allows the user to specify to which Engineering Component the scope will be spread.

While it contains one of the characteristics

Allow the user to define the spread will be maintained as long as a particular characteristic is present.

In the Documentation tab, in the Observations field, the user can add the relevant information about the scope.

Click Save.

Repeat steps from 2 to 10 for including the appropriate scopes.


Edit Engineering Scope

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Scope or enter "Scope" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Engineering Scope to select it.

Click Edit.

Edit as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to “Add Estimate Test Case Groups.”

When finished, click Save.


Delete Engineering Scope

In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Scope or enter "Scope" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Engineering Scope to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.