
The substrate record allows the user to individually view the substrates created in the Substrate Types record. Based on the substrates, it is possible to generate the Raw Materials to be used in the Engineering.

The user can enable or disable the substrates and their grammage, thicknesses and sizes basis and can also record new sheet or web formats.


Information on the Substrate Record Window

Go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Raw Material > Substrate

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard toolbar” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on adding or editing search features refer to "Searching” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on how to add other information in columns, refer to "Views" in Basic Navigation.



- The Cut button allows the user to view and simulate the possible cutting positions for the selected substrate, according to the element’s and the substrate’s size.
- The Create Raw Material button allows the user to create and manage the selected substrate’s raw materials.
- The Go to Substrate Type button allows the user to view the substrate type record on which the selected substrate was based.
- The Formats (Engineering) allows the user to view the Engineering simulation information for the selected substrate.


Tip: New substrates can only be added from the substrate types record. For more information, refer to "Add Substrate Types.”


Edit Substrate

The user is required to have enabled the following access options, for editing Substrate:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Raw Material > Substrate or enter "Substrate" in the Quick Search field

Select a substrate and click Edit. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields as described below:





Engineering Scope

Engineering scope that can be linked to the substrate. For more information, refer to "Production Group Scopes.”

Basis size

Basis size linked to the substrate group to which the substrate type is associated. For more information, refer to "Substrate Types.”

This field is displayed only if the substrate type is linked to a substrate group that is using the basis size record.

Tax exempt only

If this option is enabled the Engineering will not select this substrate for products that are not a tax-exempt type of sale. For more information on sale types, refer to "Sales Type".

Allows Different Coupling

Indicates if the substrate line is available to be used in the Engineering as a different coupling, that is, a coupling for wide formats processes. This option is currently not available in the Engineering.


Click Details to add notes about the substrate line.

Complete the fields as described below:



Description in Portuguese

Substrate type name in Portuguese. This field is informational only.

Description in English

Substrate type name in English. This field is informational only.

Description in Spanish

Substrate type name in Spanish. This field is informational only.


Notes on the substrate line.


On the Grammages area, in the Grammage/ Formats tab, click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Grammage made available for selection in the Product Specification. All Engineering calculations are performed using the grammage value, regardless of what unit is used in the substrate’s record. If the substrate has no grammage information, only thickness or basis weight, the value must be entered in the Displayed value field and the grammage will be automatically filled.

Sheets per Package

Number of sheets in a package for this raw material, different from what is set in the substrate grammage record. The number of sheets set in this field will be considered by the Engineerings this substrate’s minimum consumption when it is calculated in sheets.


Indicates if the substrate’s grammage will be available for use in the Engineering.

Display Value

Value to be displayed in the Product Specification, such as the paper weight or thickness of the paper, when it has an option different from grammage defined in the in the Displayed types field. This option can be viewed in the Substrate Groups record. For more information, refer to "Substrate Groups.” This field should be used if the paper is specified in thickness, basis size and thickness in inches.


Displays that hickness automatically calculated based on the density linked to the substrate standards. For more information, refer to "Estimate Standards.”

Pre-production Density

Density factor used to calculate the conversion from grammage to thickness and basis size. This factor will also be considered in the thickness calculation when the substrate has not been through any Engineering route functionality. The density factor can be calculated using the Conversion button. For more information, refer to "Substrate Density Calculation.”

Post-production Density

Density factor used to calculate the product’s thickness. This factor will be considered when the substrate has already been through an Engineering route functionality. The density factor can be calculated using the Conversion button. For more information, refer to "Substrate Density Calculation.”

Calculated PPI

Displays the number of sheets per inch for the selected grammage, calculated automatically based on the density linked to the substrate standards. For more information, refer to "Estimate Standards."

Informed PPI

Number of sheets per inch for the selected grammage. When entering a value in this field, the Calculated PPI value will be disregarded and the Informed PPI will be displayed in the substrate name in the Engineering.

Basis Weight

Displays the basis weight automatically calculated based on the basis size linked to the substrate. For more information, refer to "Basis Size.”. This field will only be automatically filled if there is a basis size linked to the substrate in the substrate group record. For more information, refer to "Substrate Groups.”


In the Sheets area, click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Sheet like substrate width.


Sheet like substrate length or height.

Apply Trimmed Waste

Indicates if the triming margin will be applied to the substrate with the selected format. The trimming margin may be determined in the substrate standards linked to the substrate type. For more information, refer to "Substrate Standards.”

Engineering Selection

Substrate format selection rule, which can be:

Normal – the substrate format can be used by the Engineering for route simulations and will be selected if it is the format with the lowest cost;

Alternative – the substrate format can be selected by the Engineering only if no other format that can be selected, even if the alternative format is cheaper than the others;

Only if required – the substrate format can only be selected by the Engineering if the user enters this format in the Product Specification. Otherwise, it will not be selected.

Generic – the substrate format is defined by the Engineering according to the product format. This option will only be chosen by the Engineering if the Simulates Generic Paper option is selected in the Estimate specification. In this case, the calculation of the generic paper exact size will be made based on the following formulas:

Width = layout * size + bleeding * bleeding qty+ right margin + left margin + trimming * trimming qty

Height = layout * size + bleeding * bleeding qty+ top margin + bottom margin + trimming * trimming qty


For adding other sheet formats, repeat step 6.

In the Rolls area, click New.

Complete the fields as described below:




Paper roll like substrate width.

Engineering Selection

Substrate format selection rule, which can be:

Normal – the substrate format can be used by the Engineering for route simulations and will be selected if it is the format with the lowest cost;

Alternative – the substrate format can be selected by the Engineering only if no other format that can be selected, even if the alternative format is cheaper than the others;

Only if required – the substrate format can only be selected by the Engineering if the user enters this format in the Product Specification. Otherwise, it will not be selected.

Generic – the substrate format is defined by the Engineering according to the product format. This option will only be chosen by the Engineering if the Simulates Generic Paper option is selected in the Estimate specification. In this case, the calculation of the generic paper exact size will be made based on the following formulas:

Width = layout * size + bleeding * bleeding qty+ right margin + left margin + trimming * trimming qty

Height = layout * size + bleeding * bleeding qty+ top margin + bottom margin + trimming * trimming qty


For adding more paper roll formats, repeat step 8.

Click Cost rules.

In the Criteria for cost search definition area, complete the fields as the following description:



Criteria for cost search definition

Criteria for selection of the cost of the substrate, which can be:

By quantity – the substrate cost is determined by the quantity range. When the user selects this option it is necessary define the quantity ranges in the By quantity area and determine the increase % for each quantity range in the Increase % between cost intervals area.

Manufacturer price – substrate cost standard search criteria. Indicates that the substrate cost is determined in the Cost table;

Distributor price – the substrate cost will be the distributor price. When the user selects this option it is necessary to enter a percentage increase in the Distributor price field, in the Increase % between cost intervals area, which will be applied to the standard substrate cost, which is the manufacturer’s. In the Estimate itself it will be possible to change the manufacturer cost.

Resale price – the substrate cost will be the resale price. When the user selects this option it is necessary to enter a percentage increase in the Resale price field, in the Increase % between cost intervals area which will be applied to the standard substrate cost, which is the manufacturer’s. In the Estimate itself it will be possible to change the manufacturer cost.


In the By quantity area complete the fields as described below:



Distributor Minimum Qty

Substrate minimum quantity necessary so that the distributor’s percentage increase is applied to the substrate cost, based on the manufacturer cost. The resale percentage will be applied if the calculated substrate consumption is less than the value entered in this field.

Quantity starting at

Cost Type







Manufacturer Minimum Qty

Substrate minimum quantity so that the manufacturer cost is taken in consideration.

Quantity starting at

Cost Type








In the Increase % between cost intervals area complete the fields as described below:



Distributor price

Allows the user to enter a percentage increase to be applied whenever the distributor selection criteria or the quantity range for distributor is selected. When entering a percentage in this field, this value will be applied to the manufacturer cost, determined in the cost table, if any distributor rule is selected for this substrate.

Resale price

Allows the user to enter a percentage increase to be applied whenever the resale selection criteria or the quantity range for resale is selected. When entering a percentage in this field, this value will be applied to the manufacturer cost, determined in the cost table, if any resale rule is selected for this substrate.


When finished, click Save.

Attention! The recorded grammage, thicknesses and formats will be available in the Product Specification but are not considered substrates for the Engineering. It is necessary to transform each substrate in raw material, and all grammages/ thicknesses will be linked to the recorded formats. Only the raw materials created will be used in the Engineering.

Click Save.

On the main substrate screen, click Create Raw Material. The following scree will open:

Tip: The Create Raw Material screen is used to match formats with previously recorded grammages, thicknesses or basis weight in the substrates, since not all the sheet or web formats may be available in all grammages/ thicknesses. Only the generated raw materials are used in the Engineering.

Tip: The Raw materials available for creation tab will display the grammage, basis weight or thicknesses, in the column headings, as set in the Substrate group record linked to this substrate. To generate the raw materials for the Engineering, simply select the appropriate grammage, basis weight or thickness for each format.

Click the correspondent grammage, basis weight or thickness check box to be related to each format.

When finished, click Create Raw Material. A confirmation screen will open, with a list of raw materials.

Check if the raw materials are correct and click Yes to confirm the action.

Tip: After confirming the creation of raw materials, it will no longer be possible to exclude them. The user can can only deactivate them.

Click Created Raw Material.

Complete the fields as described below:



Raw Material

Displays the raw material as it is in the Engineering. This name can be modified to change the substrate display rule, for example, change grammage to thickness. However, this name can not be edited by the user.

External Reference

Name used for integrating the substrate record with other systems.


Indicates if the substrate will be available for use in the Engineering.

Sheets Per Package

Number of sheets in a package for this substrate, different from what is set in the substrate grammage record. The number of sheets set in this field will be considered by the Engineerings this substrate’s minimum consumption when it is calculated in sheets.

Engineering Selection

Substrate format selection rule, which can be:

Normal – the substrate format can be used by the Engineering for route simulations and will be selected if it is the format with the lowest cost;

Alternative – the substrate format can be selected by the Engineering only if no other format that can be selected, even if the alternative format is cheaper than the others;

Only if required – the substrate format can only be selected by the Engineering if the user enters this format in the Product Specification. Otherwise, it will not be selected.

Generic – the substrate format is defined by the Engineering according to the product format. This option will only be chosen by the Engineering if the Simulates Generic Paper option is selected in the Estimate specification. In this case, the calculation of the generic paper exact size will be made based on the following formulas:

Width = layout * size + bleeding * bleeding qty+ right margin + left margin + trimming * trimming qty

Height = layout * size + bleeding * bleeding qty+ top margin + bottom margin + trimming * trimming qty

Tax Exempt Only

If this option is enabled the Engineering will not select this substrate for products that are not a tax-exempt type of sale. For more information on sale types, refer to "Sales Type".

Inventory Item

Inventory item to which the substrate must be linked to facilitate the material request.

If the appropriate inventory item is not displayed, it is necessary to record it. For more information, refer to "Add Inventory Items.”

Tax Exempt And FSC Inventory Item

Inventory item to which the substrate should be linked only when the product is tax-exempt and FSC certified.

If the appropriate inventory item is not displayed it will be necessary to record it. For more information, refer to "Add Inventory Items.”

Fsc Inventory Item

Inventory item to which the substrate should be linked only when the product is FSC certified.

If the appropriate inventory item is not displayed it will be necessary to record it. For more information, refer to "Add Inventory Items."

Tax Exempt Inventory Item

Inventory item to which the substrate should be linked only when the product is tax-exempt.

If the appropriate inventory item is not displayed it will be necessary to record it. For more information, refer to "Add Inventory Items."

Production Unit

Unit of measurement to be sent as default for the modules of production for requesting materials. This field does not affect the Engineering calculation unit, which is the same as the generic Engineering component type unit.


When finished, click Close.

Click Save.