Substrate Standards

In the Substrate Standards record it is possible to define technical information that will be used by the Engineering in the calculation such as trimming size, the substrate’s standard effective use, if the paper can be printed on both sides, etc.


Information on the Substrate Standards Record Window

Go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Substrate Standards

Tip: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar refer to “Standard toolbar” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on adding or editing search features refer to "Searching” in Basic Navigation.

Tip: For more information on how to add other information in columns, refer to "Views" in Basic Navigation.


Add Substrate Standards

The user is required to have enabled the following access options, for adding Substrate Standards:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Substrate Standards or enter "Substrate Standards" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add. The following screen will open:

Note: the Conversion button allows the user to access the density calculation function both pre and post production.

Complete the fields as described below:




Substrate standard name.


Indicates if the substrate standard will be available for use in the Engineering.

Allow to divide roll in smaller ones before the first process

It allows you to cut/divide the raw material roll in smaller parts before the Engineering process.

When you select it, the system simulates cuts in the roll to increase the paper utilization. But if it is deselected, the system considers the unused area as waste.

Trimmed Waste

Size of the wasted trimmed before printing.

Pre-production Density (Kg/L)

Density factor used to calculate the conversion from grammage to thickness and basis size. This factor will also be considered in the thickness calculation when the substrate has not been through any Engineering route functionality. The density factor can be calculated using the Conversion button. For more information, refer to "Substrate Density Calculation.”

Post-production Density (Kg/L)

Density factor used to calculate the product’s thickness. This factor will be considered when the substrate has already been through an Engineering route functionality. The density factor can be calculated using the Conversion button. For more information, refer to "Substrate Density Calculation.”

Ink Absorption (g/mP2P)

Ink absorption factor for calculating its consumption, to be applied to all substrates linked to this substrate standard.

Substrate Type (JDF)

Substrate classification type to be sent to the JDF, which can be:

Not assigned

Gloss paper

Gloss paper (web)

Matte paper

Paper with no yellow coating

Paper with no white coating

Can print on

Paper faces that can be printed on:

Duplex – equal – the substrate may be printed on the front and back and both sides are the same;

Duplex – different – the substrate may be printed on the front and back but the sides are different. In this case, the work-and-turn printing will not be considered by the Engineering;

Front Only – the substrate may be printed only on the front. If the product has printing both on the front and the back the Engineering will not be calculated.

Default Utilization

Default effective paper use percentage. In order to the substrate to be selected bt the Engineering in a product layout simulation in this paper it is necessary that no blank paper area is left greater than the default percentage. That is, if 50 % is set in this field, the paper may not have 50 % of not printed area after simulating of the print layout. By default, this field will be filled with 50 %.

Minimum Size for Simulation

Minimum area the layuout must have to be restrictred to so that the substrate linked to it can be selected for the Engineering simulation. For example,, if the minimum size for simulation is defined as 200 mm x 200 mm and the product is 100 mm x 100 mm it is possible to make a simulation with 4 products in the layout.

By default, this field will be filled with 200 mm.


Minimum effective use by component area:

Tip: In this area it is possible to define a minimum effective use by component different from the standard.


Click New.

Select the appropriate specification component from the list.

In the Minimum default effective use field enter the appropriate value.

For selecting other specification components repeat steps 3 to 5.

When finished, click Save.


Substrate Density Calculation

The pre-production density is extremely important to perform the conversion of the substrates weight and thickness units. The Engineering makes all the substrate calculations based on grammage. However, some substrates need to be specified with other units of measurement, such as thickness and basis weight. In this case, the density information is essential for performing the conversion accurately. Using the Conversion button, the user can view the density based on the grammage, thickness or basis sizes.

The density calculation uses the following formula:

Weight = Width x Height x Density x Thickness


The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to add a Density Calculation:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Substrate Standards or enter "Substrate Standards" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add or select an existing Substrate Standard and click Edit.

Click Conversion. A new screen will open.

In the Conversion Type field, choose the appropriate unit for calculating the density: grammage, basis size, thickness, thickness in inches.

Note: The other fields in this screen will adapt according to the option chosen in the Conversion Type field.

Complete the other fields as described below:



Conversion Type

Basis for the density calculation, which can be:

Grammage – the calculation is based on the substrate’s grammage.

Basis size – the calculation is based in the basis size records that is, based on the basis weight value. When this conversion type is selected a field is displayed for selecting the type of basis size.For more information, refer to “Basis Size.”;

Thickness – the calculation is based on the substrate’s thickness.

Thickness in inches – the calculation is based on the substrate’s thickness in inches.


Substrate’s grammage used in the density calculation.

This field is only displayed if the Grammage option is selected in the Conversion Type field.

Number of Sheets

Substrate’s number of sheets used in the density calculation. The number of sheets will be used as base information for the total thickness.

This field is only displayed if one of the Grammage, Thickness or Thickness in inches options are selected in the Conversion Type field.

Total Thickness

Substrate’s total thickness value, considering the number of sheets defined in the Number of sheet field or the Basis Size record.


Displays the density value, based on the values entered in the other fields.

Basis size

Basis size previously recorded, used in the substrate’s density calculation. For more information on the basis size, refer to "Basis size.”

This field is only displayed if the Basis Size option is selected in the Conversion Type field.

Basis Weight

Substrate’s total weight, considering the format and number of sheets information defined in the basis size record.

This field is only displayed if the Basis Size option is selected in the Conversion Type field.

Format (W x H)

Substrate’s format used in the density calculation.

This field is only displayed if the Thickness option is selected in the Conversion Type field.


Substrate’s total weight, considering the format and number of sheets information previously defined.

This field is only displayed if the Thickness option is selected in the Conversion Type field.

Click Confirm.

Click Save.


Edit Substrate Standards

The user is required to have enabled the following access options, for editing Substrate Standards:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Substrate Standards or enter "Substrate Standards" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Substrate Standards to select them.

Click Edit.

Edit as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to “Add Substrate Standards.”

When finished, click Save.


Delete Substrate Standards

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to delete Substrate Standards:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Substrate Standards or enter "Substrate Standards" in the Quick Search field.

Click the appropriate Substrate Standards to select them.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

Note: If the selected Substrate Standards is being used, the system displays a message that it can not be deleted.