Creating An Estimate

The system gives you three different ways to create a new Estimate:

New Estimate. This option creates an Estimate from a blank state.

Repeat Product allows you to create an Estimate based on a record from the Product Specification library. In this option, a few fields are already defined.

Copy from Job. In this option, the system uses the same product's structure and specification from an existing Job.

Note: As an option, you can also click to duplicate an existing Estimate record.

To access these options, click the arrow next to Add, as highlighted in red:


Create a new Estimate

  1. In the system’s main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.
  2. Click New estimate. The following screen opens:

Fill in the fields with the product's commercial information. After you create the Estimate, you can view and edit some of this information in the Identification tab.

Add a Customer in the new Estimate so that you can identify who requested it.

Define a Contact so that you know who is responsible for this Estimate in the customer's organization. If there is a default contact set up in the customer's record, the system automatically fills in this field with the default contact.

If applicable, add an Agency that was responsible for capturing this customer/Estimate. 

Note: You can add a new Customer or Agency by using the quick link in those fields or you can use the magnifying glass to look for an existing record:

Click the arrow to select a User as the CSR (customer service representative) and/or Estimator. The system only displays as on option the Users that you have previously set up as CSR and/or Estimators. See more about Working With Estimates.

Note: If you defined a default CSR for the customer, the system automatically fills in this field when you select the customer. 

The Project field allows you to select which Project this Estimate belongs to. The Project is a way of better organizing related Estimates by grouping them.

Use the Estimate Type field to select the type of this Estimate. Usually, you can use this field to define if it is a re-work or not.

The Product Line can be magazines, notebooks, banners, blocks, books, carton boxes, folder, labels etc. As you can configure the product lines, they may vary according to the option that you select, with their own structure and specification. Each product line has specific fields to fill.

Note: You can also select the Product Line on the product carousel.

The system uses the Sub-line product as a way to classify the products by the characteristics that they have in common. It helps you to create your product using a template, a default structure.

The type that you select in the Type of Shipment field defines the freight calculation for this Estimate.

The Sales Type field is a way to classify the Estimate and also used for the freight calculation.

The Payment Term field defines the interest, if the customer decides to pay in installments, or discounts. This field is mostly used by LATAM users.

In the Quantities field, fill in as many quantity options as needed. Each time you fill in this field, the system creates another identical field to enter another quantity option into.

Note: The fields that the system displays on the New Estimate screen and the ones that are required may vary, depending on what you configured in the Estimate General Settings.

  1. Click Confirm. The following screen opens:

  1. Fill out the specification for each of the product components as needed.

You do that by adding the required information in each of the characteristics that comprise the components. Each characteristic is represented as the sections within the Specification tab.

  1. To add more information in the product specification, such as finishing, packages etc., use the characteristics. For that, select the component to which you want to add more information, and click the Add Characteristic button on the left side menu:

Note: For more information, see Add Characteristic.

Select the appropriate specifications, define the settings as required, and click Confirm

  1. When all the product specifications are set, click the Calculate button on the toolbar on the top of the screen.

Note: The Calculate and Recalculate buttons work in a similar way. The difference between them is that the Recalculate gives you some options to restore some of setups that the Engineering calculation might have defined previously.

  1. Click Save.

Note: By navigating through the Smart Notes tab, you can access and edit items to check before changing the Estimate's status. The History tab allows you to access old information about this Estimate.

Note: After the Estimate has been released to production, it is still possible to delete or include a final product, if necessary.


Copy an Estimate

  1. On the system's main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.
  2. Select the Estimate that you want to copy.
  3. Click Estimate Copy. The following screen will open, with some fields already filled:

  1. Fill in the remaining fields as necessary.
  2. Click Confirm.
  3. Repeat steps 5 to 10 described in "Create a New Estimate."


Repeat a Product

On the system's main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.

Click Repeat Product. The following screen will open:

On the top of the screen, fill in the fields with the product’s commercial information.

In Components that will be added to the estimate, click the New button and choose an existing Product Specification.

Note: By default, the system allows you to select only the Product Specifications related to the client specified at the top of the screen. To access the Product Specifications linked to other customers, enable the Present PS of all customers option.

Note: To select multiple product specifications at once, click Select Products.

Click Confirm.

Repeat steps 5 to 10 described in "Create a New Estimate."


Copy a Job

  1. On the system's main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.
  2. Click Copy from Job. The following screen will open:

  1. In the Job field on the top of the screen, select the Job that the system must copy. Fill in the fields that are not filled in automatically.
  2. In Estimate Standards, complete the remaining fields.
  3. Click Confirm.
  4. Repeat steps 5 to 10 described in "Create a New Estimate."

Note: the system populates the Cost Table and Currency reference date fields with the Estimate’s Created Date (i.e., the current date).