Engineering Tab

On the Engineering tab, it is possible to view the production route. It is also possible to select and edit the route and view details by clicking on each component or step, as highlighted below:

Note: The Engineering tab that you see in Job records (navigate to Planning > Planner > Job) is the same as the Estimate's.


Other than seeing the production route, you can also see more detailed information regarding the Engineering that iQuote calculated for your product.

  1. Click Edit. The Engineering window opens:

Note: To be able to edit the Engineering route, your iQuote User must have the “Allow activity manual changes (product and engineering tab)” access control, which you can set from the User Profile page.

Graphical user interface, text, application, Word
Description automatically generated

  1. On the Engineering window, the user can edit the layout, route, activity and the Raw Materials' details and costs.

Note: In the Activities section, besides editing the existing activities, you can also add or delete activities in the production route.

However, to be able to use these options, your User must have the "Keep Activity buttons enabled" access control. To enable this access control, go to the User Profile page (Administration > User > User Profiles > access a record > Permissions) and look for it by using the Quick Searching.

Note:  In the Transformation Costs section, besides editing the existing costs, you can also edit the Input, Setup Waste, Production Waste %, Fixed Setup, and Rep Setup fields.

However, to be able to use these options, your User must have the "Keep Activity Manual changes columns editable (input, waste, speed, and setup)" access control.

  1. When finished, click Exit.
  2. Back to the Engineering tab on the Estimate, click again on the component or route step to access the drop-down menu and click Select route. The following window opens:

  1. The Route Selection window displays all the available route options for each item. When you choose a different option from the used one, the system calculates the price difference and shows which would be cheaper (in black) or more expensive (in red):

Click Sequence of Activities to generate the Activity sequence filter list.

Note: In Estimates with a filtered Activity item, the system displays the list automatically.

When finished, click Apply.

After completing your changes, click Calculate or Recalculate so that the system can update the Engineering.


Engineering Simulation Log

You can keep track of all the Engineering simulations that the system calculates through the Engineering Simulation Log browser, which can be used as a backup. To access it, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Engineering Simulation Log.

The Engineering Simulation Log records store the simulation data from Estimates and Jobs, including information such as:

Object Type (Estimate / Job)

Object ID

Start time

End Time

Simulation Time

Components Quantity

Characteristic Quantity

Component Debug String

ID User

Other than that, you can also clean the log whenever necessary. For that:

Navigate to Administration > General Configuration > System > Log Cleaning. The Log Cleaning page opens.

Use the Clean Engineering Simulation Log button, in More actions, to manually clean the log one time.

Alternatively, you can set a specific quantity of days for the system to frequently clean the log automatically (e.g., every 30 days), by using the Engineering Simulation Log field.

- By default, the Engineering Simulation Log field is set to 180 days.
- The system counts the days from the day that the server was initiated. However, if you need to restart the server, the system restarts the count.
- The Log Cleaning deletes all records that are older than the defined quantity of days (e.g., older than 180 days).
- If you use the Clean Engineering Simulation Log button, the system does not restart the day count.