
The system gives the user three different ways to make estimates: creating a new one, repeating a product that has already been produced, or copying an existing Job.

To access these options, click the arrow next to Add, as highlighted in red:


Create a New Estimate

  1. In the system’s main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.
  2. Click New estimate. The following screen will open:

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  1. On the carousel, select the appropiate product line and fill in the fields with the product's commercial information.

Note: A new customer or agency can be included using the quick link in those fields:

  1. In Quantities fill in as many quantity options as needed. Each time the user fills in this field the system creates another identical field to enter another quantity option.

Note: The product lines can be magazines, notebooks, banners, blocks, books, carton boxes, folder, labels etc. The product lines are configurable and may vary according to the record. Each product line will have specific fields to fill.

Note: After the estimate has been created some of this information can be viewed and edited in the Identification tab.

  1. Click Confirm. The following screen will open:

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  1. Fill out the specification for each of the product components as needed.
  2. To add more information in the product specification such as finishing, packages etc. click + in the left side menu:

  1. A screen will be displayed, similar to the one shown below, containing specifications to be added.

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Note: The information of each product can be edited and may vary according to the record.

  1. Select the appropriate specifications, make the settings as needed, and click Confirm.

Note: The system indicates with an exclamation icon when there is a mandatory information pending in one of the product components:

  1. Other important buttons on this lateral menu are described below:

Button Name



Allow the user to add a new component.


Allow the user to add a new component identical to an existing one.


Allow the user to delete a component.


  1. When all the product specifications are set, click Calculate in the toolbar on the top of the screen.
  2. Once the system has calculated the product’s Engineering it will be possible to see the price for each of the quantities calculated on the Qty/ Price:

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Note: Click on the fields to edit values such as unitary price, quantity etc:

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  1. On the Engineering tab it is possible to view the production route. It is also possible to select and edit the route and view details by clicking on each component or step, as highlighted below:

  1. Click Edit. The following screen will open:

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  1. On this screen the user can edit the layout, route, activity and raw materials details and costs. When finished, click Exit.

Note: In Activities, besides editing the existing activities the user can also add or delete activities in the production route.

  1. Click again on the component or route step to access the drop-down menu and click Select route. The following screen will open:

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  1. In this screen are displayed all the available route options for each item. When choosing an option the system calculates the price difference and shows which would be cheaper (in black) or more expensive (in red):

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  1. When finished click Apply.
  2. Click Negotiation to view the estimate’s commercial details. If needed it is possible to edit the values in this screen, such as comission values.

Note: Some fields can be edited in the Negotiation page itself. These fields are identified with an edit icon when the the user stops mouse over it, as highlighted below:

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Proposal > Price detail and check if all the values are grouped accordingy.

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  1. Click New Proposal to send the estimate to the customer. The following screen will open:

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  1. Select the options to be added into the proposal and fill in the remaining fields as needed. Click Go.

Note: If the sending method chosen in the previous screen was e-mail, when clicking Confirm the system will send the proposal by e-mail to the selected address, if it were set.

Note: Navigating through the Check list and History tabs the user can access and edit items to check before changing the estimate status and old information about this estimate, respectively.

Note: After the estimate has been released to production, it is still possible to delete or include a final product, if necessary.


Copy an Estimate

  1. On the system's main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.
  2. Select the estimate to be copied.
  3. Click Estimate Copy. The following screen will open, with some fields already filled:

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  1. Fill in the remaining fields as necessary.
  2. Click Confirm.
  3. Repeat steps 5 to 23 described in "New Estimate."


Repeated Product

On the system's main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.

Click Repeated Product. The following screen will open:

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On the top of the screen, fill in the fields with the product’s commercial information.

In Components to be added to the estimate choose a previously recorded product specification.

Note: By default the the system will make available to select only the specifications of products from the client specified at the top of the screen. To access product specifications linked to other customers enable the Show PS from all customers option.

Note: To select multiple product specifications at once click Select Products.

Click Confirm.

Repeat steps 5 to 23 described in "New Estimate."


Copy a Job

  1. On the system's main menu, click Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.
  2. Click Job Copy. The following screen will open:

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  1. In the Job field on the top of the screen, select the Job to be copied. Fill in the fields that are not filled in automatically.
  2. In Estimate Standards, complete the remaining fields.
  3. Click Confirm.
  4. Repeat steps 5 to 17 described in "New Estimate."