Getting Started

Your iQuote User must have enabled the following access option to be able to create Estimates:


To set up the User's access controls, go to Administration > User > User Profiles > access a profile record > Permissions tab.


To access the Estimate browser, where you can create and edit Estimate records, go to the system’s main menu and then to Sales > iQuote > Estimate or enter "Estimate" in the Quick Search field.

The Estimate browser screen will open:

See below the main buttons in this screen:

Button Name


Button Function


Allows you to add a new Estimate.


Allows you to edit a selected Estimate.

Multiple copies

Allows you to copy multiple Estimates at the same time.


Allows you to submit a proposal from one or more selected Estimates.


Allows you to view and print reports and financial statements.


Allows you to filter results by the Estimate status.


Allows you to filter the results by the Estimate event status.

Check list

Allows you to filter results by Estimate checklist items. Go to More actions > Checklist.

Note: For more information on the other buttons in this screen, refer to “Standard Toolbar” in Introduction to iQuote.


See below the main columns in this screen:

Column Name



This column displays the Estimate status by using a colored flag. You can click on the flag to see details and to change the Estimate status to the next one.

Note: For more information about status, see Tags and Working With Estimates.


You can use this column to see which events have been applied to each Estimate or to create a new one.

Estimate number

This column displays the number of the Estimate record. Each record has its number, which the system automatically assigns to them in a sequencial order.

Estimate title

This column displays the name that you gave for the Estimate record.


This column displays the Estimate status.

Sub-line product

See in this column the sub-line product of the product that you are estimating.

Product Line

See in this column the line of the product that you are estimating.

Edited in

This column displays the date and time when the record was last edited.

Added in

This column displays the date and time when the record was created.


This column displays the project that the record is related to.


It displays the customer's name.

Edited by

This column displays the User that edited the record the last time.

Added by

This column displays the User that created the record.

Product Classification

You can see in this column the classification applied to the record, which you can change from the Estimate's Identification tab.


This column displays the option and quantity that was approved.


This column displays the salesperson responsible for the Estimate.

Origin type

This column makes it easier for you to search for Estimates created through the Price Service or other outside sources.

Note: When you duplicate an Estimate created through Price Service, the Origin Type filter does not display the new duplicated Estimate.


Estimate Standards

The Estimate Standards (Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Estimate Standards) helps you to define a few options as defaults so that the system is able to fill in some of the fields automatically when you are creating an Estimate.

There are even some fields that you can define in the Standards that are not available on the New Estimate screen, such as the Remuneration Group. The system uses this field to define the margins in the Estimate and also to help control the approval limits' maximums and minimums.

By creating Exceptions in the Estimate Standards, you can define some specific setups for Product Lines, Customers, Estimators, etc. so that it can work as a template that you can base your Estimate on. For example, you can set that if your Product Line is "Bound", then the Sale Type will be "Standard".

Note: You can use the fields that have "(filter)" at the end to create the rules that will change the general default. That is, you can use Product Line (filter) to dictate the Sale Type, but not the other way around.

Moreover, the system prioritizes the fields' definitions according to their order on the screen.

For example, imagine that you create one exception line defining that the products with the Product Line (filter) as "Bound" will have the Sale Type as "standard", and another line defining that the products with Customer (filter) as "ePS" will have the Sale Type as "ship". In a scenario where you create a Estimate for a Bound product for the ePS customer, the Sale Type will be "standard", because the Product Line (filter) field is before the Customer (filter) field.

Note: The Estimator field

The Exceptions allows you to define that a specific product line, customer, company, etc. will have a different Estimator as default. However, when an User that is set as Estimator creates a new Estimate, the system ignores the configuration from the Estimate Standards and any exceptions rules, selecting the current User as the Estimator.

Estimate General Settings

The Estimate General Settings are some defaults that you can define for the system to apply in every Estimate you create, including some general rules, configurations, negotiation rules, and creation options. For instance, the fields that the system displays on the New Estimate screen and the ones that are required may vary, depending on what you configured in this screen.

To access the Estimate General Settings screen, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Estimate General Settings > Create Estimate Options. The system automatically applies all the definitions in this page to your Estimate records but, if necessary, you can change some of them in each record.

After doing any changes, do not forget to Save before exiting the screen.



When selecting an estimate and clicking the Workflow button the following screen will open:

Graphical user interface, application
Description automatically generated

This screen displays basic information about the estimate and each step of its process until the “in production” stage, detailing who performed each action and when. In this screen is also displayed the events linked to each one of the events that represent each step of the estimate workflow through the system.

In every screen this button behaves the same way.