Shipping Tab

Once you have specified the product, go to the Shipping tab in the Estimate record in order to define how and when you want to deliver the products that you are estimating to the customer.

Note: This tab displays information depending on the Quantity and Option that is currently selected in the Estimate.

Note: The information from this tab updates most of the shipping definitions in the Sales Order, except for the Samples information. 
See Shipping and Invoice Integration and Using Samples for more information.


Shipping Lines

On the top area of the Shipping tab screen, you can see the Shipping Lines table, where each line represents a different ship item and stores the delivery's operational details, such as the ship date and the type of shipment that you want to use for that item. The lines also dictate whether or not the system should add the shipping costs related to each line to the final prices when calculating the Estimate's Negotiation data, depending on if the selected Type of Shipment has a freight calculation related to it or not.

Thus, you must create a new line whenever you need to create a different shipping operation: to deliver the products to different addresses, on different days, in different quantities, or considering different margins.

The system stores all this information in the line and in the areas below, which means that each Shipping Line acts as a "parent" record for the tables that you can see on the second half of the screen. Everything else that you can define in the area below the Shipping table depends on what line is currently selected.

To create a new Shipping Line, follow the steps below:

By default, the system creates only one Shipping Line. You can click the New or Duplicate buttons to create new lines.

Once you create a new line, fill in the fields as described below:




Enter a description of this Shipping Line, a name that you can use the identify it.

Cost Rule

Select the Cost Rule that you want to apply to this Shipping Line.

Note: See Cost Rule for more details.

Ship Date

Click the field to select a ship date for the item. This is the date when the product leaves the facility for delivery.

Sales Type

Select the type related to the line. The Sales Type is a way to classify the Estimate and define some calculations.

Type of Shipment

The system automatically fills in the Type of Shipment field with the default type that you defined in the Estimate Standards page at Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Estimate Standards > General Default > Type of Shipment, but you can change and select another one.

The type of shipment is a specification that you use in Estimates, to define whether the shipment is performed through an internal process or by a hired external company that you use to transport the product. It is used in the freight calculation.


Select the appropriate carrier for this shipment from the available options.

Tip: Carriers are Supplier records that have the Carrier checkbox selected.

Note: This field is mostly used by integrations. See Shipping and Invoice Integration for more information.

Ship Method

Select the appropriate shipping method for this Line.

Note: This field is mostly used by integrations. See Shipping and Invoice Integration for more information.


This is a read-only field and will be selected by default, to define the product shipping as billable.


(optional) You can also click the Import Shipping Details button to create Shipping Lines using a spreadsheet. It opens the Import window, where it is possible to upload a spreadsheet or download a spreadsheet sample that you can update and import to the record.

If you need, click the Delete button to delete a Shipping Line.


Cost Rule

The Cost Rule allows you to group the Shipping Lines and apply some cost definitions (e.g., commissions or the taxes) to the whole group so that the system knows that it can use the same parameters to all the grouped Lines, instead of having to calculate every individual line separately. Therefore, the less Cost Rules you have, the less time the calculation takes.

By default, the system assigns the "A" Cost Rule to all the lines in the Shipping table when you create or duplicate them. That means that the system groups all the new Shipping Lines into the same Sale Cost in the Negotiation tab.

Important: If your iQuote system has an integration with Metrics ERP, when you create or duplicate the Shipping Line, the system automatically creates and assigns to the new Line a new Cost Rule.

However, you might need to create a new Cost Rule manually. For that, follow the steps below:

On the Shipping table, click on the Cost Rule field. A drop-down list opens.

Choose a different option than the one selected.

Note: Every time that you choose a different option (e.g., "B"), the system automatically adds a new one (e.g., "C") in the drop-down list.

Then, go to the Negotiation tab. Note that the system creates a new area for every new Cost Rule inside the Sale Cost section.

Note: If the Type of Shipment that you selected does not have freight associated with it (i.e., it is not linked with a Shipping Calculation record), the system creates the different Cost Rule areas, but does not add any shipping costs to it. You can define the freight through the Shipping Calculation and Shipping Cost records.

 You can change the Sale Cost definitions for each different Cost Rule.

Once you are done with the changes, click on Calculate or Recalculate so that the system calculates the Estimate taking the new data into account.


For each Cost Rule that you create, the system creates a different line on the Sales Price table for each product. Therefore, the Cost Rule is also a way for you to define different Sale Prices for products that belong to different Sale Costs.

It is important to note that the Engineering depends on the Sale Type, among other data, to generate the information that you see in the Negotiation tab. So, it does not make sense for you to have more than one Shipping Line with the same Cost Rule but with different Sale Types.

If your Shipping applies to that scenario, the system uses the information from the first Shipping Line to perform the Engineering calculations but you will not be able to change the Estimate status to move it forward in the approval workflow.

Note: If your iQuote system has an integration with Metrics, you cannot change the Estimate status if the Shipping Lines have the same Cost Rule, but different Sale Type, Type of Shipment, and/or State.


Ship To And Shipping Info

The next area of the Shipping tab is where you can enter the information related to the product's recipient address. The information in this area changes according to the Shipping Line that is currently selected.

In the Ship To tab, you can enter the basic address information, such as country, state, city, etc. The Shipping Info tab displays some of the information that you can see in the Shipping table (any changes that you make here, the system reflects in the related Shipping Line) and it is also where you can store some contact information.

The system automatically gets all the address information that you see on this page from the main address of the Customer record associated with the Estimate. Note these points:

The Actor field refers to the Estimate's Customer.

The Customer can have several addresses, so it is possible to change the one that you want to use in the Estimate by clicking the arrow on the Delivery place field and choosing another option.

The system displays as an option in the Delivery place field only the addresses that have the Is Main check box selected or the Address Type defined as "Shipping" in the Customer record.

It is mandatory for the address to have a valid value in the State, ZIP Code, Country, City Name, Delivery Place, and Address fields.

For more information on how to create an address for the Customer, see Customer - Addresses.

When you are done editing the information in this screen, just click Save.


Copy address information

If you are going to use the same address for more than one Shipping Line, you can copy the information to other lines instead of having to input everything manually.

On the Shipping table, click the Copy Address Information button. The Copy Address Information window opens.

In the Copy Address Information window, on the left side, select the Shipping Line that you want to copy the address information from.

On the right side, select the Shipping Line(s) that you want to copy the information to.

(optional) You can select the Copy Shipping Information checkbox so that the system also copies the Type of Shipment, Carrier, and Ship Method information to the recipient Shipping Line.

Click Confirm. The window closes and the information is updated in the recipient Shipping Line(s).



When defining the Shipping details, you might need to create a different Shipping Line for each product, add all of the products in a single Line, or create several Shipping Lines just to divide the same product into different delivery locations and quantities. The Product table is the place where you can define these details: how many and which products each Shipping Line will carry.

Note: The system automatically adds all the Products in a single default Shipping Line. So, if you have selected that Line, there will already be some products created.


To add products for each Shipping Line, follow the steps below:

Select the Shipping Line that you want to modify.

Click the New button on the Product table.


Fill in the fields as explained below:




From the drop-down list, select one of the available products.

The system automatically loads the options according to the different products and/or product versions that you created in the Product tab of the Estimate.


Select the unit that you want to use to count the products.


Enter the quantity of the product that you want to add to this Shipping Line. The number can be less, equal, or higher than the total quantity that you specified for the Estimate.


The system automatically selects the Plant to which the product belongs, according to the last task in the Engineering diagram.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all the other products that you want to add to the same Shipping Line.

(optional) Select another Shipping Line and add products to it by repeating steps 1 and 2.

(optional) Select one of the products and click the delete button to remove the product from the Shipping Line.

Click on Calculate or Recalculate so that the system calculates the Estimate Engineering.


Adding remaining products

Another option to add products to your Shipping Lines is to click the Add remaining products button, that you can find on the top of the Products table. The system automatically creates new product line(s) on the Shipping Line that is currently selected, one for each product that does not have a shipping definition or for the products that have some remaining quantity not allocated yet, or simply adds the remaining quantity to the existing product line.

For example, if you have a "Sheets" product that has a total quantity of 100, but you only defined the shipping for 80 units, you can create a new Shipping Line and click the Add remaining products button. The system creates a new line in the Product table for "Sheets" with the quantity defined as 20.


The shipping quantity and the Estimate's total quantity

The system automatically sums all the quantity values that you enter in the Product table, from all Shipping Lines, and adds that result to the Shipping Qty column in the Qty/Price tab.

If you change the value in the Qty column to a higher value than the one from the Shipping Qty column, the system automatically updates the Shipping Qty column to have the same value. In this case, the system also updates all the quantities in the Shipping Lines by proportionally distributing the extra quantity between the products.

It is also possible for you to enter a quantity per product or in total, in the Shipping tab, that is less or higher than the total quantity that you specified for the Estimate. However, the system displays a warning in the Estimate if it verifies that the shipping and total quantities are different.


View by product

After you create all the necessary Shipping Lines and assign the all products to them, it might get difficult to have a clear picture of the final quantity distribution. To improve that visualization, you can click the View By Products button on the Shipping Lines table. The following window opens.

In the View By Products window, the system splits the quantity view by each final product and product version that you have in the Estimate and you can easily review some data, such as:

Estimate Quantity: the total quantity of that product in the Estimate.

Shipping Quantity: the total quantity that was allocated to Shipping Line(s). That is, the quantity that has a shipping definition.

Balance: the difference between the Shipping Quantity and Estimate Quantity. This is a way to check how many products are missing allocation.


Enabling The Negotiation And Engineering Tabs

When you work with the Shipping tab, you may note that every time that you change anything in this screen, the Negotiation and Engineering tabs become disabled. This happens due to a configuration from the Engineering General Setup, called "Do not disable Engineering on Change (Qty, Delivery Date)".

If this option is selected, the system automatically calculates and applies the Sale Cost in the Negotiation and it will keep the same Engineering. If deselected, you need to calculate or recalculate the Estimate for the tabs to become enabled again.