Using the Order/Unorder Feature in the Estimate

The features described below aim to help the utilization of the new features provided by ePS iQuote from the 8.1 version onward.


Enabling the Feature

First of all, to enable these features, the following configurations need to be made:

Go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Estimate General Settings, or enter “estimate general settings” in the quick search field.

Under Estimate general rules, check the Allow to create a new option in approved estimates parameter.

Save it before closing.


What’s Different?

When approving an estimate with more than one option, the user is required to select one.

After approval, the chosen option will be in bold, but the other options are not erased from the estimate.

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All the versions will be saved in the History tab, under Prior version:

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Note: Click Load previous versions to see all the versions ever saved in this estimate.

Note: When a different option of an approved estimate is selected for approval, the system will look in the previous approved products and, if one of them has the same name as the new approved one, it will link automatically its inventory items. If there are no previous products with the same name, the system creates new inventory items automatically.


How to Change Options in an Approved Estimate

When approving the estimate iQuote automatically creates the respective job with the same name using the selected option:

For changing the option go back to the estimate and change its status back to “Making estimate”.

Click the status drop-down menu and choose “making estimate”. Then add notes in the appropriate field, if needed, and click Confirm.

Note: Before going on the user can make any changes in the estimate, even in the product specification and in the negotiation, if needed.


Now it is possible to make any editions in the estimate even in the product specification and in the negotiation, if needed before proceeding. Also, it is possible to create a new option based in one of the existing ones.

To do so go to the Options drop-down menu and choose New option:

When approving the estimate for the second time all options will be available for choosing in the window that pops up when the status is changed to “Release to production”:

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The option that was previously approved (most probable option) is identified with an asterisk, but the user can select any of the options and click Confirm to approve it.

The job – that was already created – will be tagged as needing for review:

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Check Review job changes and Accept modifications:

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The specification regarding the new chosen option will be incorporated in the job.


How to Add Prior Versions to an Estimate

In order to add a prior version to an approved estimate it is necessary first to change its status back to “Making estimate”. Click the status dropdown menu and choose “making estimate”. Then add notes in the appropriate field, if needed, and click Confirm.


After that go to the Options drop-down menu and choose Add prior version:


The next window will display a list of versions and options in each version, sorted by date and time:

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Note: When copying an estimate click Load previous versions to open this same window and access previously discarded options.


Check the chosen option and click Confirm. The option will be added to the Quantity/ Price tab and identified accordingly. If necessary, the user can edit its name.

Note: The user can add any number of options but only one at a time.

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