Format Model

The Format Model allows you to create any type of custom designs for box, envelop, irregular shape, and window patch models using a script, giving you more freedom to manipulate these shapes and create Estimates with them.

Note: For more information about the types of format model, see Format Model For Cartons and Format Model For Mailing Products.



You can determine who can see, add, or edit a Format Model record.

To set the access control, navigate to Administration > User > User Profile and access the Permissions tab.

Select the Format Model check box to give access to the whole record or select the check boxes related to Add Format Model and/or Edit Format Model to give access to those actions individually.





Creating A Format Model

To create a Format Model record, follow the steps below.

Navigate to Sales > Records > Product Specification > iQuote > Format Model. The Format Model List screen opens.

On the New Format Model screen, select the type of design that you want to create in the Format Type field, and click Confirm.

The New Format Model screen refreshes, with the Model, Product Specification, and Notes tabs.

On the New Format Model screen, complete the following fields:

In the Description field (required), enter a descriptive name to identify this record.

In the Code field, enter the ID code you want to use to identify this record.

The Base Model field allows you to select one of the pre-existing Format Model records to use as a base for the new one; that is, you can use it if the new record you are creating is very similar to an existing one and you just need to change a few details. The system will also use this base model to group the designs in the field selection in Estimates and Jobs.

In the Format Type field (read-only), the system displays the format type you selected on step 2.

Leave the Active check box selected to make this record available for use throughout the system.

In the Nesting Type field, select the the type(s) of nesting that you want the system to consider when estimating Carton Box products.

Note: This field is available only when you defined the Format Type as "Box". See Nesting for more details.

Click Save.


Set up specification characteristics

Use the Product Specification tab of the Format Model screen to add specification characteristics to the Format Model record.

Note: iQuote calculates these characteristics in the engineering but does not make them visible on the Product Specification tab of the Estimate or in the proposal letter.

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Navigate to the Product Specification tab on the Format Model screen and click the New button in the Characteristics area. A new row opens.

In the Characteristic Type field (required), select the characteristic type you want to add. iQuote displays the characteristic type in the left pane and the Characteristic area in the right pane.

In the Characteristic area on the right, complete the applicable fields.

Note: The fields that appear in the Characteristic area vary, based on the value you select in the Characteristic Type field.

Repeat steps 1-3 to include additional characteristics to this Format Model record.

Tip: You can change the sequence of the characteristics by clicking the up and down arrows in the left pane.

Click Save. iQuote saves your changes.


Add notes and alerts

Use the Notes tab of the Format Model screen to add notes and alerts to the Format Model record.

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Tip: The system displays notes only in the Format Model record itself. However, alerts prompt the system to display a popup message when the specific format is selected on the Product Specification tab of the Estimate or Job record.

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