Element Finishing Functionalities

The Engineering uses the Element Finishing type functionalities to perform finishing activities in the product’s elements such as cover, book block, folder etc. The Element Finishing functionalities are:

1004 – Folding Machine

1017 – Signature De-collator

1018 – Hot Stamping

1019 – Embossing

1024 – Sheet Laminator

1031 – Fold Creasing

1033 – Stripper (Die Cutting)

1034 – Die Cutting – Sheet

1036 – Double-sided Tape

1037 – Carton Closer

1039 – Thermography

1041 – Folding Machine (undetermined)

1044 – Coupler (Substrate/ Microcorrugated)

1048 – Braille Relief

1064 – Folding Flap

1079 – Label Die cut – Sheet

1082 – Web Laminator

1083 – Hot Stamping – Roll

1084 – Label Die cut – Web

Note: Find this functionality's description at Creating Label Products - Setting functionality 1084 – Label Die Cut – Web.

1096 – Multi Roll Lamination

Note: Find this functionality's description at Creating Label Products - Setting functionality 1096 – Multi Roll Lamination.

1097 – Fanfold Maker

Note: Find this functionality's description at Creating Label Products - Setting functionality 1097 – Fanfold Maker.

1098 - Application in Label

Note: Find this functionality's description at Creating Label Products - Setting functionality 1098 – Application in Label.


Find bellow the detailed information of each functionality:



1004 – Folding machine


The Engineering uses the 1004 – Folding machine functionality for folding sheets. This functionality is used in the following situations:


Components’ folding in a double layout

Ser relacionada com outras functionalities para dobra em linha

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The 1004 – Folding machine functionality will be activated every time it is required to fold a component. Usually, this necessity is identified by the component’s finished and flat format. That is, if a component has a finished format = 210 x 266 mm and a flat format = 420 x 266 mm, the component has one vertical folding and has 4 pages. The Folding machine will be activated by the following specification characteristic class:

Component Format – Cover

Component Format – Cover with flap

Component Format – Signature

Component Format – Handout

Component Format – Handout with templates

Component Format – Endpage

For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Type.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Folding machine


Functionality Restriction

There can only be 2 accumulations in the folding, that it, for folding a component is necessary for the machine to accumulate 2 times. If more accumulations are necessary, this must be provided in the fold scheme.

This functionality does not fold different interleaved components. Therefore, it is necessary to use the 1065 – Handout folding functionality. For more information, refer to "Setting the functionality 1065 – Handout folding.”.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to Production Group

Note: In order to be possible to add the 1004 – Folding machine functionality to the Production Group it is necessary to have previously recorded the folding schemes. For more information, refer to “Folding schemes.”

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Folding rules

This option should be selected for the Folding machine functionality.

Folding Machine Type

Types of folding machine, which can be:

Normal – Folding machines that are not in line with other machines.

Online in the machine – Used when the folding is performed inline in a printing machine.

When selecting this type of folding, the Accumulated Folding (Cut off) field is enabled. This field should only be filled with the cut off value if the folding machine performs accumulated folding, and in this case the folding scheme linked to functionality should have the Accumulated (Webfed) option marked. For more information, refer to "Folding Schemes.”

In line with cutting in the angle bar – Used when the folding is performed inline in the printing machine and the paper roll is cut into strips. In this case it will be necessary to link the recorded folding schemes with more than one sheets to that functionality. The number of sheets in the folding scheme is the number of strips cut. For more information, refer to "Folding Schemes.”

When selecting this type of folding, the Accumulated Folding (Cut off) field is enabled. This field should only be filled with the cut off value if the folding machine performs accumulated folding, and in this case the folding scheme linked to functionality should have the Accumulated (Webfed) option marked. For more information, refer to "Folding Schemes.”

In line with more than one coil – Used when the folding is performed inline in the printing machine using more than one paper roll In this case it will be necessary to link the recorded folding schemes with more than one sheets to that functionality. The number of sheets in the folding scheme is the number of paper rolls. For more information, refer to "Folding Schemes.”

When selecting this type of folding, the Accumulated Folding (Cut off) field is enabled. This field should only be filled with the cut off value if the folding machine performs accumulated folding, and in this case the folding scheme linked to functionality should have the Accumulated (Webfed) option marked. For more information, refer to "Folding Schemes.”

This field will be displayed only if the Folding rules option is enabled.

Folding Schemes

Indicates whether there will be folding schemes definitions. This option should be kept enabled for the Folding machine functionality.

You can now use the Up and Down arrows to sort the schemes in a way that better answers your needs. The order does not have any impact on the system.

Supports all folding schemes

Indicates if the functionality can perform all the recorded folding schemes. By selecting this option, the Engineering may take longer to calculate all possible routes. For this reason, it is recommended to select only the folding schemes the machine can perform.


Click New, for selecting the appropriate folding schemes. Complete the fields as described below:



Folding Scheme

Fold scheme which allows this functionality to perform the recorded folding, when linked to the Folding machine functionality. For more information, refer to "Folding schemes.”


In the input restriction area, complete the fields as described below:



Minimum Format (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format to be validated only in this folding scheme. By entering the minimum format for the folding scheme, Engineering will consider this format instead of the one set in the functionality. If the input component is smaller than the minimum specified in the folding scheme, this scheme will not be considered by the Engineering.

Maximum Format (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format to be validated only in this folding scheme. By entering the maximum format for the folding scheme, Engineering will consider this format instead of the one set in the functionality. If the input component is bigger than the maximum specified in the folding scheme, this scheme will not be considered by the Engineering.

Grammage (g/m2) between

Range of grammages allowed for the input components. If the input component has a grammage out of the range given in the folding scheme, it will not be considered in the Engineering.


Width and height position of the folding scheme in relation to the folding machine’s feeder. Example for a 4-page layout:

The position of the folding scheme according to the orientation, can be:

Flip 0º - The front and back are in the reverse of the recorded position.

Flip 180º - The folding scheme rotates 180° to the right and the front and back are reversed.

Flip 270º - The folding scheme rotates 270° to the right and the front and back are reversed.

Flip 90º - The folding scheme rotates 90° to the right and the front and back are reversed.

Rotation 0º - The folding scheme position remains as recorded.

Rotation 180º - The folding scheme rotates 180° to the right.

Rotation 270º - The folding scheme rotates 270° to the right.

Rotation 90º - The folding scheme rotates 90° to the right.

The folding schemes rotation influences the component’s height and width positions for the machine’s feeder. Thus, it is necessary to observe the minimum and maximum values in the recorded formats, avoiding conflict.


In the Output restriction area, complete the fields as described below:



Minimum Format (WxH)

Output component’s minimum format to be validated only in this folding scheme. By entering the minimum format for the folding scheme, Engineering will consider this format instead of the one set in the functionality. If the output component finished format is smaller than the minimum specified in the folding scheme, this scheme will not be considered by the Engineering.

Maximum Format (WxH)

Output component’s maximum format to be validated only in this folding scheme. By entering the maximum format for the folding scheme, Engineering will consider this format instead of the one set in the functionality. If the output component finished format is bigger than the maximum specified in the folding scheme, this scheme will not be considered by the Engineering.

Thickness between

Range of thickness allowed for the output components. If the output component has a thickness out of the range given in the folding scheme, it will not be considered in the Engineering.


In the Behavior area, complete the fields as described below:



It can start a partial fold

Indicates if the fold scheme can fold only a part of the total of pages of a component, without finishing all the necessary folds. This setting is typically used for covers, when it is necessary to fold the flaps previously.

It can continue a partial fold

Indicates if the fold scheme can fold only a part of the total of pages of a component that has already been partially folded. This setting is typically used for covers, when the flaps were previously folded.


Complete the remaining fields in this screen as described below:



Input format

Indicates if the input component’s minimum and maximum format for height and width will be restricted.

Minimum Format (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If the input component’s finished format is smaller than the minimum specified in the folding scheme, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the input format is enabled.

Maximum Format (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If the input component’s finished format is bigger than the maximum specified in the folding scheme, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the input format is enabled.

Output Width

Indicates if the output component’s minimum and maximum width values will be restricted. This option is always enabled for this functionality.


Minimum output width to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is, the finished component must be bigger than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering.


Maximum output width to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is, the finished component must be smaller than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering.

Output Height

Indicates if the output component’s minimum and maximum height values will be restricted. This option is always enabled for this functionality.


Minimum output height to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is, the finished component must be bigger than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering.


Maximum output height to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is, the finished component must be smaller than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering.


Indicates if the output component’s thickness will be restricted.


Minimum output thickness to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. This validation is made on the finished (folded) output component. This field will be displayed only if the Thickness option is enabled.


Maximum output thickness to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. This validation is made on the finished (folded) component. This field will be displayed only if the Thickness option is enabled.

Thickness – Input

Indicates if the input component’s thickness will be restricted.


Minimum output thickness to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. This validation is made on the input component. This field will be displayed only if the Thickness – Input option is enabled.


Maximum output thickness to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. This validation is made on the input component. This field will be displayed only if the Thickness – Input option is enabled.

Maximum grammage for folding without creasing

Indicates if the maximum grammage value for folding without requiring previous creasing will be restricted. If this option is not selected the component will not be creased before folding.

Maximum grammage

Maximum grammage permitted for an input component entering the folding machine without previous creasing. If the input component has a grammage greater than the recorded, it will be necessary to crease this component before folding. In this case, the Engineering will activate the 1031 – Fold Creasing functionality, which must be previously recorded. For more information, refer to "Functionality 1031 – Fold Creasing.” This field is displayed only if the Maximum grammage for folding without creasing is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1017 – Signatures De-collator


The Engineering uses the 1017 – Signatures De-collator functionality for de-collating signatures. The signature de-collating occurs when a signature is made with a number of pages bigger than the necessary, such as, when printing and folding a 32-page, but de-collating it into 16-page signatures.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Engineering activates the 1017 – Signatures De-collator functionality when there is an opportunity for printing the signature with more pages and de-collating it to the required number of pages. In order to make it possible, it is necessary that the system have folding schemes with settings compatible with the signature’s pages. For more information, refer to "Folding schemes.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Webfed printers

Cutting machines


Functionality Restriction

The de-collating functionality is incompatible with components that had the layout manually informed in the Product Specification. If a component with manually edited layout also needs to be de-collated, the Engineering will not be calculated. For more information, refer to "Layout Manual Editing in the Specification.”

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



De-collating type

Indicates whether the options to determine the de-collating options are enabled.

This option should be kept enabled for this functionality.

De-collating type

Types of interleaving, which can be:

De-collating – De-collates folding schemes that have the Needs de-collating parameter enabled.

Cut – Trims folded signatures in order to be possible to de-collate them. It may be used only be used in the folding schemes that have the Needs cutting enabled.

For more information, refer to "Folding Schemes.” If a machine can cut schemes with de-collating and de-collate them at the same time, two de-collating functionalities will have to be set: one with Cut as the type of de-collating and another with De-collating. This field is displayed only if the De-collating type option is enabled.

Note: For more information on setting de-collating in webfed printers impressoras rotativas, guillotines and handling processes, refer to “Folding schemes.”


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1018 – Hot stamping – Sheet


The Engineering uses the 1018 – Hot stamping – Sheet functionality for applying hot stamping finishing in the elements.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1008 – Packaging film

1030 – Hot stamping form

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Hot Stamping class of Specification Characteristic type activated the 1018 - Hot stamping – Sheet functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Hot stamping machines.

Functionality Restriction

The Engineering will not simulate use of film rolls for this functionality. If there is more than one film reel format set to a substrate, Engineering select the coil randomly. For this reason, the configuration of this substrate, it is necessary to configure a single reel of film for each type of Hot Stamping.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1008 – Packaging roll) – The raw materials are linked to the Specification Characteristic Class that activates this functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.”. For more information on recording the Substrate raw material, refer to "Substrate.”

Relief Plates (represented by the input component 1030 – Hot stamping form) – The raw material Form can be used for various functionalities. Therefore, to calculate forms based on the Hot stamping Specification Characteristic, it is necessary to link the Engineering component 1030 – Hot stamping form to the Form raw material. For more information on recording the Form raw material, refer to "Form.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.



Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.


Proportion between width and height

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.



Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Hot stamping roll width

Indicates whether the minimum or maximum width will be applied to select the film roll.

This option should only be selected if there is the input component 1008 – Film packaging linked to this functionality.


Minimum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping roll width option is enabled.



Maximum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping roll width option is enabled.


Film consumption (bleeding)

Indicates if the bleeding informed in the Size field is applied, increasing the film consumption.


Bleeding value that increases film consumption. When entering a value in this field, the Engineering will add it to all sides of the hot stamping application area, determined in the product specification. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.”

The Engineering will calculate the film by adding the bleeding value. This field is displayed only if the Film consumption (bleeding) option is enabled. The film consumption area with the bleeding will be:

Height = Specified height + (Bleeding film * 2)

Width = Specified width + (Bleeding film * 2)

Area m2 = Height * Width * Total Cycles * Qty. elements in the layout


Hot stamping Items

Indicates if the hot stamping options will be enabled. By selecting this option, the system will show the list of hot stamping options available in the hot stamping Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.”

If this option is enabled, at least one option for hot stamping must be selected. Otherwise the Engineering will consider the hot stamping functionality can perform all hot stamping options recorded.

Hot Stamping Plate Margin

Select this option for adding a margin to the flexo plate, if necessary. This value will be added to the plate’s total size and can influence its consumption, depending on the type of calculation set.


The value entered in this field will be added to the calculated flexo plate’s width. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping Plate Margin option is enabled.


The value entered in this field will be added to the calculated flexo plate’s height. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping Plate Margin option is enabled.

Hot Stamping Plate Calculation

Indicates if a rule different from the default will be selected for this calculation.

Calculation by

Calculation options, which can be:

Informed Area in Specification – The area informed in the hot stamping Specification Characteristic Class will be considered for calculating the hot stamping plate. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.” Examples:

By unit – Number of hot stamping types informed in the specification * number of elements in the functionality cycle.

By cm2 – Sum of the area of each type of hot stamping informed in the specification by using the formula: (informed width + plate margin width defined in the functionality) * (informed height + plate margin height defined in the functionality).

The sum result is mulNotelied by the number of elements in the functionality cycle.

Total Area – Area considered for the plate area. It is the total live area for the substrate entering the machine. Examples:

By unit – The number of plates will always be 1.

By cm2 – (Live area width + plate margin width defined in the functionality) * (Live area height + plate margin height defined in the functionality).

This field will be displayed only if the Hot Stamping Plate Calculation option is enabled.

Choose Roll

Define how the system chooses which hot stamping roll to use.

Equal to or greater than the live area: the system uses a roll that has an equal or bigger size than the area of the product that needs the hot stamping.

Equal to or greater than the paper width: the system uses a roll that has a width size equal o bigger than the product's width.

Use the stamping width specified in the Product to calculate the Film Roll Widththe system uses the roll that has the width that you define.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1083 – Hot stamping – Web


The Engineering uses the 1083 – Hot stamping – Web functionality for applying hot stamping finishing in the elements.

Engineering Components Types Used



1003 – Bobina

1008 – Packaging film

1030 – Hot stamping form

1003 – Bobina

Functionality Activation

The Hot Stamping class of Specification Characteristic type activated the 1083 – Hot stamping – Web functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Hot stamping machines.

Functionality Restriction

The Engineering will not simulate use of film rolls for this functionality. If there is more than one film reel format set to a substrate, Engineering select the coil randomly. For this reason, the configuration of this substrate, it is necessary to configure a single reel of film for each type of Hot Stamping.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1008 – Packaging roll) – The raw materials are linked to the Specification Characteristic Class that activates this functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records. For more information on recording the Substrate raw material, refer to "Substrate.”

Relief Plates (represented by the input component 1030 – Hot stamping form) – The raw material Form can be used for various functionalities. Therefore, to calculate forms based on the hot stamping Specification Characteristic, it is necessary to link the Engineering component 1030 – Hot stamping form to the Form raw material. For more information on recording the Form raw material, refer to "Form.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.



Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.


Proportion between width and height

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.



Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Hot stamping roll width

Indicates whether the minimum or maximum width will be applied to select the film roll.

This option should only be selected if there is the input component 1008 – Film packaging linked to this functionality.


Minimum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping roll width option is enabled.



Maximum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping roll width option is enabled.


Film consumption (bleeding)

Indicates if the bleeding informed in the Size field is applied, increasing the film consumption.


Bleeding value that increases film consumption. When entering a value in this field, the Engineering will add it to all sides of the hot stamping application area, determined in the product specification. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.”

The Engineering will calculate the film by adding the bleeding value. This field is displayed only if the Film consumption (bleeding) option is enabled. The film consumption area with the bleeding will be:

Height = Specified height + (Bleeding film * 2)

Width = Specified width + (Bleeding film * 2)

Area m2 = Height * Width * Total Cycles * Qty. elements in the layout


Hot stamping Items

Indicates if the hot stamping options will be enabled. By selecting this option, the system will show the list of hot stamping options available in the hot stamping Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.”

If this option is enabled, at least one option for hot stamping must be selected. Otherwise the Engineering will consider the hot stamping functionality can perform all hot stamping options recorded.

Hot Stamping Plate Margin

Select this option for adding a margin to the flexo plate, if necessary. This value will be added to the plate’s total size and can influence its consumption, depending on the type of calculation set.


The value entered in this field will be added to the calculated flexo plate’s width. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping Plate Margin option is enabled.


The value entered in this field will be added to the calculated flexo plate’s height. This field is displayed only if the Hot stamping Plate Margin option is enabled.

Hot Stamping Plate Calculation

Indicates if a rule different from the default will be selected for this calculation.

Calculation by

Calculation options, which can be:

Informed Area in Specification – The area informed in the hot stamping Specification Characteristic Class will be considered for calculating the hot stamping plate. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Hot stamping.” Examples:

By unit – Number of hot stamping types informed in the specification * number of elements in the functionality cycle.

By cm2 – Sum of the area of each type of hot stamping informed in the specification by using the formula: (informed width + plate margin width defined in the functionality) * (informed height + plate margin height defined in the functionality).

The sum result is mulNotelied by the number of elements in the functionality cycle.

Total Area – Area considered for the plate area. It is the total live area for the substrate entering the machine. Examples:

By unit – The number of plates will always be 1.

By cm2 – (Live area width + plate margin width defined in the functionality) * (Live area height + plate margin height defined in the functionality).

This field will be displayed only if the Hot Stamping Plate Calculation option is enabled.

Choose Roll

Define how the system chooses which hot stamping roll to use.

Equal to or greater than the live area: the system uses a roll that has an equal or bigger size than the area of the product that needs the hot stamping.

Equal to or greater than the paper width: the system uses a roll that has a width size equal o bigger than the product's width.

Use the stamping width specified in the Product to calculate the Film Roll Widththe system uses the roll that has the width that you define.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1019 – Embossing


The Engineering uses the 1019 – Embossing functionality for embossing elelments.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1023 – Relief plate

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Embossing Class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1019 – Embossing functionality. For more information, refer to " Specification Characteristic Type – Embossing.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Embossing machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Relief plate (represented by the input components 1023 – Relief plate).

The Relief plate raw material may be used for various functionalities. Therefore, to calculate Relief plate based on the Embossing Specification Characteristic, it will be necessary to link the Engineering component 1023 – Relief plate to the raw material Relief plate. For more information, refer to "Relief plate."


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1024 – Sheet Laminator


The Engineering uses the 1024 – Sheet laminator functionality for applying lamination on the elements.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1008 – Film

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Lamination class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1024 – Sheet laminator functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Type – Lamination” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Lamination machines

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1008 - Film).

The raw materials will be linked to the Specification Characteristic Class that activates de functionality. For more information, refer "Specification Characteristic Type – Lamination” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records. For more information on recording raw materials, refer to "Substrate.”.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Lamination items

Indicates if the lamination options will be enabled. By selecting this option, the system will show the list of lamination options available in the lamination Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Lamination.”

If this option is enabled, at least one option for lamination must be selected. Otherwise the Engineering will consider the lamination functionality can perform all lamination options recorded.

Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Imposition difficulty level

A number that represents the level of difficulty considered as a filter in the imposition process. For example, the hot stamping process is complex and is applied on a specific area, so it requires a special care and, therefore, the imposition process will need more time to be done. The number defined as the difficulty level is automatically add by the Engineering when the process of hot stamping is involved.

If another group also has some difficulty level (such as a spot varnish) only the higher number will be considered in the imposition process.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Lamination roll Width

Indicates whether the minimum or maximum width will be applied to select the film roll.

This option should only be selected if there is the input component 1008 – Film linked to this functionality.


Minimum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Lamination roll width option is enabled.


Maximum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Lamination roll width option is enabled.

Apply F/B in the same passing

Indicates whether the lamination on the front and back will be applied in the same pass.

If this option is enabled and if the input component 1008 - Film is linked to the functionality, the Engineering will calculate two film rolls, one for the front and one for the back.

Choose roll

Indicates if the rule for choosing the roll will be modified, according to the default rule. If this option is not selected, the rule Equal to or greater than live area will be applied.

This option should be selected if the input component 1008 - Film is linked to the functionality.

Choose roll

Selection rule for the film roll, which can be:

Equal to or greater than live area – This is the default rule used by the Engineering for choosing the roll.

Equal to or greater than the paper width

This field will be displayed only if the Choose roll option is enabled.

Allow lamination after hot stamping

It indicates that the system will simulate the route with the lamination both before and after the hot stamping.

It should be enabled only in specific cases where this change is required due to machinery needs.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1082 – Web Laminator


The Engineering uses the 1082 – Web laminator functionality for applying lamination on the elements.

Engineering Components Types Used



1003 – Paper roll

1008 – Film

1003 – Paper roll

Functionality Activation

The Lamination class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1082 – Web laminator functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Type – Lamination.” For more information refer to iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records in “Specification Characteristic Types – Lamination” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Lamination machines

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1008 - Film).

The raw materials will be linked to the Specification Characteristic Class that activates de functionality. For more information, refer "Specification Characteristic Type – Lamination” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records. For more information on recording raw materials, refer to "Substrate.”.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Lamination items

Indicates if the lamination options will be enabled. By selecting this option, the system will show the list of lamination options available in the lamination Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Lamination.”

If this option is enabled, at least one option for lamination must be selected. Otherwise the Engineering will consider the lamination functionality can perform all lamination options recorded.

Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

This option will be always enabled for this functionality.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

This parameter should be kept disabled for this functionality.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Imposition difficulty level

A number that represents the level of difficulty considered as a filter in the imposition process. For example, the hot stamping process is complex and is applied on a specific area, so it requires a special care and, therefore, the imposition process will need more time to be done. The number defined as the difficulty level is automatically add by the Engineering when the process of hot stamping is involved.

If another group also has some difficulty level (such as a spot varnish) only the higher number will be considered in the imposition process.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Lamination roll Width

Indicates whether the minimum or maximum width will be applied to select the film roll.

This option should only be selected if there is the input component 1008 – Film linked to this functionality.


Minimum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Lamination roll width option is enabled.


Maximum width to be considered for selecting the film roll. This field is displayed only if the Lamination roll width option is enabled.

Apply F/B in the same passing

Indicates whether the lamination on the front and back will be applied in the same pass.

If this option is enabled and if the input component 1008 - Film is linked to the functionality, the Engineering will calculate two film rolls, one for the front and one for the back.

Choose roll

Indicates if the rule for choosing the roll will be modified, according to the default rule. If this option is not selected, the rule Equal to or greater than live area will be applied.

This option should be selected if the input component 1008 - Film is linked to the functionality.

Choose roll

Selection rule for the film roll, which can be:

Equal to or greater than live area – This is the default rule used by the Engineering for choosing the roll.

Equal to or greater than the paper width

This field will be displayed only if the Choose roll option is enabled.

Allow lamination after hot stamping

It indicates that the system will simulate the route with the lamination both before and after the hot stamping.

It should be enabled only in specific cases where this change is required due to machinery needs.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1031 – Fold creasing


The Engineering uses the 1031 – Fold creasing functionality for applying a creasing on a sheet so that it can be folded. This situation occurs when the sheet is too thick to be folded and needs to be previously creased.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The following functionalities can activate the 1031 – Fold creasing functionality:

1004 – Folding machine

1041 – Folding machine (undetermined)

1064 – Folding flap

The functionalities above activate the 1031 – Fold creasing functionality when the option Maximum grammage for folding without creasing is selected and a maximum grammage is informed. In this case this functionality will be automatically activated by the Engineering if a component has a bigger grammage than what was set.

For more information, refer to “Setting the functionality 1004 – Folding machine.”, “Setting the functionality 1041 – Folding machine (Indeterminada).” and “Setting the functionality 1064 – Folding flap.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Creasing machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:




Indicates if the thickness validation will be used for the input component.


Minimum thickness to be considered as a restriction. This validation will be applied to the sheet type of input component. This field will be displayed only if the Thickness option is enabled.


Maximum thickness to be considered as a restriction. This validation will be applied to the sheet type of input component. This field will be displayed only if the Thickness option is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1033 – Stripper (die cutting)


The Engineering uses the 1033 – Stripper (die cutting) for stripping off components from a sheet, after the die cutting process.

Engineering Components Types Used



1003 – Paper Roll

1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

1026 – Plotter Sheet

1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

1026 – Plotter Sheet

Functionality Activation

The following Specification Characteristic Types activate the 1033 – Stripper (die cutting) functionality:

Component Format – Carton

Component Format – Irregular

Die Cutting (when the Stripper option is enabled in the product specification)

For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Component Format – Carton.”, “Specification Characteristic Types – Component Format – Irregular.” and “Specification Characteristic Types – Die Cutting.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Stripper Machine.


Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1034 – Die Cutting – Sheet


The Engineering uses the 1034 – Die Cutting – Sheet for die cutting components from a printed sheet.

Engineering Components Types Used



1003 – Paper Roll

1001 – Sheet

1016 – Knife Die Cutting

1026 – Plotter Sheet

1003 – Paper Roll

1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet/ carton

1026 – Plotter Sheet

Functionality Activation

The following Specification Characteristic Types Classes activate the 1034 – Die Cutting – Sheet functionality:

Component Format – Carton

Component Format – Irregular

Die Cutting

For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Component Format – Carton”, “Specification Characteristic Types – Component Format – Irregular.” and “Specification Characteristic Types – Die Cutting” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Die cutting Machine.


Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Knife (represented by the input component 1016 – Knife Die Cutting). The 1038 – Mount die cutting knife functionality will calculate the material when the component 1016 – Knife Die Cutting – Die cutting knife is linked to the functionality 1034 – Die cutting – Sheet.

For more information, refer to “Die cutting blade.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout, according to the area marked in green. The bleed margin are additional to the other margins, that is the bleed margins are not applied within the top or bottom margins.

This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Stripping indicator

Indicates if the stripping percentage will be informed. This field is informational only, and will not be considered in Engineering calculations.


Stripping percentage value. This field is displayed only if the Stripping indicator option is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1036 – Double-sided tape


The Engineering uses the 1036 – Double-sided tape functionality for applying double-sided tape on the components.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound Component

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

1014 – Component Coupling (Kit)

1015 – Double-sided tape

1026 – Plotter Sheet

1027 – Plotter paper roll

1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound Component

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

1014 – Component Coupling (Kit)

1026 – Plotter Sheet

1027 – Plotter paper roll

Functionality Activation

The Double-sided tape class of Specification Characteristic Types activates the 1036 – Double-sided tape functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Double-sided tape” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Double-sided tape application machines


Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Double-sided tape (represented by the input component 1015 – Double-sided tape.

The raw materials are linked to the specification characteristic that activates the functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Double-sided tape” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

For more information on recording this raw material, refer to “Double-sided tape.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.


1037 – Carton closer


The Engineering uses the 1037 – Carton closer functionality for closing carton-like products.

Engineering Components Types Used



1003 – Glue

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

Functionality Activation

The Carton closer class of Specification Characteristic Types activates the 1037 – Carton closer functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Carton closer.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Glue application.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Glue (represented by the input component 1016 – Knife Die Cutting – Glue).

In the glue record it is possible to define what glues can be used in this process. For more information, refer to “Glue.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Gluing Type

Indicates if the system will consider the gluing rules.

This option should be maintained enabled for this functionality.

Lateral gluing

Indicates if this functionality can apply glue on the carton’s lateral flap.

It will be indicated in the Gluing type field in the component specification if there will be a lateral closing or not. For more information on the gluing types, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Carton Closure.”

Frontal and Lateral gluing

Indicates if this functionality can apply glue on the carton’s lateral and frontal flaps.

It will be indicated in the Gluing type field in the component specification if there will be a lateral and frontal closing or not. For more information on the gluing types, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Carton Closure.”

Needs hot glue for non adherent surfaces

Indicates if this functionality should select the hot glue when the component has Non adherent surface parameter enabled. The Carton Closer functionality should also have the Apply hot glue parameter enabled to so that the Engineering can be calculated. It is necessary that at least one glue be marked as Hot glue in the raw materials record. For more information, refer to "Glue.”

For more information on the Non adherent surface parameter, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Carton Closure.”

Applies hot glue

Indicates if this functionality will apply hot glue.

At least one glue must be selected as Hot glue in the raw materials records. For more information, refer to "Glue.”

Distance between objects for lateral gluing

Indicates whether there is a distance between the components entering the machine that have glue on the lateral flap.

This option should be maintained enabled for this functionality.


Distance to be left between the components that are entering the machine. This will be considered, for example, for calculating the machine’s production in linear meters (if it is set to this unit). In the image below, notice the glue position marked in yellow and the distance between the components in blue:

Imagem 25

Distance between objects for lateral and frontal gluing

Indicates whether there is a distance between the components entering the machine that have glue on the lateral and frontal flap.

This option should be maintained enabled for this functionality.


Distance to be left between the components that are entering the machine. This will be considered, for example, for calculating the machine’s production in linear meters (if it is set to this unit). In the image below, notice the glue position marked in yellow and the distance between the components in blue:

Imagem 26

Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1039 – Thermography

Technical information


The Engineering uses the 1039 – Thermography functionality for applying thermography. The thermography process is the creation of a relief effect by means of a chemical reaction. Therefore it uses no plates such as the ones used in the embossing process.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

Functionality Activation

The thermography class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1039 - Thermography  functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Type – Thermography.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Thermography machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

This functionality does not have a default raw material. However, it will be possible to calculate the raw material in the Engineering using the customized raw materials function. For more information, refer to "Production Group Customized Raw Materials.”


Linking this functionality to a production group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1041 – Folding Machine (undetermined)


The Engineering uses the 1041 – Folding Machine (undetermined) functionality for folding sheets. This functionality can be used in the following situations:

Folding of components with irregular format.

Folding of sheet components, when there is no recorded 1004 – Folding Machine functionality that can fold the component.

Folding of components with double layout, when there is no recorded 1004 – Folding Machine functionality that can fold the component.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet / carton

Functionality Activation

The 1041 – Folding Machine (undetermined) functionality will be activated anytime it is necessary to fold a component. Usually the system identifies this necessity because of the flat and finished formats, that is, if a component has 210 x 266 mm (finished) and 420 x 266 mm (flat), it needs a vertical fold and has 4 pages.

The following Specification Characteristics activate the 1041 – Folding Machine (undetermined) functionality:

Component format – Irregular

When there is no 1004 – Folding Machine functionality that can fold the component, the 1041 – Folding Machine (undetermined) functionality will be activated by the following Specification Characteristics Classes:

Component format – Cover

Component format – Cover with flap

Component format – Signature

Component format – Handout

Component format – Handout with templates

Component format – Endpage

For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristics Type.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Folding machines


Functionality Restriction

The folding schemes must be recorded so that the 1041 – Folding Machine (undetermined) functionality is activated When there is no recorded 1004 – Folding Machine functionality that can fold the component. For more information, refer to “Folding schemes.”

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:




Indicates if the input component’s minimum and maximum height values will be restricted.


Minimum input height to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is, the component before folding must be bigger than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering. This field will be displayed only if the Height option is enabled.


Maximum input height to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is, the component before folding must be smaller than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering. This field will be displayed only if the Height option is enabled.


Indicates if the input component’s minimum and maximum width values will be restricted.


Minimum input width to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is the component before folding must be bigger than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering.


Maximum input width to be considered as a restriction for the functionality. That is the component before folding must be smaller than this value so that this functionality can be selected by Engineering.

Maximum grammage for folding without creasing

Indicates if the maximum grammage value for folding without requiring previous creasing will be restricted.

Maximum grammage

Maximum grammage permitted for an input component entering the folding machine without previous creasing. If the input component has a grammage greater than the recorded, it will be necessary to crease this component before folding. In this case, the Engineering will activate the 1031 – Fold Creasing functionality, which must be previously recorded. For more information, refer to "Functionality 1031 – Fold Creasing.” This field is displayed only if the Maximum grammage for folding without creasing is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1044 – Coupler (Substrate/ Microcorrugated)


The Engineering uses the 1044 – Coupler (Substrate/ Microcorrugated) functionality for performing the process of coupling substrates, such as, attaching two or more substrates to form only one component. This function is typically used in products that have a microcorrugated substrate. With this functionality, it is possible to perform the following functions:

Attach 2 or more similar substrates;

Attach 2 or more different substrates;

Attach 2 or more substrates with a microcorrugated.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1006 – Glue

1020 – Microcorrugated substrate

1021 – Pre coupled Component

1001 – Sheet

1021 – Pre coupled Component

Functionality Activation

The following Specification Characteristic Types activate 1044 – Acopladora (Substrato/ micro-ondulado) functionality:

Microcorrugated coupling

Substrate coupling

Coupled Component

For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Microcorrugated coupling.”, “Specification Characteristic Types – Substrate coupling.” and “Specification Characteristic Types – Coupled Component.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Substrate coupler.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Microcorrugated (represented by the components 1020 – Microcorrugated substrate). The raw materials are linked to the Specification Characteristic Class that activates thos functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Substrate coupling.”. For more information on recording this raw material, refer "Microcorrugated.”

Substrate (represented by the input components 1001 – Sheet). For more information on recording this raw material, refer to “Substrate.”

Glue (represented by component 1016 – Knife Die Cutting – Glue). In the glue record it is possible to determine what glue may be used to perform this process. For more information, refer to "Glue.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:




Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout, according to the area marked in green. The bleed margin are additional to the other margins that is the bleed margins are not applied within the top or bottom margins.

This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.


Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1048 – Braille Relief


The Engineering uses the 1048 - Relevo Braille functionality for applying Braille relief.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1024 – Braille Plate

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Braille Relief class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1048 – Braille Relief functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Braille Relief” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Braille machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Inks (represented by the input component 1004 – Ink/ varnish). For more information, refer “Ink.”

Relief Plate (represented by the input component 1024 – Braille Plate).

The Plate raw material can be used for different functionalities. Therefore, in order to calculate the plates based on the Braille Relief Specification Characteristic, it is necessary to link the 1024 – Braille Plate Engineering component to the Relief Plate raw material.

For more information on the raw material record, refer to “Relief Plate.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Layout simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For this functionality, the Layout simulation will always be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

This option should be enabled for the Braille Relief functionality, since it is not possible to apply Braille relief on components with work and turn imposition.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Indicates if margins will be added to the printing sheet.


Top margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Bottom margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Right margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Left margin of the sheet. The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet, in the position shown marked in red in the image below. This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



The engineering applies the value in this field to the sheet as a bleeding margin, in all sides, around the products in the layout. This functionality does not use bleeding margins and cannot create another bleeding margin additional to the printing bleeding. Therefore, this field should not be filled for this functionality.


Printing area (WxH)

Area where the product can be printed (live area). This field is displayed only if the Margins option is enabled.



Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1064 – Folding Flap


The Engineering uses the 1064 – Folding Flap functionality for folding the product’s flap after the finishing process (saddle stitching, perfect biding, etc).

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 - Compound component

1002 - Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Component format – Cover with Flaps Specification Characteristic Types activates the 1064 – Folding Flap functionality. The component should be classified as a cover, using the Cover Component Specification Characteristic Type. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Component format – Cover with Flaps" and to "Specification Characteristic Types – Cover Component.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Machines for flap folding.


Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum grammage for folding without creasing

Indicates if the maximum grammage value for folding without requiring previous creasing will be restricted. If this option is not selected the component will not be creased before folding.

Maximum grammage

Maximum grammage permitted for an input component entering the folding machine without previous creasing. If the input component has a grammage greater than the recorded, it will be necessary to crease this component before folding. In this case, the Engineering will activate the 1031 – Fold Creasing functionality, which must be previously recorded. For more information, refer to "Functionality 1031 – Fold Creasing.” This field is displayed only if the Maximum grammage for folding without creasing is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1079 – Label Die Cut – Sheet


The Engineering uses the 1079 – Label Die Cut – Sheet functionality for performing the kiss cutting allwoing the labels to be easily detached.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Activation

The Component format – Labels Specification Characteristic Types activates the 1079 – Kisscut – Sheet functionality.

For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Component format – Labels" in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Machines for flap folding.

Functionality Restriction

It is not possible to link a knife.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.