Envelope Functionalities

The Engineering uses the Envelope type functionalities to perform activities related to mailing products. They are:

1090 - Envelope Maker

1091 - Window Patcher

1092 - Inkjet Components

1093 - Envelope Inserter

1095 - Half Folder


Find bellow the detailed information of each functionality:


1090 - Envelope Maker


The 1090 – Envelope maker functionality applies glue and closes flat envelopes, transforming them into their finished size. This functionality runs on envelope components according to the following criteria:

It produces only one up envelope in the layout.

It runs after the die cutter functionality, which is responsible for cutting out the layout components.

It closes the flap but does not seal it. The envelope goes to the next machines in its finished format, but inserter machines are able to open the flap, insert the items into the envelope, and then close the flap and seal the envelope.

Engineering Component Types Used



1035 - Envelope

1035 - Envelope

Functionality Activation

This functionality is activated by the Envelope format characteristic specification type.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

For routes with an envelope component, iQuote can calculate the 1090 - Envelope Maker functionality, and then print the envelope using the 1000 - Sheetfed Offset Press and 1052 - Digital printer - Sheet functionalities.

Functionality Restriction

The pre-made envelope raw material does not trigger the 1090 - Envelope Maker.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

No default raw material.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.


Click OK. When finished, click Save and Close.



1091 - Window Patcher


The 1091 – Window patcher functionality is used to apply and trim the window substrate to envelopes or other components. You can apply it on:

Sheets, before folding

Folding cartons, before closure

Envelopes, before closure and glue application

Irregular sheets, before closure

Engineering Component Types Used



1008 - Film

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1035 - Envelope

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1035 - Envelope

Functionality Activation

This functionality is activated by the Window Patch Specification Characteristic Type.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Envelope Maker Machine, which can process the 1091 - Window Patcher functionality inline. The 1091 - Window Patcher functionality can also be calculated offline, i.e. placed on its own in a separate Production Group.

Functionality Restriction

This functionality cannot suppress only part of the window patch specification requirement. Products with more than one window patch will activate only machines that can apply all patch areas at once, or the engineering generation will fail.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

If the 1008 - Film Engineering Component is placed as an input component, the 1091 - Window Patcher will require the window patch raw material. If no raw materials are available, the engineering calculation will fail.

The material should be setup in the Window Patch Specification Characteristic Type:
•    Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Specification Characteristic Type;
•    Search the Window Patch characteristic > Edit > Edit characteristic info:


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Window Patch Material Roll

Filters the use of this functionality in the estimate or job, according to the window material width.

Generic Characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.


Click OK. When finished, click Save and Close.



1092 - Inkjet Components


The 1092 – Inkjet functionality is used to print on different components such as sheets, rolls, and envelopes.

Note: When using this this functionality, you must add any component added as an input, as an output as well.

Engineering Component Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 - Component Composite

1003 - Roll

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 - Kit/Grouper components

1022 - Sheet (leaf)

1026 - Sheet - substrate (big size)

1027 - Stand roll - substrate (big size)

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1028 - Provided Component

1001 – Sheet

1002 - Component Composite

1003 - Roll

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 - Kit / Grouper components

1022 - Sheet (leaf)

1026 - Sheet - substrate (big size)

1027 - Stand roll - substrate (big size)

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1028 - Provided Component

Functionality Activation

This functionality is activated by the Inkjet Specification Characteristic Type.

Note: For this functionality to work,you must add the Engineering Characteristic Type manually.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

The 1092 – Inkjet Components functionality has a similar behavior to the generic functionality. You can place it inline with all functionalities, also placed on its own in a separate Production Group.

Functionality Restriction

The Inkjet functionality:

Cannot partially suppress a characteristic

Can run multiple passes, if needed

In practice, it means that depending on the number of heads specified in the component’s Inkjet characteristic and the number of heads set up in the functionality’s configuration, the engineering may need to print the component in 2 or more passes or may not even be able to print it at all.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

No default raw materials.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Number of print heads

Defines how many lines the functionality can print in each run and can filter the use of this functionality depending on the component’s specification. 

Tip: Check the "Functionality Restriction" section on the table above.

Maximum DPI

Filters the use of this functionality in the estimate or job, according to the DPI specified for the component’s image.

Apply to the final component

If you select this checkbox, the inkjet functionality will be able to perform after the final guillotine cutter (1003 - Guillotine Cutter).

Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.


Click OK. When finished, click Save and Close.



1093 - Envelope Inserter


The 1093 – Envelope Inserter functionality is used to insert all the Mail Package components into the Outer Envelope component.

Engineering Component Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 - Component Composite

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 - Kit/Grouper components

1022 - Sheet (leaf)

1028 - Provided component

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

Functionality Activation

This functionality is activated by the Envelope Inserter Characteristic Type.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Inserter Machines for Mailing Packages.

Functionality Restriction

When you select the Envelope Inserter characteristic, the system validates the product specificatio to allow the engineering calculation as detailed below:

The system validates the final components' size against the Outer Envelope, making sure that the components could be fit into the Outer Envelope.

If any component is larger (width or height) than the outer envelope, the system does not calculate the Engineering.

In the Composition Screen available in the Mail Package component, iQuote validates if the Outer Envelope is placed as the first component.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

No default raw materials.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Tolerance to fit in the outer Envelope

All insert components must fit into the Outer Envelope, so we have two fields to limit the insert components:

Minimum Width Insertion Tolerance.

Minimum Insert Height Tolerance.

This setting is optional. If you do not set it, the tolerance is zero.

Outer Envelope Station

The Feature configured in the Production Group has stations where the "Outer Envelope" is placed and several pockets (defined by the configuration) where the components are inserted into the "Outer Envelope".

Minimum Size  Maximum size: the minimum and maximum size of the envelope must be respected in order to fit into the pocket of the outer envelope.

Envelope Flap / Opening Edge: use it in order to filter the Envelope Type used in this functionality, which can be:

Long Edge (If the height of the closure is less than the width of the closure).

Short Edge (If the height of the closure is greater than the width of the closure)

Inserter Stations: this table allows you to configure each avalable station separately.

Selective Inserter & Maximum Sheet Quantity: these fields allow you to define a maximum value for the Factor field in the Composition Detail window in Estimates and a Jobs. For that, select the first and enter the maximum value in the second, which must be an integer number different than 0.

Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.


Click OK. When finished, click Save and Close.



1095 - Half Folder


The 1095 - Half fold functionality is used to fold components in half. The purpose of the half fold is to adjust the size so that the component fits into the outer envelope.

The system folds the width or height, based on the specification component, and doubles the product thickness after fold.

Example of width fold:

Consider that the component is Width x Height = 8x11". After the half fold calculation, the component will be WxH = 4x11 and, if the thickness before the half fold calculation is 0.01", after the processing activity it will be 0.02".

Engineering Component Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 - Component Composite

1001 – Sheet

1002 - Component Composite

Functionality Activation

This functionality is activated by the Half Fold Characteristic Type.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

It can be placed in the Folder Machine or Handwork process.

Functionality Restriction

Hard coding folding in half.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

No default raw materials.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Output Width

Indicates whether there will be width restrictions on the machine feeder. This option is always selected for the Sheeter functionality.

Output Height

Indicates if the output component’s minimum and maximum height values will be restricted. This option is always enabled for this functionality.

Generic characteristics

Check this option when you want to trigger one of the following events when you select the Fanfold functionality in Jobs and Estimates:

Create a new characteristic: it will add a new generic characteristic in the production group.

Suppress a characteristic: the system will use the production group to suppress (i.e., complete) from the engineering process a generic characteristic that was part of the product specification.

Note: for more information, refer to Generic Functionalities.


Click OK. When finished, click Save and Close.