Output Components

The outputs represent all the Engineering components that a functionality can produce (material in process). For example, the Sheetfed Press functionality produces the component 1001 - Sheet. Each functionality has different Engineering components that can be used as output.

To illustrate the functionalities’ inputs and outputs, consider the flow chart below. The blue boxes are the functionalities, while the gray boxes are the Engineering components. The full green lines show the components used by the functionalities, that is, the input components. The dashed purple lines show the components produced by the functionalities, that is, the output components.



The functionalities’s outputs can be informed when adding a functionality or afterwards.

Within the functionality output components, filters are also defined which may limit the selection of the functionality based on existing characteristics in the Engineering. For more information on how to set up a filter for restricting the selection of a functionality, refer to “Restrictions for Selecting a Functionality in the Engineering.”


Creating a New Output

To create a new Output option, you will need to create a new Engineering Component Type. For that, your user must have enabled the following access options:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Engineering Component Types or enter "Engineering Component Types" in the Quick Search field

Click New. The Add Engineering Component Type screen will open.

Complete the fields as described below:




Name of the Engineering component type.


Select the Engineering Component Type class, according to your need.

Cost Unit

Unit of measurement that determines the component’s cost unit in the estimate’s and in the Job’s Product Engineering, when linked to the Engineering component type.

Demand Type

Determines the Engineering component type's demand.


Allows the user to determine the accuracy for the component’s decimal places in the calculation.

The standard value is (1).


Indicates if the Engineering component will be available for use in the Estimate and in the Job.

Keep it active.


On the Engineering Process Grouping tab, under Ignore the selected characteristics do not select any item.

Click Save.