Package Functionalities

The Engineering uses the Package type functionalities to make the product’s packages. The functionalities are:

1020 – Shrinkwrap

1021 – Package

1022 – Pallet

1023 – Strap

1025 – Box Machine

1040 – Bag Machine

1094 - Roll Core

Note: Find this functionality's description at Creating Label Products - Setting functionality 1094 – Roll Core.

1086 - Roll Core (Package)

Note: Find this functionality's description at Creating Label Products - Setting functionality 1086 – Roll Core (Package).

The Package functionalities may be combined among each other. This way the same product may have a pallet and shrinkwrap. In this case, the functionalities are executed in the following order: Shrinkwrap > Strap > Package > Bag Machine > Box Machine > Pallet. 

It is also possible to use the same packaging characteristic type (e.g., box) more than one time in the same component in Estimates. This is useful for scenarios where your product has inner and outer cartons, for example.


Find bellow the detailed information of each functionality.


1020 – Shrink


The 1020 – Shrink functionality is used for wrapping one or more products in heat shrinking film. The shrink can be single or collective, depending on what is set in the product specification.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound composite

1003 - Roll

1008 - Film

1009 – Packed

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 – Kit / Grouper components

1026 – Sheet - substrate (big size)

1028 - Provided component

1034 - Versioning Component

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1009 – Packed

Functionality Activation

The Packaging – Shrink class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1020 – Shrink functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Shrink.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Shrink machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1008 – Packaging Film).

The raw material will be linked to the class Specification Characteristics that activate the functionality. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Type – Package – Shrink.” For more information on the raw material recording, refer to “Susbtrate.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Flap – Width

Flap width margin value.

To select the best film roll width for the process, Engineering uses the formula:

Film roll width = (component width x 2) + (component thickness x 2 x qty of components in the shrink) + flap width margin

Flap – Height

Flap height margin value.

To select the best film roll height for the process, Engineering uses the formula:

Film roll height = component height + (component thickness x 2 x qty of components in the shrink) + flap height margin


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1021 – Package


The 1021 – Package functionality is used for packaging finished products. It usually uses substrates such as kraft paper for it.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound composite

1003 - Roll

1009 – Packed

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 – Kit / Grouper components

1026 – Sheet - substrate (big size)

1028 - Provided component

1034 - Versioning Component

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1009 – Packed

Functionality Activation

The Packaging – Package class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1021 – Package functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Package.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Package machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Substrate (represented by the input component 1001 – Sheet).

The raw material will be linked to the class Specification Characteristics that activate the functionality. For more information, refer “Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Package.””For more information on the raw material recording, refer to “Susbtrate.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1022 – Pallet


The 1022 – Pallet functionality is used for putting finished products into pallets.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound composite

1003 - Roll

1009 – Packed

1011 – Pallet (packaging)

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 – Kit / Grouper components

1026 – Sheet - substrate (big size)

1028 - Provided component

1034 - Versioning Component

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1009 – Packed

Functionality Activation

The Packaging – Pallet class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1022 – Pallet functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Pallet.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Pallet machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Pallet (package) (represented by the input component 1011 – Pallet).

The raw material will be linked to the class Specification Characteristics that activate the functionality. For more information, refer “Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Pallet.”For more information on the raw material recording, refer to “Susbtrate.”

Note: The system rounds down the quantity of products per pallet in cases where the input result is not an integer number (i.e., it is not possible to add 1 roll and half in the pallet). In this case, the system calculates more pallets.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1023 – Strap


The 1023 – Strap functionality is used for enfolding finished products with a plastic Strap.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound composite

1003 - Roll

1009 – Packed

1012 - Strap (packaging)

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 – Kit / Grouper components

1026 – Sheet - substrate (big size)

1028 - Provided component

1034 - Versioning Component

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1009 – Packed

Functionality Activation

The Packaging – Strap class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1023 – Strap functionality is activated by the Pacja. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Strap” in iQuote User Guide - Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Strap machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Strap (package) (represented by the input component 1012 – Strap).

The raw material will be linked to the class Specification Characteristics that activate the functionality. For more information, refer “Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Strap.”For more information on the raw material recording, refer to “Strap (package).”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1025 – Boxing Machine


The 1025 – Boxing Machine functionality is used for putting finished products into boxes.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound composite

1003 - Roll

1009 – Packed

1010 - Box (packaging)

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 – Kit / Grouper components

1026 – Sheet - substrate (big size)

1028 - Provided component

1034 - Versioning Component

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1009 – Packed

Functionality Activation

The Packaging – Box class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1025 – Boxing Machine functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Box.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Box machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Box (package) (represented by the input component 1010 – Box).

The raw material will be linked to the class Specification Characteristics that activate the functionality. For more information, refer “Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Box.”For more information on the raw material recording, refer to “Box (package).”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Products Disposition

Products disposition inside the boxes. According to the products positions inside the boxes, the Engineering can simulate some dispositions:

Laying product – product width is positioned alongside to the box width or length.

Standing product (width) - product width is positioned alongside to the box length.

Standing product (height) - product height is positioned alongside to the box length.

If the product size is not compatible with any recorded boxes, Engineering will not be calculated. For more information on boxes, refer to "Add Box (Package).”.

Irregular effective use

Indicates if Engineering can vary the product dispositions inside the box to get the maximum use possible, for example, positioning the products both standing and laying. However, all dispositions will be in the same direction.

In order to the Engineering simulate different positions, it is necessary that the Mix positions option be enabled.

Mix Positions

Indicates if Engineering can vary the product positions inside the box using the same disposition, for example, one product laying down with its width alongside the box length and other product laying down with its width alongside the box width.

In order to the Engineering simulate different dispositions, it is necessary that the Irregular effective use option be enabled.


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1040 – Bag Machine


The 1040 – Bag Machine functionality is used for putting finished products into bags.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound composite

1009 – Packed

1013 - Sheet (Irregular/Carton)

1014 – Kit / Grouper components

1018 - Bag (packaging)

1026 – Sheet - substrate (big size)

1028 - Provided component

1034 - Versioning Component

1035 - Envelope

1036 - Mail Package

1009 – Packed

Functionality Activation

The Packaging – Bag class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1040 – Bag Machine functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Bag” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Bag machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Bag (package) (represented by the input component 1040 – Bag Machine).

The raw material will be linked to the class Specification Characteristics that activate the functionality. For more information, refer “Specification Characteristic Type – Packaging – Bag” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records. For more information on the raw material recording, refer to “Bag (package).”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.