Restrictions for Selecting a Functionality in the Engineering

Each functionality has a set of characteristics – such as machine size, cutting scheme, number of printing units – that can be incompatible with the product characteristics being calculated by the Engineering. In those cases the Engineering does not select the functionality. It is possible to view each functionality characteristics when recording it.

However other restrictions can be applied to the functionalities depending on other component informations or characteristica created by generic functionalities during Engineering calculation. For more information, refer to, consulte “Functionality Activation by Other Functionalities.”

In each functionality output component is possible to define restriction for selecting this functionality. This restriction can be required if a functionality can not be chosen, if the product has some specific characteristic or because a functionality created a characteristic that is incompatible with it.

In some cases the restriction applied does not mean the functionality will not be selected, but only that the functionality should be executed in a different position in the production route. This depends on the record logic applied to the a functionality.


Functionality Restriction by Component Characteristic

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to apply restrictions to the functionality in the Production Group:



 In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the appropriate Production Group. It is necessary to add the Production Group if it has not been recorded yet. For more information, refer to “Add Production Groups.”

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click to select the appropriate functionality.

Click Output. The following window will open:


Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Component Type

Engineering components considered functionality oputputs. The outputs represent all the components a functionality can produce and send it to the following processes. For more information, refer to “Functionalities.” Each output component can have a different set of restrictions.


Double click Filters.

Create the appropriate filters. For more information on how to create customized filters, refer to “Add Filter Conditions”.

Click OK.

When finished, click OK.

Click Save and Close.

Note: If the filtered characteristic is an Engineering characteristic, such as spine thickness, ink coverage % and others, it is required to check if this characteristic still exists in the product characteristic list in the Engineering, since the Engineering is executed in reversed direction of real production. For more information on the Engineering calculation direction, refer to “Functionality Activation by Other Functionalities.”


Functionality Restriction by Characteristics Created by Other Functionalities

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to apply restrictions to the functionality in the Production Group:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Engineering > Production Group or enter "Production Group" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the appropriate Production Group. It is necessary to add the Production Group if it has not been recorded yet. For more information, refer to “Add Production Groups.”

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Functionalities.

Click to select the appropriate functionality.

Click Output. The following window will open:


Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Component Type

Engineering components considered functionality outputs. The outputs represent all the components a functionality can produce and send it to the following processes. For more information, refer to “Functionalities.” Each output component can have a different set of restrictions.


In the area Characteristics the output component MUST NOT have, select the Engineering characteristic that shall not exist in the component’s characteristic list in order for this functionality to be chosen. For more information, refer “Engineering Characteristic Type.”

In the area Characteristics the output component MUST have, select the Engineering characteristic that shall exist in the component’s characteristic list in order for this functionality to be chosen. For more information, refer “Engineering Characteristic Type.”

When finished, click OK.

Click Save and Close.

Note: It is required to check if the selected Engineering characteristic still exists in the product characteristic list in the Engineering, in order to the restriction to work properly, since the Engineering is executed in reversed direction of real production. For more information on the Engineering calculation direction, refer to “Functionality Activation by Other Functionalities.”