Sheet Functionalities

The Sheet type functionalities are used when the components specification has the Component Format – Sheet characteristic. This type of format is usually used for products with spiral or wire-o finishing, such as blocks, notebooks, interleaved-only products and products printed in digital presses with in-line finishing. The Sheet functionalities are:

1028 – Perforator (Block)

1045 – Collating/ Collecting (Block)

1046 – Cut (Block)

1047 – Block Assembly

1049 – Glue (Block)

1050 – Block Adapter

1065 – Folding Sheets

1066 – Sewing Sheets

1067 – Stitching (Block)


The 1052 – Digital printer – Sheet functionality can also be considered part of this group, since it has gathering in-line. For more information, refer to "1052 – Digital printer – Sheet"

Find bellow the detailed information of each functionality:



1028 – Perforator (Block)


The Engineering uses the 1028 – Perforator (Block) functionality for drilling holes on sheet blocks for later applying apply wire-o or spiral.

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 – Compound component

1002 – Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Spine – Wire-o and the Spine – Spiral classes of Specification Characteristic Type activate the 1028 – Perforator (Block) functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Spine – Wire-o" and "Specification Characteristic Type – Spine – Spiral.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality


Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Hole Type

Indicates if the rules for making the holes in the block will be displayed.

This option should be kept enabled for this functionality.

Hole Type

Options of hole format the functionality may perform:

Round – The functionality can make holes for applying spiral.

Rectangular – The functionality can make holes for applying wire-o.

Elliptical – This option is not available for use.

This option is displayed only if the Hole type is enabled.


Types of processes in which the functionality can drill holes:

Drills holes in different elements – Indicates the drilling process can be performed in components with different sizes;

Drills holes only in similar elements – Indicates the drilling process can not be performed in components with different sizes.

This option is displayed only if the Hole type is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1045 – Collating/ Collecting (Block)


The Engineering uses the 1045 – Collating/ Collecting (Block) functionality for collating a component with many sheets or different components.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1013 – Irregular Sheet/ Carton

1002 – Compound component

1022 – Sheet (handouts)

Functionality Activation

The following Specification Characteristic Types activate the 1045 – Collating/ Collecting (Block) functionality:


Separated Block

The Engineering itself can activate this functionality for collating sheets that will be used in products with wire-o and spiral finishings.

For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Type – Separated Block", "Specification Characteristic Type – Spine – Wire-o" and "Specification Characteristic Type – Spine – Spiral” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Collating machines.

Functionality Restriction

All components must have the same size and layout.

This functionality does not need to be used in-line in digital presses, since the Digital Press functionality already collates sheets when needed.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Collection Station

Indicates if the machine selection restriction by the stations will be enabled

Number of Stations

Number of stations available to receive components to be collated/ collected, such as signatures, covers, handouts, etc.

If the number of components to be collated/ collected is greater than the number of stations, the Engineering will calculate other machine entries until all components are collated.

When making filters to validate the number of components in the pockets, it will always be considered the maximum number of pockets and not the number of signatures.

If the component to be collated has different models, each model will be considered as a station.

This field is displayed only if the collection station is enabled.

Adjust layout before collating

This option should only be enabled if it is necessary to set layouts different from the components that are entering the collating process.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1046 – Cut (Block)


The Engineering uses the 1046 – Cut (Block) functionality for cutting blocks of gathered sheets into smaller blocks

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 – Compound component

1022 – Sheet (handouts)

1002 – Compound component

1022 – Sheet (handouts)

Functionality Activation

The Engineering itself can activate this functionality when it is necessary to cut a block into a size that fits in the next, for example.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Cutting machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Layout Simulation

Select this option should in order to the Engineering to make the printing imposition. By enabling this option, other layout simulation options are displayed. For printing functionalities, the layout simulation must be enabled.

Do not simulate work and turn

Indicates if the Engineering should simulate work and turn printing or come and go with 2 grippers for this functionality. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Simulate layout smaller than the minimum print size

Indicates if the Engineering can simulate elements that are smaller than the machine’s minimum, due to:

Any subsequent process that requires a specific format for the input component;

It is not possible to add more elements in height or width directions so that the layout is larger than the minimum.

For example, if a varnish machine requires the sheet is in a specific size, this size will be a limitation when organizing the elements in the sheet, and the final layout may be smaller than the minimum for the sheetfed printer.

If this option is enabled, it is possible to simulate the elements even if the layout is smaller than the machine’s minimum format. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Paper grain direction when entering the machine, which can be:

All products in the same direction (width or height)

Grain direction in width

Grain direction in height

Enables irregular grain direction

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Register Mark

Available options for application of register marks, which can be:

Controlled by functionality

Always necessary

Never necessary

This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled. It is not used for printing functionalities, since those are the functionalities that generate register marks.

Number of times the length size can be smaller than the width

Maximum number of times that the height of the sheet may be smaller than width. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 4. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.

Number of times the width size can be smaller than the length

Maximum number of times that the sheet width may be smaller than height. This information will be used to optimize the simulations of possible layouts in the printer's input. By default, this field is filled with 1.2. This field is displayed only if the Layout simulation is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1047 – Block Assembly


The Engineering uses the 1047 – Block Assembly functionality for getting together different format components and assembling them into one block.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound component

1013 – Irregular sheet/ Carton

1022 – Sheet (handouts)

1002 – Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Engineering itself can activate this functionality when the components in the block have different sizes.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Block assembling machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1049 – Glue (Block)


The Engineering uses the 1049 – Glue (Block) functionality for pasting the block, after the gathering process.

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 – Compound component

1006 – Glue

1002 – Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Block class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1049 – Glue (Block) functionality. For more information on Specification Characteristic Types, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Block” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Glue machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Glue (represented by the input component 1006 – Glue).

On the Glue record it is possible to define what glues may be used for this procees. For more information, refer to “Glue.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Input Format

Indicates if the minimum and maximum size for the input component will be restricted.

Minimum (WxH)

Input component’s minimum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Maximum (WxH)

Input component’s maximum format in which the W value indicates the machine’s feeder width. If there are no sheets in this size or no sheet can be cut into this size, this functionality will not be considered by the Engineering.

This field appears only if the Input format option is enabled.

Glue Type

Indicates if the option to determine the types of glue used for pasting the block together will be enabled. When this option is enabled the appropriate types of glue must be selected. If no glue is selected, the Engineering will not be calculated. For more information on recording glue types, refer to "Glue Types.”


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1050 – Block Adapter


The Engineering uses the 1050 – Block Adapter functionality when a block product has components that need gathering or collecting before becoming a block.

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 – Compound component

1002 – Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Engineering activates the 1050 – Block Adapter functionality when a block product has components that need gathering or collecting before becoming a block.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Not applicable

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Not applicable


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Adapter Type

Indicates if the option to determine the type of component adaptation performed by the functionality is enabled.

This option should be kept enabled for this functionality.

Adapter Type

Determines what type of components adaptation the functionality may perform, which can be:

Glued block > Perfect Bind – Allows collating and pasting products with Specification Characteristic Block and Component Format - Sheet type of components in the Perfect Bind process.

Block > Perfect Bind – Allows collating and pasting Component Format - Sheet specification components.

Block > Collating – Allows collating Component Format - Sheet specification components.

Block > Gathering (Saddle Stitching) – Allows gathering Component Format - Sheet specification components.

Block > Wire stitching (Saddle Stitching) – Allows gathering and applying wire stitches on Component Format - Sheet specification components.

For more information, refer to "Functionality 1011 – Gatherer (Perfect Bind)", "Functionality 1014 – Cover Machine (Perfect Bind).”, "Functionality 1007 – Collactor" and "Functionality 1005 – Stitching Machine."

If the adapter is not recorded, the Engineering will simulate the processes of aggregation using the sheet type of functionalities: 1045 – Collating/ Collecting (Block), 1047 – Block Assembly, 1049 – Glue (Block), 1066 – Sewing Sheets and 1067 – Stitching (Block).


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.



1066 – Sewn Sheets


The Engineering uses the 1066 – Sewn Sheets functionality for sewing different components that were collated.

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 – Compound component

1002 – Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Perfect Binding – Glued and Perfect Binding – Hardcover classes of Specification Characteristic Type activate the 1066 – Sewn Sheets functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Perfect Binding – Glued" and "Specification Characteristic Type – Perfect Binding – Hardcover.”

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Sewing machines.

Functionality Restriction

This functionality does not applies to gathered or collected components. It works only for collated components.

This functionality does not sew Sheet format components. For more information, refer to "Component Format – Sheet.”

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

This functionality does not have a default raw material. But it is possible to calculate the raw material in the Engineering using the customized raw material function.

For more information on recording customized raw materials, refer to “Production Group Customized Raw Material.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1067 – Stitching machine (block)


The Engineering uses the 1067 – Stitching machine (block) functionality for applying lateral wire in components that are not folded.

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 – Compound component

1002 – Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Saddle Stitch – Wire Stitched class of Specification Characteristic Type activates the 1067 – Stitching machine (block) functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Type – Saddle Stitch – Wire Stitched” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Stitching machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

This functionality does not have a default raw material. But it is possible to calculate the raw material in the Engineering using the customized raw material function.

For more information on recording customized raw materials, refer to “Production Group Customized Raw Material.”


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

This functionality does not have any additional information. Simply click Confirm then click Save and Close.



1065 – Fold Sheets


The Engineering uses the 1065 – Fold Sheets functionality for folding different components previously gathered. It can fold gathered components, different from the 1004 – Folding Machine functionality that folds one component at a time.

This functionality may be used in digital presses with in-line finishings in the same machine, such as printing + folding + stitching.

Engineering Components Types Used



1002 – Compound component

1002 – Compound component

Functionality Activation

The Engineering activates the 1065 – Fold Sheets functionality when it is necessary to fold different components previously gathered. Usually, this necessity is identified by the component’s finished and flat format. That is, if a component has a finished format = 210 x 266 mm and a flat format = 420 x 266 mm, the component has one vertical folding and has 4 pages. The Folding machine will be activated by the following specification characteristic class:

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Folding machines.

Functionality Restriction

Does not have it.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Does not have it.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

When adding this functionality to a production group, the system will display a window for you to configure the functionality further. Complete the fields in this window as described below:



Preferential amount of pages for simulation

Indicates if the option to inform the preferential number of pages for simulating the folding is enabled.

This field is informational only and will not be considered in the Engineering. All of the functionality’s foldings are performed with 4-page components.


Preferred number of pages for simulation. This field is displayed only if Preferential amount of pages for simulation option is enabled.


Click Confirm. When finished, click Save and Close.