Standard Functionalities

The Engineering uses the Standard type functionalities to perform minor adjustments on the input and output components, based on process requirements such as to rotate a sheet component so that it can fit into another Production Group. The Production Groups that have these functionalities must not have a linked activity type or cost, so that they will be “invisible” in the Engineering. The following functionalities must always be recorded so the Engineering correctly creates a route. The Standard functionalities are:

1008 – Sheet Rotator

1012 – Element Adapter

1043 – Page Division Adapter

1077 – Association adapter

Note Find this functionality's description at Using Components Association - .

1088 - Versioning Adapter

1089 – Plant change adapter

Note Find this functionality's description at Using Features For Multi-Plant - Add functionality to the production group.

Find bellow the detailed information of each functionality:



1008 – Sheet Rotator


The 1008 – Sheet Rotator functionality is used to rotate sheet-type components. It may be necessary to rotate the sheet for different reasons such as the sheet width may be too large for entering the next Production Group, although the height fits well. In this case the Engineering simulates a change in the sheet’s position, so it can enter the machine.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1001 – Sheet

Functionality Actuation

The Engineering activates the 1008 – Sheet Rotator functionality when it is required to rotate sheet-type components between processes.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Not applicable.

Functionality Restriction

Not applicable.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Not applicable.


Linking functionality to a Production Group

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1012 – Element Adapter


The 1002 – Element Adapter functionality is used to change the engineering component type between functionalities, as necessary. For example, for a 4 pages folded signature that needs to go through trilateral trimming. If the folding functionality produces Engineering sheet type components and the trilateral functionality accepts only compound type components, it is necessary to use the Element Adapter to change the sheet component into a compound component, keeping the consistency between components and processes.


Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Compound Component

1013 – Irregular sheet/ Carton

1019 - Collecting (page division)

1022 - Sheets (leaflet)

1002 – Compound Component

Functionality Actuation

The Engineering will add 1002 – Element Adapter functionality when it is necessary to adjust the input and output Engineering Component Types between functionalities.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Not applicable.

Functionality Restriction

Not applicable.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Not applicable.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

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1043 – Page Division Adapter


The Engineering uses the 1043 – Page Division Adapter functionality to automatically divide the pages of an element that has the signature format and requires collection or gathering. This adapter is required to make it possible to simulate all pages combination possibilities, based on the folding schemes available. For example, if a book has 32 pages, the page division simulation will be:

32 pages

2 x 16 pages

4 x 8 pages

1 x 16 + 2 x 8 pages

And so on.

To manually determine the pages of division, it is necessary to use the Pages Division Specification Characteristic Class. The Engineering automatically selects the collecting or gat, which activates the Page Division Adapter functionality. For more information, refer to "Specification Characteristic Types – Pages Division” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

It is possible for the Engineering to simulate blank pages. For example, when the book has 10 pages and it is not possible to calculate it with 10 pages, the Engineering can simulate 12 pages, being 2 blank, which is the maximum limit of blank pages automatically calculated by the system.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1001 – Sheet

1019 - Collecting (page division)

Functionality Activation

The functionalities 1007 – Gatherer e 1011 – Collector (Perfect Bind) activate the 1043 – Page Division Adapter functionality when there is a component with the Component Format – Signature Specification Characteristic Class. For more information, refer to “Specification Characteristic Types – Component Format – Signature” in iQuote User Guide – Product Specification Records.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Not applicable.

Functionality Restriction

Not applicable.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Not applicable.


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1088 – Versioning Adapter


The 1088 – Versioning Adapter functionality is required to make it possible to versionate different components and or products.

Engineering Components Types Used



1001 – Sheet

1002 – Composition component

1003 – Paper roll

1013 – Irregular format/ carton box

1041 – Kit

1026 – Sheet – Plotter

1028 – Provided

1034 – Version

Functionality Activation

The 1088 – Versioning adapter functionality is activated whenever the Product versioning is set in the estimate’s product specification screen. For more information, refer to How to create versioned products.

Machines that Commonly Use the Functionality

Not applicable.

Functionality Restriction

Not applicable.

Functionality’s Default Raw Material

Not applicable.


Linking this functionality to a Production Group

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