
The user can manage scheduled activities locally on the system or integrated with Exchange®. These appointments can be linked to other system functions such as estimates, opportunities, Jobs, and so on to make it easier to identify the issues to be handled during the scheduled appointment.

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to manage appointments:



In the system main screen, click Sales > CRM > Appointment or enter "appointment" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Imagem 4

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new appointment

On the Appointment main screen, click New. The following screen will open:

Imagem 5

Fill in the fields in this screen as described:




Appointment information


Allows the user to define a title for the appointment.

Responsible person

Allows the user to specify the person responsible for the appointment.


Allows the user to specify the customer in this appointment.


Allows the user to include a contact for this appointment.


Allows the user to include a description that explains what this commitment is about.


Allows the user to indicate where the appointment will take place.

Linked document

Document type

If there is any document linked to this commitment, it allows the user to indicate the type of document, which can be:

Opportunity Number

Job number

Proposal number

Estimate request number

Incident Number

Document number

If there is any document linked to this appointment, it allows the user to indicate the document number.

Appointment book

Starting date

Allows the user to indicate the date in which appointment will begin.

Finishing date

Allows the user to indicate the date in which appointment will end.

Initial time

Allows the user to indicate what time when the appointment will begin.

Finish date

Allows the user to indicate what time the appointment will end.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

On the Participant List tab, click New and fill in the required fields to include participants.

On the History tab, click New and fill in the required fields to include relevant information about the appointment history.

By clicking on Calendar the user can also change the date, time and duration of the appointment, and view other appointments saved in the system for these participants.

Imagem 1

Note: If iQuote system is synchronized, click Show Microsoft Exchange® Calendar to view the appointments saved in Outlook. For more information refer to Integrating appointments with Outlook.

Note: To change the time and/ or duration of an appointment on the Calendar screen, click and drag the green and red bars that mark the appointment.

Click Save.

For information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to "Editing and deleting iCRM Records".



The supplier's record allows several relevant information to be maintained in an organized manner, facilitating the relationship with the suppliers and maintaining the quality evaluation of the products sold and services rendered.

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new supplier:



In the system’s main screen, access Sales > CRM > Supplier or enter "Supplier" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Imagem 7

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new supplier

In the Supplier main screen, click New. The following screen will open:

Imagem 9

Fill in the fields in the upper part of this screen with the supplier’s information, as described below:




Supplier’s name as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Supplier’s identification code.


Indicates whether this supplier is available for use.

Legal name

Supplier’s legal name.

Relationship type

Allows the user to define this record’s type of relation with the system.

This field is pre-defined as "Supplier" and can not be edited.


Allows the user to specify the customer’s type of tax entity, which can be:


Governmental agency




Allows the user to identify whether the supplier is an agency.


Allows the user to identify whether the supplier is a carrier.

Corporate structure

Allows the user to specify the supplier’s corporate structure, which can be:



Main office


Allows the user to define the main office code for suppliers defined as branch or area in the Corporate Structure field.


Indicates the customer’s home country.

External ref.

It is the code for integration with other systems. It should be filled only if this record will be imported or exported.


Allows the user to select the standard carrier used by this customer, from a previously recorded list.

MIS customer ID

Indicates the corresponding ID in the Monarch or Radius system, if there is an integration.

MIS sales tax

Indicates the corresponding ID in the Monarch or Radius system, if there is an integration.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

For more information on how to edit or delete this feature, refer to "Editing and deleting iCRM Records".


Basic data

Select the Basic Data tab:

Fill in the fields on this screen with the supplier data, as described:






Allows the user to enter the supplier's tax identification number. The Employer Identification Number for legal persons or the Social Security Number for natural persons.

State registration/ Personal ID

Allows the user to add the supplier's state identification document number, for either legal or natural persons.

City registration

Allows the user to entering the number of the Municipal Registration, for legal entities.

SUFRAMA registration

Allows the user to enter SUFRAMA’s registration number (superintendence of the Manaus free zone, for Brazilians suppliers only).



Allows the user to to inform the supplier's phone number.


Allows the user to to inform the supplier's fax number.


Allows the user to inform the supplier's website.

Corporate e-mail

Allows the user to inform the supplier's e-mail for corporate purposes.

Charging e-mail

Allows the user to inform the supplier's billing e-mail.

Fiscal e-maill

Allows the user to inform the supplier's e-mail for fiscal purposes.



Select the Addresses tab and click New.

Fill in the fields on this screen with the supplier information, as described:



Adress type

Allows the user to specify the type of address, which can be:

Mailing – mailing address.

Billing – address for sending payment bills.

Invoicing – address for sending invoice. This address is the minimum field required for the correct functioning of CRM functions.

Delivery – the address to deliver the product.

Delivery place

Allows the user to specify the delivery location.

Street type

Allows the user to specify the type of public place. For example: street, square, avenue, etc.


Allows the user to inform the number of the house or building.


Allows the user to identify the address that will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Allows the user to add an address complement. For example: Block, set, etc.


Allows the user to include a reference to the delivery location.


Allows the user to inform the name of the neighborhood.

ZIP Code

Allows the user to specify the suppplier’s postcode.


Allows the user to specify the suppplier’s country.


Allows the user to specify the suppplier’s state.


Allows the user to specify the suppplier’s city.


Allows the user to add comments about this estimate.


Indicates whether this address is available for use.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

Under Receiving Restrictions, click New.

Select the days of the week on which the products can be delivered on Receiving Days.

Under Start hour and End hour select the delivery times for the selected days.

Under Vehicle Type select vehicles that are accepted at this address for selected days and times.




Select the Contacts tab and click New.

Fill in the fields on this screen with the supplier data, as described:



Inclusion type

Allows the user to specify the contact type, which can be:

New contact

Existing contact


Name of the contact as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.

Last name

Contact’s last name.

Known as

Allows the user to enter a contact's nickname, if necessary.

Commercial phone

Allows the user to enter the contact's business phone number.


Allows the user to enter the contact’s extension, if necessary.

Cell phone

Allows the user to enter the contact's cell phone.

Commercial e-mail

Allows the user to enter an email to this contact.


Allows the user to specify the sector where the contact works in the company.

Decision power

Allows the user to specify this contact’s decision power level, among the options previously recorded.

Position in the company

Allows the user to specify this contact’s job position in the company.

Works since

Allows the user to inform when the contact started working in this supplier.

Off in

Allows the user to inform when the contact stopped working in this supplier.


Indicates whether this contact is available for use.

Contact address

Allows the user to select an address for this contact from the addresses recorded for this supplier.

Contact notes

Allows the user to enter notes about this contact.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

For including more detailed information about this contact, click Advanced Record. The following screen will open:

Imagem 11

Fill in the fields on this screen with the contact information as described:




Name of the contact as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.

Last name

Allows the user to enter the supplier’s last name.


Contact’s identification code.


Indicates whether this contact is available for use.

Account type

Specify the supplier’s type of tax entity. In this case only the Person option is available.


Allows the user to indicate the contact’s country.

External Ref.

It is the integration code with other systems. It will be filled only when this record is imported or exported.

Create System User

Allows the user to define that this contact will have access to the system as a user.


Select the Basic Data tab and fill in the fields as described:




Allows the user to enter the contact’s Social Security.

Personal ID number

Allows the user to enter the contact’s personal ID number.


Allows the user to enter the contact’s telephone number.


Allows the user to enter the contact’s fax number.


Allows the user to enter the customer's website.


Allows the user to enter the contact’s birthday.

Form of treatment

Allows the user to indicate the form of treatment to be used in communications with this contact.


Allows the user to indicate the supplier's contact email.


Select the Addresses tab, click New, and fill in the fields as described above in "Addresses."

Select the Contacts tab, click New, and fill in the fields as described above in "Contacts".

Select the Links tab to view customers, salesperson, agencies, etc. to which this contact is linked.

Select the Notes tab to include notes about this contact.

Select the Information tab to view this contact’s classification.



Select the Classification tab. In this tab the user can enter information that will be used to classify the supplier as needed.

Fill in the fields on this screen with the supplier information, as described:




Allows the user to identify the main business unit, within which are grouped companies with unique records.


Allows the user to identify the unit

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

Click Group Maintenance to establish an association between this supplier and a previously recorded supplier group.



Select the Fiscal tab. In this tab the user can add all supplier’s tax.

Fill in the fields on this screen with the supplier information, as described:



Opts for “Simples Nacional” regime

Allows the user to specify if the supplier opted for the “Simples Nacional” taxation regime. The following options can be chosen:


“Simples Nacional”

“Simples Nacional” – gross revenue sublimit excess

Normal regime

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.

Taxation regime

Allows the user to select the supplier’s type of tax regime, that can be:



Municipal microenterprise

Microenterprise and small business

Individual microenterprise

Professional Society

Customer accounting count

Allows the user to indicate the accounting account used for the receiving transactions.

Supplier accounting count

Allows the user to indicate the accounting account used for the payment transactions.

Payment term

Allows the user to indicate the default payment term for this customer, from a previously reorded list.

The payment estimate of each estimate can be edited, if necessary.

Financial Nature

Allows the user to select the previously recorded financial nature that will be used to identify the supplier’s financial transactions.

Payment term customization

Allows the user to indicate the specific days of the month or week to bill this customer.

Calculates the tax replacement

Allows the user to indicate how the tax substitution’s calculation will be done in the invoice.

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.

Cultural incentive

Allows the user to indicate that this supplier’s receives cultural tax incentive.

Fiscal incentive

Allows the user to indicate that this supplier’s receives cultural tax incentive.

ICMS Taxpayer

Allows the user to select the supplier’s type of ICMS tax contribution, which can be:

ICMS taxpayer



Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.


Allows the user to enter the Brazilian national of road transport registry number (RNTRC).

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.

Way of transportation

Allows the user to select the supplier’s chosen delivery transportation type that can be:


Fictitious input / output



By air

Postal service

By trail

Transmission network

Own means

CFOP Invoice

Allows the user to select the invoice operation CFOP, from a previously recorded list.

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.

CFOP Shippment

Allows the user to select the shipping operation CFOP, from a previously recorded list.

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.

CFOP Invoice/ Shippment

Allows the user to select the invoice and shipping operation CFOP, from a previously recorded list.

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.

% SUFRAMA Discount

Allows the user to indicate the discount percentage referring to SUFRAMA (superintendence of the Manaus free zone) applicable to this supplier.

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.

SUFRAMA expiring date

Allows the user to indicate the validity of the supplier's registration in SUFRAMA (superintendence of the Manaus free zone).

Note: This information is only relevant for Brazilian companies.


Under Authorized EINs click New to add the EIN numbers that refer to companies that can download electronic invoices (NF-e) from this customer on the SEFAZ website. Exclusive for Brazilian suppliers that use the Metrics NF-e system for issuing invoices.



Select the Financial tab.

Fill in the fields on this screen with the supplier information, as described:



Income Tax External code

For this record this field should not be filled.

Standard tax aliquot

Allows the user to define the default income tax rate applied to this supplier.

Default payment form

Allows the user to specify the form of payment that can be:

Payment slip

Cleared check

Receipt for deposit

Cleared title

Bank transference

Account for receiving

Allows the user to specify the standard checking account to receive values from this customer, among the previously recorded accounts.


Allows the user to select a punctuality classification from the options previously recorded in Sales > CRM > Classic Relationship > Relationship Record > Settings > Credit Validation > Credit Validation places or in Sales > Records > CRM > Validation places.

Credit limit

Allows the user to select a credit limit classification from the previously recorded options in Sales > CRM > Classic Relationship > Relationship Record > Settings > Credit Validation > Credit Validation places or in Sales > Records > CRM > Validation places.

Credit expiry date

Allows the user to specify the frequency with which the supplier's credit limit will be revalued.

Credit limit (in value)

Allows the user to set a specific value for the credit limit given to the supplier.

Limite de dias em atraso

Allows the user to set the maximum number of days of payment delay allowed for this supplier.

DO NOT use electronic billing

Allows the user to specify that this supplier can not be charged electronically.


Allows the user to specify the supplier is an industry.

Relationship blocked

Allows the user to indicate the relationship with this supplier has been blocked.

Account for paying

Allows the user to specify the standard checking account for this customer to pay, among the previously recorded options.

Bank code

Allows the user to enter this supplier’s bank code.

Agency code

Allows the user to enter this supplier’s agency code.

Account number

Allows the user to enter this supplier’s checking account.



Select the Notes tab.

Fill in the General Notes, Alert about the customer and Commercial fields with their respective customer comments.


Additional data

In Production, complete the fields as described:




This field should be kept empty for this record.


This field should be kept empty for this record.


Click User fields to access more information if there is integration with Foundation.



Select the Information tab.

In this tab are displayed customer information such as: classification (whether this record refers to a company, a seles person, a contact or an user) and a list of areas and branches if the recorded customer is a group.

Note: The fields in this tab are informative only and cannot be edited.



Note: iQuote only display this tab for suppliers checked as “Carrier”.


Under Ship method, click New.

Enter a Description to identify the ship method related to that carrier (supplier).

Enter a MIS Ship Method, if necessary.

Check active so the ship method will be available in the system.