iCRM Records

The iCRM records are sets of information that determine the management of sales and customer information within the system. For example: customer, sales teams, information on opportunities and competitor’s data, etc


Edit and delete iCRM records

In the following pages the iCRM functions and the steps to include each iCRM record will be explained in detail. However, the procedures for editing and deleting records are common to all:


Edit records

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to edit the iCRM records:



In the system’s main screen, click Sales > Records > CRM and select the appropriate record or enter its name in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the item to be edited.

Click Edit.

Edit the record as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields in this screen, refer to the respective chapter in this User Guide.

5.When finished, click Save.


Delete records

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to delete iCRM records:



In the system’s main screen, click Sales > Records > CRM and select the appropriate record or enter its name in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the item to be deleted.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

Note: In some cases, if the selected item is being used in the system already, iQuote will not allow to delete it.


Customer advanced importation

This function allows the user to import detailed customer records using spreadsheets in CSV format.

In the system’s main screen, click Sales > Records > CRM > Customer Importation > Customers Advanced Importation or enter "Customers Advanced Importation” in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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In Template File, click Advanced Template to download the Excel files.

Fill in the fields as shown in the template files themselves and save each of the worksheets in CSV format.

In Select .CSV file for importation click the attachment icon to load the appropriate worksheet.

When finished, click Save.

Note: The user can only import addresses and contacts spreadsheets separately if the customer already exists in the system.


Customer simplified importation

This function allows the user to import customer records using spreadsheets in CSV format.

In the system’s main screen, click Sales > Records > CRM > Customer Importation > Customers Simplified Importation or enter "Customers Simplified Importation” in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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In Template File, click Simple Model to download the Excel files.

Fill in the fields as shown in the template files themselves and save each of the worksheets in CSV format.

In Select .CSV file for importation, in the Customer spreadsheet field, click the attachment icon to load the appropriate worksheet.

When finished, click Save.


Sales team

The sales team record allows the user to organize teams of salesmen that will be used with the sales goal. The Sales team record allows the user tolink salespeople and sales region in a way that facilitates targeting and reporting.

In the system’s main screen, click Sales > Records > CRM > Sales team or enter "Sales team" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new sales team

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a sales team:



In the Sales team main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the information on each tab as described below.

At the end, click Confirm.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to "Editing and deleting iCRM Records".


Salesperson group tab

Click New.

Select the salesperson’s name from the Salesperson drop-down menu.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each vendor to be included in the group.

Note: The user can search for a specific salesperson by entering the code or the first few letters of his name in the field.


Regions group tab

Click New.

Select the region name from the Region drop-down menu.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each region to be included in the group.

Note: The user can search for a specific region by entering the code or the first few letters of its name in the field.


User Role tab

This field will be automatically populated by the system once the sales team is saved.



This record allows the user to include the company’s competitors that can be used in the following functions:

Opportunity – It is possible to indicate competitors participating in a business opportunity, such as a bidding. For more information, refer to "Opportunity" in “Functionalities”

Estimate – It is possible to indicate a competitor when the estimate is canceled and this competitor is known to have won that product.

By linking the competitor to these functions the user can create reports to find out which competitors are most relevant.

From the system home screen, go to Sales > Records > CRM> Competitor or enter "Competitor" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new competitor

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add competitors:



In the Competitor main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Competitor’s name that will be shown in the other records and functionalities.


Indicates whether the competitor is available for use.

Metrics Reference

Allows the user to select a competitor recorded in the Metrics system.

This field should only be filled if iCRM is integrated with the Metrics system

When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.


Document type

In this record the user can define fiscal or personal identification documents the system has to validate when recording a customer. Used only for customers in Brazil, Colombia and Peru.

From the system‘s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Document Type or enter "document type" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new document type

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new document type:



In the Document Type main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the document type as it will be shown in the other records and functions.


Specifies the calculation rule used by the system to validate the document.


Indicates whether the document type is available for use.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.


Reason for non-approval

In this record the user can create reasons for non-approval that will be used in the estimate function to specify why a job has not been approved. By linking reasons for non-approval to the Estimate it’s possible to create reports to find out which reasons are most relevant.

On the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Reason for non-approval or enter "non-approval reason" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add reason for non-approval

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a reason for non-approval:



On the Reason for non-approval main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the reason as it will be displayed in the other records and functions


Indicates whether the reason will be available for use in the other records.

Metrics reference

Allows the user to select a reason recorded in the Metrics system.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to "Editing and deleting iCRM Records".


Position in the company

This record allows the user to add job positions that can be linked to the customer contact, supplier contact, salesperson and system user records (using the advanced record).

On the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Position in the company or enter "Position in the company" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Imagem 925

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new position

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new position:



In the Position in company main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the position as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Indicates whether this position is available for use.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to "Editing and deleting iCRM Records".


Decision power

This record allows the user to define the levels of decision-making power that can be used in the customer, supplier, salesperson and system user records.

On the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Decision Power or enter " decision power" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new decision power

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new decision power level:



In the Decision Power main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Identification name of the decision power level as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Indicates whether this decision power level is available for use.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.


Sales area

This record allows the user to configure the sales areas that can be associated with the sales teams and used in the sales goals function. When the areas are linked to the goal setting function the user can create reports for sales tracking for specific areas.

On the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Sales area or enter "Sales area" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Imagem 934

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new sales area

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new sales area:



On the Sales Area home screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the sales area as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Indicates whether this sales area is available for use.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.


Industrial segment

This record allows the user to create industrial segments that can be linked to customer records in the system. This information can be used for making reports and analysis of the company's performance in the different market segments.

On the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Industrial Segment or enter "industrial segment" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new industrial segment

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new industrial segment:



In the Industrial segment main screen, click New. The following screen will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the industrial segment as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Indicates whether this industrial segment is available for use.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.


Vehicle type

In this record it is possible to configure the types of vehicles that will be associated with the customer's record address, in which the delivery restrictions are defined, such as the time or size of the vehicle that can perform the service. Besides to the customer's record, the vehicle type information and its restrictions are also displayed in the Job if certain criteria are met. To learn more about these criteria, refer to "How To Create a Job" in iPlan.

Attention! This record refers to types of generic vehicles in order to organize delivery restrictions per customer, and is not where the company's specific fleet or an outsourced carrier is recorded.


In the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Vehicle type. The following screen will open:

 Imagem 42

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new vehicle type

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new vehicle type:



In the Vehicle Type main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the vehicle type as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Allows the user to include additional information about the vehicle type.


Indicates whether this vehicle type is available for use.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.



Incidents are occurrences related to customers that need to be recorded and handled. It may be a doubt, a positive feedback, a request made or a complaint. In this menu different incident types, based on these categories mentioned, and handling activities for these incidents can be recorded.



In the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Incident > Activity or enter "activity" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new activity

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add a new activity:



In the Activity main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the position as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.

Limit in minutes

Allows the user to set a time limit for the activity.

Upper limit in minutes

Allows the user to dEPSne a more critical time limit for the activity. After this period the system will notify the responsible manager.

Incident type

Allows the user to select the type of incident for this activity, from a list. The options available here must be created in the Incident type record.

When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.


Incident type

In the system’s main screen, access Sales > Records > CRM > Incident > Incident Type or enter "incident type" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Imagem 46

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new incidente type

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to access the Product Specification Records:



In the Incident Type main screen, click New. The following window will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Name of the incident type as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.

Document type required

Allows the user to select from the drop-down menu the document type requested for this type of incident. It can be:

Job number

Proposal number

Estimate request number

Document number

Estimate number

Incident type

Allows the user to select from the drop-down menu the incident type, which can be:


Positive feedback




Allows the user to select the type of incident for this activity, from a list. The options available here must be created in the Activities record.


When finished, click Save.

For more information on how to edit or delete this record, refer to “Editing and deleting iCRM Records”.