
This feature allows the user to track and keep up-to-date on sales opportunities, allowing to link customer products and Estimates and to set the chance of the opportunity to convert to an order. The system generates reports that allow the sales manager to visualize what are the best opportunities that must be addressed to achieve the sales goals.

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to manage opportunities:



On the system's main screen, click Sales > CRM > Opportunity or enter "opportunity" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new opportunity

On the Opportunity main screen, click New. The following screen will open:

Fill on the fields in this screen with the opportunity information, as described below:




Supplier’s identification code. This field is read-only.

The system generates this field following the standard format of I + opportunity ID (with seven digits). For example, “I0000005”.

Note: If an external system creates the opportunity through the BOD integration, iQuote uses the data from the eCrmOpportunityId field in the Code field, instead of following the standard generation.


Allows the user to define the name of the opportunity, as it will appear in other records and functions.


Allows the user to provide a more detailed description of the opportunity.


Allows the user to select the customer of this proposal, among the previously recorded ones.

Customer product

Allows the user to select the product of this opportunity, among the previously recorded ones for this customer.


Allows the user to specify the salesperson responsible for this opportunity.


Allows the user to indicate the estimated probability of converting the opportunity into a sale.

Estimated value

Allows the user to include an estimation for the opportunity value.

Decision Date

Allows the user to indicate the date on which the opportunity will be confirmed or not.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

On the Appointments tab, click New and follow the instructions in "Creating a new appointment."

Attention! The user can only fill the fields on this tab after saving the opportunity, causing the system to generate code for it.

On the Competitors tab click New and fill in the Name field with the previously recorded name of another company that is running for the same job. In Notes enter relevant comments on this competitor.

On the Estimates Requests tab, click Link estimate. The following screen will open:

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Click the magnifying glass icon to find the appropriate Estimate.

Click Confirm to link the Estimates related to this opportunity.

Select a linked Estimate and click Unlink Estimate for unlinking it, if needed;

Use the fields on the Annotations tab to record comments and observations relevant to this opportunity.

On the Result tab the system will record the opportunity results such as the status changes.

At the top of the screen, define the opportunity status, which can be recorded as needed:

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Click Save.

For information on how to edit or delete this feature, refer to "Editing and Deleting iCRM Records".