
The reports described here are provided by default in the system. The user can create or import other reports according to their needs.

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to manage the reports:



See below the buttons at the top and bottom of the report screens:



Allows the user to browse through the pages of the report.

Allows the user to locate specific words in the report.

Allows the user to export the report in any of the following formats:







Allows the user to reload the report information.

Allows the user to export the report data in XML format that can be imported to other applications.

Allows the user to go back to the beginning of the report.

Allows the user to open the report page in a different window.


Management Reports

Management reports provide data and comparisons focused on assisting managers in decision-making and strategic planning.


Sales target x actual sales

This report shows a comparison between the sales targets planned for a given year and the actual results. For more information on sales targets refer to "Sales target" under "Functionalities".

On the system's main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Management Reports > Sales goal x actual sales or enter "Sales goal x actual sales" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Click the arrow next to the Reference year field to select the year from which the report is to be drawn. This field is required.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:


Opportunities analysis Report

This report shows a list of the opportunities won and lost, showing a rate of success in the negotiations.

On the system’s main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Management Reports > Opportunities analysis Report or enter "Opportunities analysis Report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Limit credit analysis

This report shows the information about the credit limit of a particular customer, providing information relevant to the decision making during negotiations.

On the system’s main menu, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Management Reports > Credit limit analysis or enter "credit limit analysis" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as necessary.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Incident Analysis Report

This report shows a list of incidents over the past 12 months, as well as an analysis of the costs and time spent on them.

On the system's main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Management Reports > Incident analysis Report or enter "incident analysis report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Conversion rate

This report shows a list of how many Estimates were approved and thus converted into sales, organized by salesperson, besides the company’s total sales during the defined period.

On the system’s main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Management Reports > Conversion rate or enter "conversion index" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Revenue Report

This report shows the sales revenue by salesperson on a defined date, including the sales targets and details such as the marginal contribution and how much must be converted to reach the targets.

On the system’s main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Management Reports > Revenue Report or enter "revenue report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the Date field with the starting date to check the revenues. This field is required.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:


Portfolio balance Report

This report displays the company’s balance for the in a given period, considering starting balance, changes, sales, revenue, canceled invoices and final balance.

On the system’s main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Management Reports > Portfolio balance Report or enter "Portfolio balance Report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the start and end dates for the report data. These fields are mandatory.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Record Reports

The Record Reports provide lists of the data entered in the system.


Incident Report

This report consists of a list of incidents with details such as description, salesperson, etc.

On the system’s main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Records Reports > Incident Report or enter "incident report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Customer records

This report shows the key information of a particular customer: recorded data, contacts, addresses and products.

On the system's main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Record Reports > Customer Records or enter "Customer Records" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the field on this screen with the appropriate customer name. This field is required.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Appointments Report

This report shows a list of the appointments created in the system, with details such as description, date and time and the result, discriminated by salesperson.

On the system’s main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Records Reports > Appointments Report or enter "Appointments Report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Note: If the start and end date fields are not filled, the system will consider for this report the scheduled appointments for the period of one month from the current date.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:



Opportunities Report

This report shows a list of the opportunities created in the system, with details such as customer, product, competitors, vendor, result, etc.

In the system's main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Reporting Records > Opportunities Report or enter "Opportunity Report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Customer contacts Report

This report provides a list of customers with their contact information, such as contact name, position, phone, address, etc.

From the system main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Account Reports > Customer Contact Report or enter "Customer Contact Report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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Customer products Report

This report displays a list of all products in the system, specifying the responsible salesperson, date of last contact, customer – among other relevant information

In the system's main screen, click Sales > CRM > Reports > Records Reports > Customer Product Reports or enter "Customer Product Report" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Fill in the fields on this screen as needed.

Click Run Report. A screen similar to this will open:

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