
The salesperson’s record allows several relevant information to be maintained in an organized way, facilitating the management of the employee’s information and the evaluation of the portfolio for reporting, sales follow-up, etc.

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to access the salesperson records:



In the system’s main screen, access Sales > CRM > Salesperson or enter "sALESPERSON" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

Imagem 54

Check below the main buttons on this screen:

Button’s name


Advanced record

Allows the user to access, edit and add new products linked to the selected salesperson.

Note: For more information on the buttons in this toolbar, adding or editing search features, or on how to add other information in columns, refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add new salesperson

In the Salesperson main screen, click New. The following screen will open:

Imagem 56

Fill in the fields in the upper part of this screen with the customer’s information, as described below:




Name of the customer as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Sealesperson’s identification code.


Indicates whether this salesperson is available for use.

Legal name

Customer's legal name.


Allows the user to specify the sealesperson’s type of tax entity, which can be:


Governmental agency




Indicates the sealesperson’s home country.

Salesperson type

Specify the sealesperson type, which can be:


Commercial Manager


Trade Representative


Allows the user to select an assistant from a previously recorded list.

Sales team

Allows the user to select the sales team to which this sealesperson belongs from a previously recorded list.

Associate relationship

Allows the user to select the associated relationship from a previously recorded list.

External ref.

It is the code for integration with other systems. It should be filled only if this record will be imported or exported.

Create user in the system

Allows the user to indicate whether a system user should be created for this vendor.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

For information on editing or deleting this master record, refer to "Editing and Deleting iCRM Records".


Basic Data

Select the Basic Data tab:

Fill in the fields on this screen with the salesperson data, as described:






Allows the user to enter the salesperson's tax identification number. The Employer Identification Number for legal persons or the Social Security Number for natural persons.

Insc. Estadual/ RG

Allows the user to add the salesperson’s state identification document number, for either legal or natural persons.

Insc. Municipal

Allows the user to entering the number of the Municipal Registration, for legal entities.



Allows the user to to inform the salesperson's phone number.


Allows the user to to inform the salesperson's fax number.


Allows the user to inform the salesperson's website.



Select the Addresses tab and click New.

Fill in the fields on this screen with the salesperson information, as described:



Adress type

Allows the user to specify the type of address, which can be:

Mailing – mailing address.

Billing – address for sending payment bills.

Invoicing – address for sending invoice. This address is the minimum field required for the correct functioning of CRM functions.

Delivery – the address to deliver the product.

Delivery place

Allows the user to specify the delivery location.

Street type

Allows the user to specify the type of public place. For example: street, square, avenue, etc.


Allows the user to inform the number of the house or building.


Allows the user to identify the address that will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Allows the user to add an address complement. For example: Block, set, etc.


Allows the user to include a reference to the delivery location.


Allows the user to inform the name of the neighborhood.

ZIP Code

Allows the user to specify the salesperson’s postcode.


Allows the user to specify the salesperson’s country.


Allows the user to specify the salesperson’s state.


Allows the user to specify the salesperson’s city.


Allows the user to add comments about this estimate.


Indicates whether this address is available for use.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

Under Receiving Restrictions, click New.

Select the days of the week on which the products can be delivered on Receiving Days.

Under Start hour and End hour select the delivery times for the selected days.

Under Vehicle Type select vehicles that are accepted at this address for selected days and times.



Select the Contacts tab and click New.

Fill in the fields on this screen with the salesperson data, as described:



Inclusion type

Allows the user to specify the contact type, which can be:

New contact

Existing contact


Name of the contact as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.

Last name

Contact’s last name.

Known as

Allows the user to enter a contact's nickname, if necessary.

Commercial phone

Allows the user to enter the contact's business phone number.


Allows the user to enter the contact’s extension, if necessary.

Cell phone

Allows the user to insert the contact's cell phone.

Commercial e-mail

Allows the user to insert an email to this contact.


Allows the user to specify the sector where the contact works in the company.

Decision power

Allows the user to specify this contact’s decision power level, among the options previously recorded.

Position in the company

Allows the user to specify this contact’s job position in the company.

Works since

Allows the user to inform when the contact started working in this company.

Off in

Allows the user to inform when the contact stopped working in this company.


Indicates whether this contact is available for use.

Contact address

Allows the user to select an address for this contact from the addresses recorded for this salesperson.

Contact notes

Allows the user to enter notes about this contact.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

For including more detailed information about this contact, click Advanced Record. The following screen will open:

Imagem 62

Fill in the fields on this screen with the contact information, as described:




Name of the customer as it will be displayed in the other records and functions.


Sealesperson’s identification code.


Indicates whether this salesperson is available for use.

Legal name

Customer's legal name.

Account type

Allows the user to specify the sealesperson’s type of tax entity, which can be:


Governmental agency




Indicates the sealesperson’s home country.

Salesperson type

Specify the sealesperson type, which can be:


Commercial Manager


Trade Representative


Allows the user to select an assistant from a previously recorded list.

Sales team

Allows the user to select the sales team to which this sealesperson belongs from a previously recorded list.

Associate relationship

Allows the user to select the associated relationship from a previously recorded list.

External ref.

It is the code for integration with other systems. It should be filled only if this record will be imported or exported.


Select the Basic data tab and fill in the fields as described:




Allows the user to enter the salesperson’s tax identification number. The Employer Identification Number for legal persons or the Social Security Number for natural persons.

Provincial Insc.

Allows the user to add the salesperson’s state identification document number, for either legal or natural persons.

Municipal Insc

Allows the user to entering the number of the Municipal Registration, for legal entities.


Allows the user to enter the contact’s telephone number.


Allows the user to enter the contact’s fax number.


Allows the user to enter the salesperson’s website.


Select the Addresses tab, click New, and fill in the fields as described above in "Addresses."

Select the Contacts tab, click New, and fill in the fields as described above in "Contacts".

Select the Links tab to view customers, salesperson, agencies, etc. to which this contact is linked.

Select the Notes tab to include notes about this contact.

Select the Information tab to view this contact’s classification.



Select the Notes tab.

Fill in the Notes and General Notes fields with their respective customer comments.



Select the Information tab.

In this tab are displayed salesperson information such as: classification (whether this record refers to a company, a seles person, a contact or an user) and a list of areas and branches if the recorded customer is a group.

Note: The fields in this tab are informative only and cannot be edited.