Configure iQuote To Use The Esko ArtiosCAD Integration

After you install and set up the Esko service, you must configure iQuote to use the Esko ArtiosCAD integration.


Enable Access Control

  1. In iQuote, navigate to Administration > User > User Profiles.

The User Profiles List screen opens. 

  1. On the User Profiles List screen, locate and select the desired User Profile record.

The User Profile screen opens for the record you selected.

  1. On the User Profile screen, click the Permissions tab, then in the Permissions area, open EPS > Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification.
    Picture 1
  2. Enable the Specification Characteristic Type and Specification Component Type options.
    Picture 23
  3. Click Save.‎


Create An Esko Specification Characteristic Type

  1. In iQuote, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Specification Characteristic type or enter Specification Characteristic Type in the Quick Search field.
  2. Use the Search field to locate any Specification Characteristic Type with a code and/or description of Esko. If the search results include an Esko Specification Characteristic Type, skip to the Create An Esko Specification Component Type topic. Otherwise, proceed to step 3.
  3. Click the New button.

The Add Type of Specification Characteristic screen opens.

  1. On the Add Type of Specification Characteristic screen, complete the following fields:
  • In the Description field, enter a brief description of this characteristic type.
  • In the Characteristic Class field, select Packaging Design – Esko.
  • Select the Create Engineering check box.
    Picture 29
  1. Click Confirm.
  2. On the Add Type of Specification Characteristic screen, click Edit Characteristic Info.

  1. In the Directory field, enter the file path of the Esko Design files directory/folder.
    Picture 36

Important: If Esko ArtiosCAD is installed on a remote server computer, then the design files directory must be on that same computer and shared on the network for iQuote to access it.

  1. Specify the minimum and maximum formats for simulation in the corresponding fields, as applicable.

Note: This configuration is optional and can be used to control the number of possible layouts for the engineering. The system sends the minimum and maximum format to Esko, which simulates the possible nesting in this format range.

If you leave these fields blank, iQuote uses the maximum format of your largest die cutting machine and the minimum format of the smallest one. iQuote also considers production groups that use functionality 1034 - Die Cutting – Sheet.

  1. Click Confirm, then click Save.

Note: The ARD files should be based on 1Up design. iQuote requests the nesting layouts from ArtiosCad during the calculation.
Picture 42


Create An Esko Component Type

  1. In iQuote, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Specification Component, or enter Specification Component Type in the Quick Search field.

The Component Type List screen opens.

  1. Select the Carton Box component or create a new one.

The Component Detail screen opens.

  1. On the Characteristics tab of the Component Detail screen, click New to create a characteristic labeled Format – Carton.

Tip: Refer to the corresponding iQuote documentation for detailed information on how to create component characteristics.

  1. Select the Format – Carton characteristic you created, then click Characteristic Options.

The Characteristic Options screen opens.

  1. On the Characteristic Options screen, click New and select the Esko ArtiosCad specification characteristic you created.
  2. Click Save to save your changes.