Enable Layout Optimization In Your Environment

Do all of the following to access the Layout Optimization feature in estimates:

  1. Navigate to Administration > General Configuration > System > General Settings. The General Settings screen opens.
  2. On the General Settings screen, click the Integration tab and select the Enable the Layout Optimizer check box. The Layout Optimizer tab appears.
  3. On the Layout Optimizer tab, complete the following fields, as applicable:
  • In the Layout optimization timeout seconds field, indicate the maximum amount of time, in seconds, you want to allow iQuote to wait for the Optimizer calculation to return results. If the calculation takes longer than the time defined in the General Settings, the system interrupts and cancels the process.

Note: When you enter the timeout limit in this field, keep in mind that the more products in an estimate, the longer the system takes to calculate the possible outcomes.

  • In the Area to Start Tests field, define the percentage of the sheet area used before doing full layout optimization analysis. By default, it is 80%.
  • In the Gap b/w placement groups field, inform the gap between groups when you have products that have “Group” set. By default, it is 0.
  • In the Auto layout timeout seconds field, define the maximum time that the system will spend trying different permutations of components on a single layout. By default, it is 1 second.
  • In the Page to bleed gap field, enter the minimum distance between a component's Trim and another component's Bleed. By default, it is 0.
  • In the Total timeout per stock seconds field, define the time that the system will spend generating all the layouts for a specific Stock. By default, it is 1,800 seconds.
  • In the Destination folder field, inform where you want the system to write the resulting files on.  For the Layout Optimization, this is used as a temporary work folder that must be specified.
  1. Click Save.