Creating Job Events

All objects in iQuote have an Event type tab where you can configure actions that will happen in the system when some conditions are met. For example, when a Job is released to production (and event), iQuote sends a message to the prepress team for sending proofs for customer approval (action).

Note: Although Event types can be set up for all objects in the system, this document describes how to create events only in the job object.
The Header event type is valid for all objects in the system, but the other event types are exclusive for the job object.


To create a Job Event

In iQuote, select Administration > Workflow > Object.

Open a Job object from the list and select the Event Type tab. Then click New.

Picture 7


Definitions Tab


Populate the fields in this tab as described below:



Event creation type

Select the most appropriate among the creation type options:

See the “Event types” section below.


Select the most appropriate among the creation type options:





Choose the appropriate severity for this event type:




Can be created manually

Enable this parameter for allowing the event type to be manually created. This option is available only when the selected creation type is header or product version.

For a detailed explanation on manually created job events, see the section “How to manually create events”.

Create the Event as “On- Hold’

Select to automatically set the status to ‘on-hold’ when the event is created. If the Parent event is completed, any child events that are on-hold will automatically change to ‘pending’ status.

State of alert

Enable this parameter to create a customized condition for throwing an event into state of alert.

Event Linked with PrintFlow

(PrintFlow integrations)

This option is only available for the Component Characteristic, Component Link, Header, and Production Groups Event types. It is used to send the task information to PrintFlow for scheduling. You must select Type of Link and the Link Target.

Note: For Production Group event types, this is defaulted to Earliest Date and linked to the Production Group.
If you select Critical Date type of link, then you must select a specific resource to link the event.

Type of Link: Select which task date will be used for scheduling – Earliest, Due Date or Critical Date.

Link Target: Select the type of process/task (Prepress, Press, etc..) that will be linked to this Event. You can edit these events from the Event Edit screen in the job. If you choose Activity, then you must also select the type of Activity to link this event.


Note: There are some conditions which can trigger an alert status in the job event by default. Those conditions may vary according to the event creation type and are detailed in “Event creation types” below. You can also define customized conditions for setting a specific event into alert status.
When State of alert is selected, a new filter is added to this window. Use the filter to set up the customized condition for the alert.


A company usually prints FSC compliant jobs in plants B and C, but never in plant A. Therefore, it’s important to verify any jobs with FSC simulated in plant A, to be sure this is the most appropriate route. In this scenario, you can create an event of “Internal approval” and set a customized alert. The filter configuration for meeting those conditions would be:

Imagem 33

This configuration says the event will be set in alert status when the job meets both conditions at the same time:

Has the FSC characteristic


Is planned to Plant A

After confirming the filter creation, you can see the resulting condition described in the event creation window:

Imagem 35



Event Types

Component Characteristic

This Event Creation type is automatically created for a specific Product Specification component. It cannot be created manually or based on the Event workflow (Status / Checklist / other events/ etc.).

This is based on Product Specification, not in the engineering, so if the component is divided into two or more Process Groups by engineering (for example, 24 pages Component is divided in 16 pages Text + 8 Pages Text), then only one Event will be created. Events in the Production Group creation type are triggered exclusively by production groups. They cannot be created by the usual triggers available in the event type configuration tab (Administration > Workflow > Objects > Job > Event type tab > New > Trigger events).

Picture 20

Notes: iQuote activates the alert status for events of this type when the linked characteristic is unselected in the component. If a Component is linked with two or more “Component Characteristic Event” from the same type, then “Alert State” will also be set. The event is not deleted automatically. The system only raises the alert, but you must cancel or close the event manually.
Unlike Product Version, you can have a Component / Version without any link with a Component Link Event.

Component Link

This type of Event is like Product Version - the creation is manual or based on the triggers in the workflow. (Status / Other Events / Etc.) But instead, it displays the Components and their Versions in two levels.

Picture 19

Notes: If a Component Link Event has no link with “All” or any Component or Version, it will be at “Alert State” mode.
If a Component / Version is linked with two or more “Component Events” from the same type, it will be at “Alert State” mode.
Unlike Product Version, you can have a Component / Version without any link with a Component Link Event.



This event type is based on the job’s general information, therefore has only the basic event data and the standard tabs Notes and History.

Imagem 10

Note: Any events created in iQuote versions prior to Suite 8.1 are automatically set as “header” event type after upgrading.


Letter Text Link

You can create a manual Letter Text type or base it on triggers in the workflow (Status / Other Events / Check List / Etc.). But instead of displaying the Final Products and its versions, this event type displays the Letter Text defined in the Smart Object Letter Text. The default is that all are selected. Once the Letter Text are included in the Smart Notes, it will display here and the user can “unselect” the All and select a specific Letter Text.

One Letter Text cannot be used by two events. It is not needed that all Letter Text be used for multiple Events. To split the Event, see the Split button. For more information splitting events, see the “Splitting Events” section.

Picture 21

Notes: If a Letter Text Link Event has no links, it will be at “Alert State” mode.
If a Letter Text is linked with two or more Letter Text Link Event from the same type, then it will be at “Alert State” mode.


Product Version Link

This event type is linked to all final product versions in the job. Once the event is created, you can see all products from the job under Product Version and, if necessary, deselect any of them.


Linking > The same product cannot be linked to the same event instance twice. For example, Job 1 has three final products (A, B and C) and two events – Prepare Files and Color Check. Although the event “prepare files” occurs on two different dates, it is still only one event instance. Because of that, Product A cannot be linked to this event in both dates:

Picture 22

Alerts > iQuote activates the alert status for events of this type when only some products in the job are linked to an event. If all products on the job are linked to an event, then iQuote does not activate the alert status.

Production Groups

This event type can be selected in the Production group, under Other > Event record and are created automatically every time the engineering uses the linked Production group. You can add multiple events to a production group.

Imagem 66

Note: Events in the Production Group creation type are triggered exclusively by production groups. Each time the engineering route uses the linked production group will prompt the system to create a new event. They cannot be created by the usual triggers available in the event type configuration tab (Administration > Workflow > Objects > Job > Event type tab > New > Trigger events).

Alert State
iQuote activates the alert status for events of this type when the linked production group in not being used by the engineering anymore. Notice the event is not deleted automatically. The system only raises the alert, but you must cancel or close the event manually.


To set up triggers in a production group

In the Event tab click New.

Select the Event type. Only Production Group event types are listed here.

In Type of Event Creation select either:

One event for all planning tasks: Only one event is created, and all the planned tasks are listed inside of it.

Events for each planning tasks: One separated event is created for each planned task in the production group.

Enter notes to be added to the event when created.

You can choose to set up the event trigger using any of the filters created in the production group or by an information range.

(Set up filters) Under Filters select New.

Select one of the filters previously created in the production group and select a filter option.

Choose how to validate against the conditions.

Under Filter by information range, select a variable and the min/max requirements for that filter setting.

Validate the Event Due Date

If the Event type is Product Version, then this section will display. These fields are used to link the Product Version to the job milestones.



Type of Date to Validate

Do not Validate: This is the default.

Job Production Complete Date: Uses the earliest Production Complete Date on the job. See the Job > Quantity / Shipping tab)

Start Shipping Date: Uses the earliest Start Ship Date defined in the Sales Order for the filter defined in the configuration. If there is no filter defined, then it uses the Shipping Date on the Job (Quantity / Shipping tab).

End Shipping Date: Uses the latest End ship date on the job

Need to be before or after

Select whether the Event due date must be before or after the Job’s (or Sales Order) due date.

Offset to start validation

The number of hours to offset the due date when validating. For example, if you choose Production Complete Date and the earliest date is 02/05 and the offset is 48 hours, then the validation date will be 02/03. The Event Due date needs to be before the Job Production Date.

Set the Initial Event Due Date based on this Date

Select this option if you want to use the calculated offset due date configured above. For example, if the offset due date is calculated as 02/03, then the Event Due Date will be 02/03 when the event is created and will not change.

Sales Type Filter

(Only displays if you select Start or End Shipping Date above.) Choose specific Sales Types to validate against to further refine the Event Due Date. For example, if you choose Samples event types here, then the event will ignore any events for real product.


Due Date Calculation

Populate the fields in this tab as described below:




Auto calculate initial Due date

Number of hours

When the due date is not manually defined in the event itself, iQuote calculates the due date automatically.

Enter the number of hours after which the event’s due date shall be set.

From this date...

Select the action that will kick start the time counting to the event’s due date.

Due date rules

Round date

This configuration can be used to round up the calculated due date. Select among the following options:

No round up





Check the Example #1 below.

Regular start time

Enter the regular starting and final working hours.

This field is displayed only if the selected round date option is “No round up” or “1h”.


Check the Example #2 below.

End time

Work days week

Open the drop down menu and check to select the work days of the week.

If no days are selected, the system calculates the due date considering all days as working days.

If some days are selected and others are not, the system calculates the due date considering only the selected days.


Check the Example #2 below.

Create the Event with the Due Date Fixed

When selected this Event will have the Fix Due Date selected by default.


Example 1

In the following configuration, the event’s due date is calculated to be 24 hours after the first delivery date in the job.

Imagem 37


If the first delivery happens Monday 13h40, the auto calculated due date would be Tuesday 13h40. Depending on the option selected in the Round up we would have:

Picture 24

Example 2

In this configuration, the event’s due date is calculated to be 24 hours after the first delivery date in the job.

Imagem 38

If the first delivery happens Friday 11h00, iQuote calculates the due date considering the parameters defined under Due date rules as:

10 hours – 6 hours = 4 hours left to due date

Once the working day is over, iQuote stops counting the time until the start of the next working day. In this case, the following day is Saturday and the work days are defined from Monday to Friday. Therefore, iQuote will resume the counting on Monday 9h.

Since there were still 4 hours left, the due date will be Monday 13h.

9h00 + 4 hours = 13h00

Method for Completing Event

Select one of the possible methods for completing the event.


Select this option to manually complete the event both in the Job event browser and in the desktop. Click Completion Options for configuring how the event can be closed.

Imagem 11


Select one of the existing recorded status options. When the job enters the selected status, the event is automatically completed.

Imagem 12


Choose this option to set up a filter to define the specific condition which determines how an event will be completed.

Imagem 14

Trigger Events

Use the buttons under Trigger events to configure the system’s actions when an event:

is assigned to someone

is closed

is cancelled

has its due date postponed

is overdue

Imagem 31


To set up a trigger event

Select the type of trigger event you want to create. Then click New.

Click Condition to Generate Action to set the filters for the event.

Imagem 56

Enter the appropriate condition and click OK. For example, you can define the action they are configuring will happen only for Jobs belongs to a specific salesperson.

Imagem 41

The field Secondary Object field allows the user to specify that this action – be it a new event, a checklist, or a notification – will be applied to another object, not the job. For example, You can define this event will be generated only when the respective job is “Released w/ production”.

If this field is left blank, the configured action will apply to the job object.

Complete the fields under Events, Check List and Notifications tabs, depending on the action created, as described below.


Use this tab to define the current event which will trigger the creation of another event:



Event cancellation

Select a rule for cancelling events, which can be:

Don’t cancel

Cancel all

Cancel all from the list

Cancel all EXCEPT from the list


Select which events to which these rules will apply. Only events previously recorded in the job are available to select.


Check List

Select the items that will be created in the job for this event. Only previously recorded check list items are available for selection.

For more information, refer to "Check list" in the iQuote Objects User Guide.



In this tab, configure the notifications which will be sent by this event. Only previously recorded notification templates are available for selection.



Notification Template

Select the notification template to use.

User Roles

Select the user role that will receive the notification. For example: If the selected user role is “Prepress”, all users linked to this user role will receive the notification.


Specific individual who will receive the notification.

Head office

Allows the user to select the specific system’s actor (customer, sales rep, supplier etc.) that will receive the notification, even if it is not a user.

Only the user who generates the action

Indicates the notification will be sent only to the user who set this action.

Dynamic User Role

This field is currently disabled.

Dynamic User

Select a user who will receive the notification based on their relationship to the object. For example: The selected option is “Estimator”, If the estimator in the specific job is John, the notification will be sent only for him.

Dynamic Customer / Sales Rep/ Provider

Allows the user to select the system’s actor (agency, client, seller, etc.) that will receive the notification, even if it is not a user.

For example: If the selected option is “Sales rep”, all sales representatives in the system will receive the notification.

Managers only

It indicates that only users identified on the system as managers will receive this notification.



Initial User / User Role Assignment

Here you will set up the specific user responsible for this event.


To set up user role

Click New.

Click Condition for selection to set the filters for selection the user or user role. Enter the appropriate conditions and click OK.


Select Assign to the user role Manager to automatically assign the event to the user role’s manager.

In Standard Assignment, select the User Role which will be responsible for the event. For example, “Financial team’. Then select a User.

In Dynamic Assignment, select which system’s user will be responsible for the event based on their relationship with the job. For example, the event will be assigned to the user who changed the customer’s status to "client".