Job Event Browser and Event Tab

The job events can be accessed from two screens:

The Job Event browser (in Planning > Planner), where you can access all job events created in the system:

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The Event tab in the Job (in Planning > Planner > Job > Open a Job), where you access all events linked to the specific job:

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Note: Whenever an event is edited in either the Event tab or the Job Event browser it is automatically updated in both.


Both the Job Event browser and the Events tab provide two standard filter options: default and pending items. They also show relevant information on each event, such as:


Due date

Schedule color



Event type > category

User role

Previous event

Assigned to

Previous event status

The following buttons are available in the tool bar:




New. Click the main button for creating a new pre-defined event or open the dropdown menu for selecting between:

Pre-Defined event

Non-Defined event.

For more information, see “How to Manually Create Events” section below.


Select a job event and click to edit.


Select one or more job events and click Star/ Stop to start job events that are “on hold” or pending or turn events that are “in progress” into “pending” status.

Note: When an event is started, the system assigns it to the user that performed the action.


Select a job event and click to set it as completed.


Select a job event and click to cancel it.

Assign To Me

Select one or more job events and click “Assign to me” for committing job events to your name.

Note: It is possible to define a user role into the job event. In this case, only users with the selected user role can be assigned to the job event.

Link Events

Select two or more job events and click “Link events” to create relationship them.

See the section “Linking Events” below.

More actions

Click the drop-down menu for exporting the data in this browser as a CSV or a PDF file.


Inside the job event, you find fields with relevant information about the event. Some are read-only, and some are editable fields:

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Event type

Displays the event type name. This field is read-only.


Shows the status of the job event. This field is read-only.


The priority is originally defined in the event type configuration but can be edited here.

Event in alert status

If there are any issues in the event, iQuote puts it in Alert state. This parameter is read-only.

For more about alerts see the “Alerts” section below.

Alert text

When an event is set in alert status the, the system populates this field with information on what are the event issues.

This field is read-only.

User role

Indicates the user role responsible this event. This field is read-only.

Assigned to

Select or change the user the event is assigned to.

Due date

Depending on the event type configuration the due date is automatically calculated. Enter or change the values in these fields for defining a fixed due date.

Fixed due date

Check this parameter to automatically fix the due date option when the event is created.

Note: When the user enters a value in the field “Due date”, this parameter is automatically selected, but it remains editable and can be manually unselected.

On hold

Check this parameter for changing the event status to “on hold”.

Note: When this parameter is selected a new field opens in this screen. In “On hold reason”, type in the relevant information on why the event has been put on hold.

Note: The job to which this event belongs is indicated in the header of this screen and it’s also a link. You can use it to quickly access the respective job, if needed.



Click the upper field under the Notes tab to enter useful information about the event. The text entered here is displayed in the event link in the Desktop and in the Job > Engineering > Details > Events.

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Under the History tab are recorded all changes made to this job event, such as:


Status change

Due date change



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