Linking Two Events

iQuote allows the user to create links between events. When linking events users can set up the time interval between them, this way if the due date of one event changes, the other event’s due date is automatically updated.



You’ve created two events and need to link them.

Receive art files

Send proofs for approval

Since you must have receive the art files so you can print the proofs for the customer, set “Receive art files” as previous to “Send proofs to customer”. You don’t know the exact date when you can receive art files but as soon as you receive them, you have 10 hours to send out the proofs for approval. This is what the link would look like:

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Once the event is linked the status icon shows a link icon in it:

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You can link several events in a row, with or without defining the time span between them:

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For example, the event “Receive art files” is linked to “Send proofs for approval”, that is linked to “Plates pre-check”. Since the last event is already indirectly related to the first event, it is not possible to create a direct link between them:

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Header type events cannot be preceded by other event types

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Characteristic type events can be preceded only by Header or Characteristic type events

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Production group type events can be preceded only by Header or Production group type events.

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Product version type event can be preceded only by Header or Product version type events

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Linking Events in the Job Browser

In the Job event browser select the appropriate events and click Link events.

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Under Previous event, select events and set the order of the linked events.

For each event, define the time span or the due date – as appropriate – then click Confirm.

Linking Events in the Job Object

Go to Administration > Workflow > Object.

Open the Job object and select the Event Type tab.

Click Event Type Link.

Click New to add an event type to be linked.

Under Event Type, select an event.

Under Previous Event Type, select the event which should be linked to the first event type.

Under Hours define the time span between the selected event and the previous one.

Click Save.

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