Splitting Events

You can split an event and link the newly split events to different Products or Components/Versions. You can only split events for these Event types:

Product Version

Component Link

Component Characteristic

Letter Text


To split an event

In a job, Select the Events tab to open the Job Event browser.

Select an event and click Split Events.

Note: You cannot split events of type Production Group or Header.

iQuote displays all events in the job that are related to the same Event Type. You can add or edit the Due Date.

Select an event and click Duplicate to create a duplicate event.

Picture 27

Picture 225

The following section displays the Split Screen for different Event Types.


Product Version

Picture 227

One Product / Version cannot be used by two or more Events from the same Event Type in the same Job.

All products need to be linked to one Event once this Event Type is created for the Job.


Component Link

Picture 228


Component Characteristic

Picture 229

iQuote will display all the versions that are linked in the target Component for this Type of Event in this Specific Component.

Select at least one Version or “all”;

One Version cannot be selected in the same job by two or more Events from the same Event Type in the same Component.


Letter Link Text

Picture 230

Select at least one Letter Text or “all”;

One Letter Text cannot be selected in the same job by two or more Events from the same Event Type.