
The Documents button allows the user to set up a default document for that object, such as e-mails or automatic notifications. For example, the user can set a default email to be sent each time an estimate (object) is approved. Specific data such as customer name, proposal number, etc. are automatically filled in by the system.


Add document

Select an object from the list and click the Documents button.

Click New Document. The following screen will open:

Imagem 41

Complete the fields on the screen as described below:



Document description

Document’s name, to be displayed in other records.

Object information

Drop-down menu with the information that can be included in the document. Options vary according to the object.


This field It provides rich formatting into a string for values with a floating point number or that express a date or time.

It can be filled as follows:

For floating point numbers

: – Optional digit display

, : – Forces display of thousands

. : – Forces display of decimals

E+ : – Forces signed exponent display

E- : – Optional sign exponent display

; : – Separator of positive and negative and zero values


For date values

yy – Displays year’s last 2 digits

yyyy – Displays year with 4 digits

m – Displays month number with no leading 0

mm – Displays month number as 2 digits

mmm – Displays month using short day names (e.g: Jan)

mmmm – Displays month using long day names (e.g.: January)

d – Displays day number with no leading 0

dd – Displays day number as 2 digits

ddd – Displays day using short day names (e.g: Sun)

dddd – Displays day using a long day names (e.g: Sunday)

ddddd – Displays day in short date format (e.g: 1/15/2017)

dddddd – Displays day in long date format (e.g: Sunday, January 15, 2017)

c – Displays short date format + long time format (e.g: 1/15/2017 13:45:30)


For time values

h – Displays hour number with no leading 0

hh – Displays hour number with 2 digits

n – Displays minute number with no leading 0

nn – Displays minute number with 2 digits

s – Displays second number no-leading 0

ss – Displays second number with 2 digits

z – Displays milli-sec number with no leading 0s

zzz – Displays milli-sec number with 3 digits

t – Displays short time format (e.g: 14:30)

tt – Displays long time format (e.g: 14:30:16)

am/pm – Displays “am” or “pm” after the hour information


In the big field to the left, enter the default document’s main text.

When including variable information, select it from the Object information drop-down menu.

Note: The options will vary according to the object.

Click Add Value to include the field that will be filled by that value.

Alternatively, click Add Delimiter to include an area that will only be displayed in the document if there is any information set for that value.


When selecting a Competitor Name from the Object information drop-down menu and clicking Add Value the system will create a space to be filled (in red) with the competitor’s name:

Estimate: <%v0:Estimate Number%>

Competitor: <%v1:Competitor.Name%>

Customer: <%v2:Customer.Name%>

If there is no competitor for this estimate the field will be displayed blank in the final document:

Estimate: 1000



Customer: Example Inc.

However, by selecting Competitor > Name from the Object information drop-down menu and clicking Add Delimiter, the system will create two "markings" and between them the user can add the competitor information: #b80707

Estimate: <%v0:Estimate Number%>


Competitor: <%v1:Competitor.Name%> <%e3:Competitor%>

Customer: <%v2:Customer.Name%>

In this case, if there is no competitor recorded for the estimate the entire competitor’s area will be completely excluded from the final document:

Estimate: 1000

Customer: Example Inc.


When finished, click Save.


Edit document

Click the appropriate document.

Click Edit document.

Edit the document as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to “Add document”.

When finished click Save.


Delete document

Click the document’s name to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.