
For each system object record the following aspects can be set: Status, tasks, check list, notification template, creation event and modification event.

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Some specifications within these settings vary depending on the object.



Status are identifications of the object’s situation with respect to the commercial or productive process, depending on the object. Objects that can have their status set are:


Carton die specification

Product specification

Generic tool




Note: Although the status tab is displayed for all the other objects, it can not be configured.


Add status

From the system's main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > Status tab.

Click Add. The following screen will open:


Settings tab

Complete the fields on the screen as described below:




Name of the selected status in objects such as estimate, customer, etc. For example: "In production".

Required field.

Action to be activated

Name of the status to be selected. For example: "Send to Production".

This field is not required, but its completion is recommended.


It indicates the status will be applied to the object automatically when it is created.

Only one status can be set as standard for each object. If the user tries to set a second status as the standard this will substitute the previous.


Indicates that this status will be the last one in the production route.


Indicates whether the status is available for use.


Indicates the preset rule in the system that defines the status behavior according to the object.

Each object has a specific list of tags. To learn more about the tags and their behaviors for each object refer to "Tags".


Allows the user to select an identification color for this status.

Next status

Indicates which statuses may come after this in the production route and therefore can be selected in the estimate or Job.


In the Events area, click When moved in to this status to define actions that will occur on the system when an object enters this status. For more information on how to set events refer to "Object events".

In the Events area, click When moved out from this status to define actions that will occur on the system when an object exit this status. For more information on how to set events refer to "Object events".


Example: An "when moved in to this status" can be configured so that the system creates a certain task each time an estimate (object) enters the "approved" status.


Access control tab

Select the user group to which you want to assign access in the list on the left.

In the Access field on the right, select the actions that will be authorized for this user group, as described below:




Indicates that the selected user group can edit objects that are in this status.


Indicates that the selected user group can change the status of objects to enter this status.

For example: permission to modify an estimate for "Approved."


Indicates that the selected user group can change the status of objects to exit this status.

For example: permission to modify an estimate that is in "Approved" status to some other available status.


Indicates that the selected user group can view the contents of objects that are in this status.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each user group as needed.

Click Save.

Note: The access control for object status can also be set in Administration > User > User profile > Select user > Workflow status.

Click Save again and then click Apply workflow.


Edit status

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Status tab.

Click the appropriate status to select it.

Click Edit.

Edit the status as needed. For more information about the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to "Add status".

When finished, click Save.

Click Save again, and then click Apply workflow.


Delete status

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Status tab.

Click the appropriate status to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

When finished click Save and then click Apply workflow.

Note: When the status selected is being used in the system already, iQuote will not allow it to be deleted.



Tasks – to be done by the system’s operators – can be set for each object. For example, when approving an estimate the system can create a task indicating the prepress department has to verify if the estimate requires a hard proof.


Add tasks

In the system's main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > Tasks tab.

Click New. The following screen will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Task identification code.


Task name that will be displayed in the other records.


Definitions tab

Under General, complete the fields as described below:




Indicates the task’s relevance, which can be:




Can be created manually

Indicates the task can be manually created by the user.

State of alert

Indicates the estimate will be highlighted in the Tasks, in the Desktop:

And in the Estimates list:


In the Time limit area, complete the fields as described below:



Time limit

Allows the user to set the time limit for the execution of the task (in hours).

Time limit reference

Allows the user to identify the event from which the time limit will be counted.

For example: proposal approval.


In the Closure area, complete the fields as described below:



Closure type

Indicates the rule to allow task completion:

Manual – It indicates the task can be manually closed by the user.

Status – It indicates the task will be automatically closed when the task status changes.

Condition – It indicates the task will be closed when the conditions defined in this screen are met.

Closing options

By clicking this button the user can add actions and validations for manually closing the task.

This button is displayed only when the Manual Closing type is selected.

The Validations tab should not be completed for closing options. For more information on how to complete the Actions tab, refer to "Validations tab" in "Events".

Status for closing

Allows the user to select the status that cancels the task in the drop-down menu.

This button is displayed only when the Status Closing type is selected.

Closing condition

Allows the user to define the conditions for closing the task.

This button is displayed only when the Condition Closing type is selected.


Click each of the buttons in the Events area to define the system’s actions for each of those task occurrences. For more information on how to set events refer to "Object events".


Example: An "attribution event" can be configured so that a given action happens each time a task is assigned to an object.


In the Standard attribution area, click New. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields in the screen as described below:



Condition for selection

Allows the user to configure the conditions that define when the task will be assigned as set on this screen. For example, the user can define that when an estimate is created for a given customer, any task will be assigned to the manager.

Assign to the work group manager

Indicates the task will be automatically assigned to the respective workgroup’s manager.

User Role

Allows the user to select the specific user role responsible for the task.

For example: Sales team.


Allows the user to select a specific user responsible for the task.

Dynamic work group

This field is currently disabled.

Dynamic user

Allows the user to select which system’s user will be responsible for the task based on its relation with the object.

For example: The task will be assigned to the user who changed the customer’s status to "client".


Access control tab

Select the user group to assign access in the list on the left.

In the Access field on the right, select the actions that will be authorized for this user group, as described below:



Cancel task

Indicates the selected user group can cancel this task in the object.

Finish task

Indicates the selected user group can mark this task as completed in the object.

Edit task

Indicates the selected user group can edit this task in the object.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each user group as needed.

Click Save.

Click Save again and then click Apply workflow.


Edit tasks

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Task tab.

Click the appropriate task to select it.

Click Edit.

Edit the task as needed. For more information about the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to "Add task".

When finished, click Save.

Click Save again, and then click Apply workflow.


Delete tasks

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Task tab.

Click the appropriate task to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

When finished click Save and then click Apply workflow.

Note: When the task selected is being used in the system already, iQuote will not allow it to be deleted.


Check list

In iQuote it is possible to create items linked to the object to be verified by the user – mandatory or not – for the continuity of commercial or productive processes.

For example, the user can create an item to be checked in the estimate asking the operator to check if a hard proof required, if there are customer materials in the product, etc. These items will be displayed on a Check list button in the object’ s tool bar, in this case in the Estimate:


Add check list

 From the system's main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > Check list tab.

 Click Add check list. The following screen will open:

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Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




The check list name that will be displayed in the object.

Ordem de exibição

Defines the order in which this item will be displayed in the object.


Definitions tab

In the Information area, complete the fields as described below:



Father check list item

Allows the user to identify the main check list item that this one belongs to.

Can be created manually

Indicates the check list can be manually created by the user.


Indicates that the check list item is enabled for this object.


In the Filling in by email area, check Enable filling in by email for allowing the check list to be populated by e-mail.

In the Condition for creating the check list area, double-click the filter icon to select the conditions that must be met so that the check list can be created.

Click each of the buttons in the Events area to define the actions that will occur on the object when a check list is created or checked. For more information on how to set events refer to "Object events".


Example: A "creation event" can be configured on the system so that a given action happens each time a check list is created for an object.


In the Information field area, click the Field type drop-down menu to select the information that will be filled in the check list.

Once the Field type is selected the following fields will be displayed and must be filled as described below:



Field description

Field name that will be displayed in the check list.

Required field

Indicates this field is mandatory.


In the Status for creating the check list area, select in which statuses the check list item will be created.

In the Status for mandatory check list area, select in which statuses filling the check list item will be mandatory to proceed.

If the object returns to an earlier status, the checklist items already checked will appear listed in the history indicating that they have been filled, but will be restarted on the object. That is, they will appear as not checked in the Check list tab, awaiting re-verification. In the Status to restart the check list area, select in which statuses the check list is restarted.


Access control tab

Select the user group to assign access in the list on the left.

In the Access field on the right, select the actions that will be authorized for this user group, as described below:




Indicates the selected user group can edit the check list item.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each user group as needed.

Click Save.


Edit check list

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Check list tab.

Click the appropriate check list item to select it.

Click Edit.

Edit the check list item as needed. For more information about the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to "Add Check list".

When finished, click Save.

Click Save again, and then click Apply workflow.


Delete check list

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Check list tab.

Click the appropriate check list to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

When finished click Save and then click Apply workflow.

Note: When the check list selected is being used in the system already, iQuote will not allow it to be deleted.


Notification template

In the Notification Template tab, the user can configure the system notifications’ structure, which can be sent as an e-mail or displayed as a pop-up on the screen. For example:

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Note: In this tab the user can only set how the notification structure will be. In order for the notification to be actually displayed or sent it is necessary to link the template created here to some object event. For more information about how to set notifications display for object events, refer to "Notification tab" in "Events".


Add notification template

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Notification template tab.

Click Add notification template. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields on this screen as described below:




Notification template’s name displayed in the other records.

Notification methods

Allows the user to select this template’s notification method for this template, which can be:

System – Indicates the notification will be displayed as a pop-up. The notification display in the system can be forced by using the shortcut ctrl + space.

Email – Indicates the notification will be sent by email. The user to whom the email will be sent must be defined in Administration > General configuration > Email manager > Email services > Notifications sending (workflow).

SMS – This option isn’t currently available.


Note: More than one option can be selected for the same model.


Allows the user to select a document to be used as the notification in the drop-down menu.

Only previously recorded documents will be displayed. For more information refer to "Documents".


Allows the user to include a note to be displayed in the notification.


For creating a new document, click New under Linked information.

Click the arrow next to the field to select the data that will be displayed in the notification.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each information to be included, as needed.

When finished, click Save.

Click Save again and then Apply Workflow.


Edit notification template

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Notification template tab.

Click the appropriate notification template to select it.

Click Edit.

Edit the notification template as needed. For more information about the buttons and fields on this screen, refer to "Add notification template".

When finished, click Save.

Click Save again, and then click Apply workflow.


Delete notification template

In the system’s main menu, click Administration > Workflow > Object > select an object > Notification template tab.

Click the appropriate notification template to select it.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

When finished click Save and then click Apply workflow.

Note: When the notification template selected is being used in the system already, iQuote will not allow it to be deleted.