Object events

Events are actions (tasks, check list items or notifications) or validations that can be configured in the system to happen to the object when certain conditions are met. For example, when an object enters a status or when a task is assigned to an object. See below the types of events that can be configured:


Where to set it up




Event that will happen when the object enters a certain status.


Event that will happen when the object exits a certain status.



Event that will happen when a task is assigned to the object.


Event that will happen when the task assigned to the object is closed.


Event that will happen when the task assigned to the object is canceled.


Event that will happen when the task assigned to the object is postponed.

Exceeded time limit

Event that will happen when the time limit defined for a task assigned to the object is exceeded.


Check list

Event that will happen when a check list item is created for the object.


Event that will happen when a check list item is checked.


Main object edition screen

Event that will happen when the object is created.


Event that will happen when the object is edited.


To set up an event follow the steps below:


Actions tab

From the Object record screen:

Go to the Status tab > edit a status > When moved in to this Status / When Moved out from this Status.

Go to the On Creation record tab.

Go to the On Change the record tab.

Click New.

Click the Condition to Generate Action filter to set the rules for the event. For example: the user can define that this event will be created only for proposals from a specific salesperson.

Complete the Secondary Object field if the user want this condition to be related to another object other than the one being edited. For example, the user can define this event will be generated when creating estimates only when the customer is from another country.

Complete the information in the Events, Check List or Notifications tabs, depending on the action created, as described below.


Events tab

In this tab complete the fields as described below:



Create Events


Allows the user to which tasks will be created by clicking the drop-down menu.

Only tasks previously recorded in the Tasks tab will be displayed. For more information refer to "Tasks".

Cancel Events

Event Cancellation

Allows the user to define rules for canceling tasks, which can be:

Don’t cancel

Cancel all

Cancel all from the list

Cancel all EXCEPT from the list


Allows the user to select which tasks these rules will apply to.

Only tasks previously recorded in the Tasks tab will be displayed. For more information refer to "Tasks".


Check list tab

In the Create check list items field select the items that will be created in this object for this event.

Note: Only previously recorded check list items will be displayed in the drop-down menu. For more information refer to "Check list".


Notifications tab

Click New. Complete the fields as described below:



Notification template

Allows the user to select in the drop-down menu the notification template to be sent.

Only templates previously recorded in the Notification Template tab will be displayed. For more information, refer to "Notification template".

User Role

Allows the user to select the specific User Role that will receive the notification. Working groups must be previously recorded.


Allows the user to select the specific system’s user who will receive the notification.

Head Office

Allows the user to select the related head office that will receive the notification, even if it is not a user.

Only the user who generates the action

Indicates the notification will be sent only to the user who set this action.

Dynamic User Role

This field is not being used currently.

Dynamic user

Allows the user to select the specific system’s user who will receive the notification based on their relationship to the object.

For example: The user who changed the estimate status to "in production" will receive the notification.

Dynamic Customer / Sales Rep / Provider

Allows the user to select the specific system’s actor (agency, client, seller, etc.) that will receive the notification, even if it is not a user, based on their relationship to the object.

Managers only

It indicates that only users identified on the system as managers will receive this notification.



Validation tab

Note: Validations are rules configured in the system to prevent the user from performing some unwanted action, such as recording a customer without informing a contact.

Note: The task events (assignment, termination, cancellation, postponement, and time limit exceeded) do not have Validations tab.


Click New. The following screen will open:

Complete the Error message field with the text to be displayed for the rules defined on this screen. For example: "A contact needs to be informed for this customer".

Click Condition to create the ERROR to configure the rules for validation. For example:

Click OK.

When finished click Save and then Apply workflow.