
In iQuote the user can configure statuses for the following objects:


Carton die specification

Product specification

Generic tool 




These statuses change throughout the production process, indicating what is happening with the job, what steps had been already done, and enabling features and functions according to these steps. The tags are the system’s commands behind the statuses. They are already pre-defined and must be associated with each created status. No status can be created on the system without an associated tag. For more information on object statuses refer to "Status". Each object has its own set of tags.



The tags for the Customer object are the following:




It indicates the recorded company is already a customer.


It indicates the recorded company is negotiating a job and will become a customer soon.

If an estimate is approved for a customer recorded as a prospect it automatically becomes a customer.


Indicates the company has been recorded in the system.

If an estimate is created for a customer recorded as suspect it automatically becomes a prospect.


Carton die Specification

The tags for the Carton die cut Specification object are the following:




It indicates the recorded specification has been approved and can be used in other functions, such as estimate, Job and product specification.


It indicates the recorded specification has been canceled.

Note: You cannot select canceled Die Specification tools in Estimates, Jobs, and Product Specifications.

In specification

It indicates the recorded specification is still under development and, therefore, can not yet be used in other functions.


Product specification

The tags for the Product specification object are the following:




It indicates the recorded specification has been approved and can be used in estimates.


It indicates the recorded specification has been canceled.


It indicates the recorded specification is still under development and, therefore, can not yet be used in estimates.


Generic tool

The tags for the Generic tool object are the following:




It indicates the recorded specification has been approved and can be used in other functions, such as estimate, Job and product specification.


It indicates the recorded specification has been canceled.

Note: You cannot select canceled Die Specification tools in Estimates, Jobs, and Product Specifications.

In specification

It indicates the recorded specification is still under development and, therefore, can not yet be used in other functions.



The tags for the Opportunity object are the following:




It indicates that the recorded opportunity has been approved.


It indicates the negotiation for the recorded opportunity has been closed.


It indicates the negotiation for the recorded opportunity is standing by.


It indicates the negotiation for the recorded opportunity was closed with another supplier.



The tags for the Estimate object are the following:



0 – Preparing

It indicates the estimate is being drawn up.

1 – Calculating

It indicates the estimate is being calculated.

2 – Defined price

It indicates the estimate price is being defined.

3 – Approved by the customer

It indicates the estimate has been approved by the customer.

4 – Approved

It indicates the estimate has been approved internally.

5 – Canceled

It indicates the estimate has been canceled.

6 – Negotiating price

It indicates the estimate’s price is under negotiation.

7 – Approved – Partial Job

It indicates the estimate has been approved and allows the user to issue a partial PO.

8 – Approved – Totally released Job

It indicates the estimate has been approved and allows the user to issue the PO.

9 – Prospective

It indicates the number of products, material etc have not been confirmed yet.



Note: The tags below (except Prospective) have specific behaviors in the M3 Planner once the systems are the synchronized. For more information about these behaviors refer to "PO Status" in the specific M3 Planner Help.


The tags for the Job object are the following:




It indicates this Job was created from an estimate in a Tag 9 – Prospective status.

This means that, although there are values and quantities defined in the PO, this information was not confirmed and the estimate was not approved. A Job in this tag may be edited or canceled but not released for production until the original estimate is approved.

For more information refer to the note below.


It indicates the Job has been blocked.

This tag has no specific behavior in iPlan.


It indicates the Job has been canceled.

This tag has no specific behavior in iPlan.


It indicates the production has been completed and the Job has been closed.

This tag has no specific behavior in iPlan.

Planning - Create job active

In iQuote, you can use the Job workflow tags to send the Jobs to Monarch through the integration between the systems. Considering that, this tag creates the Jobs and Sub Jobs in Monarch as active.

Note: You also need to mark the Sub Jobs to send them to MIS. From the Sub Job Manager screen (Planning > Planner > Job > Sub Job Manager), you can select or deselect the Send to MIS field on the Sub Job Manager screen.

Note that, when a Sub Job has more than one item, all the items from the same Sub Job must be either checked as “Send to MIS” or not. This is mandatory because it is not possible to integrate the lines connected by the same Sub Job separately.

Planning - Create job inactive

In iQuote, you can use the Job workflow tags to send the Jobs to Monarch through the integration between the systems. Considering that, this tag creates the Jobs and Sub Jobs in Monarch as inactive.

Released to production

It indicates this production can already be started.

This tag has no specific behavior in iPlan.

Finished Production

It indicates this production has been completed, but the Job is still open.

This tag has no specific behavior in iPlan.


It indicates the Job is reserved.

This tag has no specific behavior in iPlan.


When creating a Job from an estimate in tag 9 – Prospective it will be created in the default status, usually with the Blocked tag (refer to "Add status"), but then it is automatically changed to Prospective.

Although this transition is made automatically by the system, it can only occur if the status change and access control permissions are properly configured to allow it.

For this transition to take place properly, follow the steps below:

When creating the default status for the Job, for example a status “Initial” linked to the Blocked tag, enable it to be followed by a status linked to the Prospective tag:

Imagem 48

Then go to the Access Control tab and give permission to exit this status to the appropriate users:

Imagem 49

In the status linked to the Prospective tag, enable which statuses can follow it, as appropriate:

Imagem 50

On the Access Control tab, give permission to enter and exit this status to the appropriate users:

Imagem 51