Product Specification Exceptions

The Product Specification exception allows you to create variations of the main PS version so that you can better define how the system should create the product in the Job. By using the exceptions, each Product Specification version can have different Engineering and Specifications, which the system uses depending on the Plant and/or the product's Quantity. That is to say, the system analyses if it should apply an exception or not by evaluating the Plant where the product is being produced and its quantity. 

For example, it might be necessary to fix the Engineering route to use a specific knife depending on the quantity of the product being estimated, because it is better to use that knife if you are going to produce a higher quantity.

Important: The exceptions have the following restrictions:

- They apply to Job only. Not to Estimates.
- They do not work with Product Specifications that have more than one version and/or have a family (i.e., a family record or a record that belongs to a family).
- The system does not display the exception's alterations in the Product Specification's History tab.


Getting Started

To enable your environment to use the Product Specification exceptions, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Estimate General Settings > Product Specification tab and select the "Allow specification or engineering exceptions in the product specification" checkbox.

Do not forget to Save before leaving this page.


Creating An Exception

It is simple to create an exception. See the steps below.

Navigate to Sales > iQuote > Product Specification. The Product Specification browser page opens.

Click to edit a Product Specification record or create a new one.

In the Versions tab, there are two tables. The first one is the Versions table and the second is the Exceptions table.

Select a version.

Note: The exceptions that you create are related to a version. So, be careful to select the right version when creating (or editing) an exception.

Click the new button to create a new row in the Exceptions table.

Select a Plant, enter a Starting Quantity, or both. You can use them separately or together, in a single row. In the latter case, the product would have to correspond to both criteria (e.g., be produced in "Plant B" and have a quantity of at least "5,000").

(optional) You can create quantity ranges as a criteria. For that, add a different Starting Quantity for each exception row.

Change the product's specification, engineering, and/or unit conversion for that exception, using the buttons on the top of the table.

Save the Product Specification record.


When analyzing if it should apply an exception to a Job or not, the system does the evaluation in the order in which the exceptions are organized in the table. That is, it checks if the Job specifications match with the first exception and, if it does not, it checks the second, then the third, and so on. If the Job does not match with any exception, the system applies the main Product Specification version.

You can use the Up and Down arrows to rearrange the exceptions in the table.

Note: The most restrictive criteria should be in the first position.

Note: The Starting Qty refers to the final product quantity.