Product Specification History

Through the History tab, in the Product Specification record, you can see a log of the changes that you or other users have made in the product's specification. It is another and more detailed way to keep track of what has been changed throughout the record's existence.

In the History tab you can see the following the details:

Date: the date that the change happened.

User: the user that made and saved the changes.

Type: this is a general description of in which part of the Product Specification record occurred the change. The type can be: Family, General, Product Specification, and Engineering.

Detail: a brief description of what you changed.

Field: the field that was changed.

Previous value: the field's value before the change.

New value: the field's value after the change.


Logged Items

The system is capable of saving a history of changes in the following items:

Header information: when we change anything in the header, the system automatically creates a line of log in the History tab, specifying which field was changed and who changed it. The system saves the log history when you click on the Save button.

Engineering: when we change anything in the engineering (i.e., information and setups such as changes in the activities, components, etc.), the system automatically creates a line of log in the history tab. The system saves the log history when the user clicks on the Save button.

Activating a version: when we activate a version, the system automatically creates two lines of log in the History tab, one for the item that was activated and one for the item that was deactivated. Thus, it is possible to keep track of who changed the current Active version. The system saves the log history when you click on the Save button.

Edit the inventory item: when we edit an inventory item, the system automatically creates a line of log in the History tab with the version number, previous value and new value. The system saves the log history when the user confirms the change, it is not necessary to click on the Save button.

Product Specification information: when we edit the Specification, the system automatically creates a line of log in the History tab, with the version number, and tracks the changes the same way it is done in the Estimate.

Price Table: when we change anything in the price table, the system automatically creates a line of log in the History tab, specifying which field was changed and who changed It. Thus, it is possible to keep track of who changed the items on the price table, according to their brand. The system saves the log history when you click on the Save button.

Status: when we change the status, the system automatically creates a line of log in the history tab, specifying which field was changed and who changed It. Thus, it is possible to keep track of who changed the status. The system saves the log history when you select a new status and click on Confirm.

Related to family records:

Link and Unlink a child PS to a family: when we link or unlink a child PS to a family, the system automatically creates a line of log in the History tab, specifying which field was changed and who changed It. Thus, it is possible to keep track of who changed these items. The system saves the log history when you confirm the action.

Apply status change in the children: when we apply Family Status in the children, the system automatically creates two lines of log in the History tab: one for the child that received the modifications on the Status and another for its parent. Thus, it is possible to keep track of who applied the family status in the child. The system saves the log history when you click on Confirm in the “Apply Family Status in the children” screen.

Create family items: when we create new family items, the system automatically creates two lines of log in the History tab: one for the child that was created and another for its parent. Thus, it is possible to keep track of who created a new family item. The system saves the log history when you click on the Save button.

Apply characteristic changes in the children: when we apply characteristics in the children, the system automatically creates two lines of log in the History tab: one for the child that received the modifications and another for its parent.Thus, it is possible to keep track of who applied characteristics in the child. The system saves the log history when you click on the Save button.