Using The Product Specification

It is possible to use Product Specification as a way to create Sales Orders, through external programs, and Estimates. You have already seen how to create and edit a Product Specification record, and now you are going to learn how to use it. 


Creating An Estimate Using A Product Specification

To create an Estimate using a PS record, follow the steps below.

Navigate to Sales > iQuote > Estimate. The Estimate browser opens.

Next to the New button, click the arrow to open the other creation options and select Repeat Product. The Repeat Product page opens.

Fill in the fields as explained in Creating An Estimate.

In the Components that will be added to the estimate area, click the new button in the grid. The system creates a new line.

Click in the Product Specification field and look for the PS record that you want to use in this Estimate.

Note: the options are the PS records that are available for any Customer or for the specific Customer that is requesting this Estimate, which you can set when Creating A Product Specification.

(optional) To select more than one PS record, you just need to create a new line. In this case, the system performs one of these actions:

It creates one final product for each PS record.

It creates only one final product that has a version for each PS record, if the selected Product Specification records belong to the same family and the family allows versioning.

Click Confirm.

The system creates the Estimate using the specifications and Smart Notes that you set up in the PS record selected, and the Engineering (if calculated in the PS). You can change them afterwards, if necessary. 


Using the product specification in existing estimates

Even after you create the Estimate, you can use the Product Specification to add a new product.

Navigate to the Product tab of the Estimate record.

Click the New Product button and then, New Repeated Product.

Select the Product Specification that you want to use from the available options, and click Confirm.

The system adds the new product accordingly.


Creating A Sales Order Using A Product Specification

You can use the Product Specification as a template to base your Sales Order on. You can do that when using the Price Service feature, as mentioned in the Price Service - Setup guide.