Folding Scheme

The folding schemes indicate how the engineering should fold components such as signatures, leaflets, covers, etc. The folding steps that are necessary to make a component, define its number of pages. The 8-pages scheme bellow shows how the system follows the folding steps.



In the Folding Scheme Record it is possible to define:

the folding step-by-step;

the folding JDF code;

the number of sheets in the folding scheme, to determine when the machine can cut the paper roll in separate sheets or when the scheme will use two paper rolls;

the folding compatibility with the specification components;

the gathering flap

the restriction to the folding scheme selection in the engineering;

as de-collate information.

The number of accumulations.

Tip: Several folding schemes are available by default.


To access the folding scheme records go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Folding scheme.

Note below a brief description of this toolbar’s buttons:

Button Name

Button Function

Explore Scheme

Allows you to simulate sizes and margins for the selected folding scheme

Tip: For more information on the buttons, adding or editing search features in this toolbar, or how to add other information in columns refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add Folding Scheme

You will need to have the following access options enabled to be able to add folding schemes:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Folding Scheme or enter "folding scheme" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields in this screen as described below:




Folding scheme name. It allows you to enter the appropriate description for number of pages + folding steps + number of sheets. For example: 032pg FRT 1 sheet (being FRT – Former fold, Tabloid and Magazine). It will not be necessary to inform in the description if the schemes have only one sheet.

Columns Qty

Number of columns in the folding scheme.

Allows you to enter the appropriate number of columns. If the folding scheme has several sheets, enter the number of columns related to the sheet that has the greatest number of columns. For example: if there are 2 sheets, in which one has 1 column and the other has 2 columns, enter "2" in the Columns Qty field.

Note: After you save the folding scheme, you will not be able to edit this information anymore.

Lines Qty

Number of lines in the folding scheme.

Note: After you save the folding scheme, you will not be able to edit this information anymore.

Sheet Qty

Number of sheets that the folding scheme will use. You can select any number of sheets between and 8 sheets.

The webfed presses are the only ones that use folding schemes with more than one sheet: when there is a paper roll cut in different sheets that needs folding afterwards or when there are more than one paper roll that needs folding. Refer to step 17 to learn how to work with folding schemes that have multiple sheets.

Accumulated (web)

It indicates if the webfed press folding scheme has accumulated folding.

For example, imagine that you need to print and fold a 32-pages signature but the webfed press makes only 16-pages signatures. Other than that, the press makes two accumulations (2 signatures with 16 pages each together and folded at the same time, adding up to 32 pages). You will need to have a folding scheme that represents this process.

Therefore, the printing press will need to be able to male a horizontal cut and to have an accumulation process that will overlap the signature, so that they can be folded afterwards.

Qty Accumulations

(only if “Accumulated” is checked)

The number of accumulations will be the same as the number of times a folding scheme can accumulate. For example, when you enter "2" in this field, the engineering will make two accumulations:

The system will automatically fill this field with the number "1" for the folding schemes with recorded accumulations.

Enter the appropriate number of accumulations.

Note: After saving the folding scheme, you will not be able to edit this field anymore and the system will display it in the Folding Schemes Record.

Click Save. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields in this screen as described below:




Folding scheme name. Allows you to enter the appropriate description for number of pages + folding steps + number of sheets. For example: 032pg FRT 1 sheet (being FRT – Former fold, Tabloid and Magazine). It will not be necessary to inform in the description if the schemes have only one sheet.

Original Description

Alternative description for the folding scheme. If the folding scheme has been imported from the standard libraries, the system will automatically fill this description with the standard folding scheme name.

JDF Code

JDF code enables the standard JDF integration of the folding schemes with other systems. The folding schemes imported from standard libraries already have their JDF codes.

Columns Qty

It displays the number of columns in the folding scheme.

Lines Qty

It displays the number of lines in the folding scheme.

Sheet Qty

It displays type of folding that defines the number os sheets the scheme can fold.

Accumulated (web)

It indicates whether the folding scheme should have accumulated folding.

Qty Accumulations

It indicates the number of times a folding scheme can be accumulated.

Print Page Number



Indicates whether the folding scheme is available for use in the engineering.

Click Folding Information.

In Folding Steps, click New.

Complete the fields in this section as described below:




Direction for the folding step. It can be:

Horizontal – it indicates that the machine will make the folding step horizontally, according to the folding scheme lines.

Vertical – it indicates that the machine will make the folding step vertically, according to the folding scheme columns.

Fold to

The way that the machine will make the folding. It can be:

Up – it indicates that the folding step will go up, according to the direction defined. The following image shows a 4-page folding scheme with a vertical up folding step:

Down – it indicates that the folding step will go down, according to the direction defined. The following image shows a 4-pages folding scheme with a vertical down folding step:


Sequence order for the folding steps.

The lines and columns will determine the positions in the folding scheme, the numbers in red show in the following folding schemes:

If the first folding step is in the middle in a 16-pages folding scheme, the first position will be number 2 – vertical. After the fold, the position numbering restarts.

To make the second fold horizontally, the position will be the number 1.

To make the third fold vertically, the position will be the number 1.

For a 16-pages folding scheme with folding type Former + Crossed + Parallel, the sequence would be:

Vertical – Up – 2

Horizontal – Up – 1

Vertical – Up - 1

Cut Area - Mailing Format

This field allows you to define that the machine should also cut the product, other than fold it. Only after you select it, will the Default Cut Size - Mailing Format field be available to use.

Note: the system will take this field into consideration only when you estimate a Mailing product that uses the Mailing Fold Format for the Letter component.

Note: the Cut Area - Mailing Format field is only available from iQuote version 10.1 onward.

Default Cut Size - Mailing Format

Define in this field the standard size of the cut that the machine will make in the product. Enter the measurement of the full cut area, not the size per side. The system will automatically add this size to the product's final size.

For example:

Note: the system will take this field into consideration only when you estimate a Mailing product that uses the Mailing Fold Format for the Letter component.

Note: the Default Cut Size - Mailing Format field is only available from iQuote version 10.1 onward.

Note: if the folding scheme has more than 1 sheet set up, the Default Cut Size - Mailing Format field won't be available.


Repeat step 8 to add all appropriate folding steps rules.

Click the arrows up and down to move the folding steps rules to the appropriate position

Note: The folding steps should be in the same order they are executed.

Click on the Information for engineering tab.

In the Partial Glue Line section, complete the fields as described below.

Tip: The partial glue line is the glue applied only so that it is possible to execute the finishing process, when the product is stapled or stitched. However, it is not possible to send the folded product to these processes without receiving a glue line to ensure that the signatures will not fall from the saddle.



Height Factor

A value indicating the glue consumption factor in the “height” direction of the folding scheme. 

The system calculates the glue according to the flat size (i.e., before folding) and uses the factor to increase or decrease the consumption of glue, by calculating height x factor. When entering value 1 in this field, the system will calculate the glue considering only the exact height of the folding scheme. When the value is 2, it will be two times the height of the fold scheme (e.g. height x 2). When the value is 0.5, it will be half of the folding scheme height.

Width Factor

A value indicating the glue consumption factor in the “width” direction of the folding scheme.

The system calculates the glue according to the flat size (i.e., before folding) and uses the factor to increase or decrease the consumption of glue, by calculating height x factor. When entering value 1 in this field, the system will calculate the glue considering only the exact height of the folding scheme. When the value is 2, it will be two times the height of the fold scheme (e.g. width x 2). When the value is 0.5, it will be half of the folding scheme height.

Use partial glue line for wire stitch

Indicates whether the folding scheme will need a glue line whenever the product is wire stitched (Saddle).

You should select this option in order to apply a partial glue line in the folding scheme every time that the product is wire stitched.


In the Total Glue Line section, complete the fields as described below.

Tip: The system uses the total glue line when the product is glued in line in the webfed press. In other words, when the finished product is glued in the machine and it is not wire stitched or sewn, or when the product is sent to the perfect binding process.



Height Factor

A value indicating the glue consumption factor in the “height” direction of the folding scheme. 

The system calculates the glue according to the flat size (i.e., before folding) and uses the factor to increase or decrease the consumption of glue, by calculating height x factor. When entering value 1 in this field, the system will calculate the glue considering only the exact height of the folding scheme. When the value is 2, it will be two times the height of the fold scheme (e.g. height x 2). When the value is 0.5, it will be half of the folding scheme height.

Width Factor

A value indicating the glue consumption factor in the “width” direction of the folding scheme.

The system calculates the glue according to the flat size (i.e., before folding) and uses the factor to increase or decrease the consumption of glue, by calculating height x factor. When entering value 1 in this field, the system will calculate the glue considering only the exact height of the folding scheme. When the value is 2, it will be two times the height of the fold scheme (e.g. width x 2). When the value is 0.5, it will be half of the folding scheme height.

Compatible with total glue line

It indicates if you allow the system to use the folding scheme with a total glue line process.

You should select this option in order to allow the folding scheme to be simulated when the final product has total glue line finishing, being executed in line on a web press.


In the Simulation section, complete the fields as described below.



Do not simulate saddle stitch/ sewing

It indicates whether the system can use the fold scheme for a wire stitched or sewn product.

You should select this option in order to allow the system to use the folding scheme to when the product is wire stitched or sewn.

Do not simulate Perfect Bind

It indicates whether the system can use the fold scheme for perfect bound product.

You should select this option in order to allow the system to use the folding scheme when the product is perfect bound.


In the Other Information section, complete the fields as described below.



Gathering Flap

Simulation positions for the gathering flaps, that will always be positioned parallel to the spine. If you do not select a option, and the last folding step is “up”, the flap will be positioned on folding scheme border. If the last step is “down”, the flap will be positioned inside the folding scheme. The options may be:

Top Flap – Allows the flap to be positioned according to the standard rule;

One Flap – Allows you to apply flap margins only once when the gathering flap is positioned on the folding scheme border;

Flaps in all sheets – Allows you to apply a flap on all sheets in the folding scheme for folding schemes with multiple sheets and the ”One Flap” option enabled.

To preview the flaps positions, click on Explore folding scheme. For more information, refer to “Explore Folding Scheme.” The gathering flap will be applied in the engineering only if the following functionalities had a flap marging information:

1007 – Gatherer

1011 – Collector (Perfect Bind)

1027 – Sewing

1042 – Generic (Layout)

Standard orientation in the Production Group

Standard that indicates the height and width positions in the folding scheme regarding the paper feeding into the folding machine. The system uses it when the scheme is linked to a folding functionality. For example, a 4-pages folding scheme set according to the following image:

In this case, the paper feeding in the machine can be:

Flip 0º - the front and back will be inverted in relation to the recorded position.

Flip 180º - it rotates the folding scheme in 180 degrees to the right and the front and the back of the sheet will be inverted.

Flip 270º - it rotates the folding scheme in 270 degrees to the right and the front and the back of the sheet will be inverted.

Flip 90º - it rotates the folding scheme in 90 degrees to the right and the front and the back of the sheet will be inverted.

Rotation 0º - the folding scheme position will be the same as recorded.

Rotation 180º - it rotates the folding scheme in 180 degrees to the right.

Rotation 270º - it rotates the folding scheme in 270 degrees to the right.

Rotation 90º - it rotates the folding scheme in 90 degrees to the right.

It allows to select the appropriate standard direction by clicking the arrow to the right of the box.

Invert footer-header position

Allows you to indicate a product’s position relating the folding scheme different from the system’s default.

For example, for a scheme with 4 columns and 2 lines the system’s default is that the product’s header is placed facing the sheet’s edge:

Imagem 18

When you enable this parameter, the header will be turned inwards:

Imagem 1894

Also, for schemes of 2 columns and 4 lines, the system’s default is that the product’s header is placed facing inwards the sheet:

Imagem 1895

When you enable this parameter, the header will be turned outside:

Imagem 1902


Click New in the De-collating section.

Complete the fields in this screen as described below:



Folding Scheme

Folding schemes with splitting.

When you select the folding scheme in the Splitting window, the system uses it to separate the linked scheme. For example, by linking a 4-page fold scheme in a 16-page scheme, the 16-page scheme can be split in 4 pages. To guarantee the Splitting will work, the linked folding schemes must be compatible with the primary folding scheme. For example, a 6-pages folding scheme cannot be split into 4 pages.

Need to de-collating

Ii indicates whether the folding scheme is collated only.

This option should be selected in order to indicate the folding scheme should be collated only. In this case, it is necessary to set up an exclusively dedicated Splitting functionality in the production group. For more information on the Splitting functionality, refer to Element Finishing Functionalities: 1017 – Signature De-collator.

Need cutting

It indicates whether the folding scheme is cut and split.

You should select this option in order to indicate that the folding scheme should be cut and split. In this case, it is necessary to set up an exclusively dedicated Splitting functionality in the production group. For more information on the Splitting functionality, refer to Element Finishing Functionalities: 1017 – Signature De-collator.

Note: If you select both the options Need to uncollate and Need to cut in the same folding scheme, it will require you to set two splitting functionalities in the production group, allowing, for example, the cutting to be carried out in one machine and the splitting in another one.

The system may also use this same configurationto identify in which production group it should split the folding scheme. When setting the Splitting and the Cutting functionalities in the same same production group, the groups that do not have the two functions cannot run the specific folding scheme when it is split.

Repeat 13 to add the appropriate splitting folding schemes.

Click Specification Components.

Complete the fields in this screen as described below:



Eligible components

Specification components that may display the folding scheme for manual selection in the product specification.

All folding schemes linked to that component will be available in the component’s product specification so that you can select them manually. The engineering uses all active folding schemes compatible with the number of pages of the specified component, even if you did not select the scheme for the component. If you do not select a component in the folding scheme, it will not be displayed for manual selection in the specification.

Note: The Jacket type of specification component must be linked to the folding scheme that will be used in the engineering. For more information about the specification of components, refer to Specification Component Types.


Use this field to select an image that the system will display in the Estimate and Job to depict the folding scheme that you select. The image must have been uploaded to iQuote previously.


If the folding scheme has only one sheet click Save. Otherwise, continue to follow the steps below.

Click the folding scheme to select it.

Click Edit folding scheme. The following screen will open, containing the sheet configuration details:

In the Sheets section, complete the fields as described below



Sheet Number

It displays the sheet numbering, in sequence according to the information previously recorded on Type of folding field. The order in which the sheet’s column are filled will influence the page distribution, since the first sheet will always be under the others before the folding happens.

Columns Qty.

Number of columns in each sheet. By default, the system will fill this field with the number of columns determined in the folding scheme creation. When one of the sheets has less columns than the other, it is necessary to edit the number of columns.

Allows you to enter the appropriate number of columns per sheet. For example, if a folding scheme has 2 sheets and the first one has 1 column and 2 lines while the second one has 2 columns and 2 lines and it will be placed under the first sheet so they will be folded together...

... it will be necessary to enter the greatest number of columns when adding the folding scheme. As for the second sheet, that has 2 columns, it will be necessary to enter 1 in its Columns Qty field.

If the second sheet has the same quantity of columns as the first sheet, you should keep this field with its original quantity.

Column position

Value that indicates the position of one sheet in relation to the other one. For example, if the value 1 is entered for the columns position on sheet 1 this sheet will be placed behind the first column of the second sheet.

If the value 2 is entered, the sheet 1 will be placed behind the second column of the second sheet.

Tip: To simulate page imposition, spine position or margins position in the folding scheme, simply click Explore scheme. For more information, refer to "Explore folding schemes."

When finished, click Save.


Explore Folding Scheme

The Explore folding scheme feature allows you to simulate the product’s sizes and margins and preview the folding scheme imposition and identify possible configuration issues.

you is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to edit the folding schemes:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Folding scheme or enter "folding scheme" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the folding scheme to be edited.

Click Explore scheme. The following screen will open:

Select the appropriate simulation option on the left and preview it on the right.

When finished, click Save.

Tip: This screen allows only simulations. The information edited in this screen will not modify the product’s configuration. If the information displayed do not match what is expected for the folding scheme, it will be necessary to check the product’s configurations.


Edit Folding Scheme

You are required to have the following access options enabled to be able to edit the folding schemes:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Folding scheme or enter "folding scheme" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the folding scheme that you want to edit.

Click Edit scheme.

Edit the scheme as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields in this screen, refer to "Add Folding Scheme."

When finished, click Save.


Delete Folding Scheme

You are required to have the following access options enabled to be able to delete folding schemes:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Folding scheme or enter "folding scheme" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the folding scheme that you want to delete.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

Tip: In case the folding scheme selected is being used, the system will show a message informing that you cannot delete it.