Product Line

This records allows storing product standards used by the system for the estimate’s composition and Job, already adding some functions and basic information specific to that type of product.

In this record are set the options displayed in the new estimate’s carousel screen. Based on the chosen product line, information from other records will be automatically completed in the estimate, such as product structure, tax specifications etc.

To access the product line go to:

Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Product Line

Note: For more information on the buttons, adding or editing search features in this toolbar, or how to add other information in columns refer to Introducing iQuote.


Add Product Line

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add product lines:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Product Line or enter "product line" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add. The following screen will open:

Complete the fields in this screen as described below:




Product line name to be displayed in other records.

Component standard name

Component standard name for this product line, used if a standard name was not set in the product structure record.

Main product line

Allows the user to specify a product line to which this product line belongs to, is that is the case.

Product structure

Allows the user to specify the product structure used in this product line.

Product classification

Allows the user to specify this product line’s classification.

Tributary classification

Allows the user to specify the adequate type of tributary classification

External reference

Identification used in integrations with other systems.


Allow the user to choose an icon to represent this product line on the new estimate screen. The system already has some icons available, but others can be included in Administration> Dictionary> Image.

Base characteristic

Allows the user to specify this product line’s basic format, that can be:

Regular format

Carton format


Indicates whether the product line is available for use in the estimate.


In Standard, on the Comission Group Rule tab, select the Default commission group for the product line.

In Rules fill in the fields as described below:



Circulation type

Allow the user to select the criteria for the commission group rules, which can be:

Requested quantity

Machine turns

Linear meter

Unit of measurement

Allow the user to select the unit of measurement for the run.


Click New and fill in the fields on the screen as described below:



Maximum run

Allows the user to specify a reference maximum run for the system to apply to the selected commission group.

Maximum discount

Allows the user to specify a reference minimum run for the system to apply to the selected commission group.

Comission group

Allows the user to select the commission group to be applied for the specified rule.

Note: The rule for selecting the commission group can be based only on the maximum run, only on the maximum discount or on a combination of both.

Note: If no rule is specified for the commission group selection, the system will use the default commission group.

In Standard inventory items, complete the fields as described below:



Standard inventory items

Allows the user to select the default inventory item to this product line.

Sales type

Displays the sale types available. The information in this field will only be displayed for previously saved records.

Inventory item

Allows the user to select the inventory item to be applied for each sale type.

Note: If no rule is specified for the inventory item selection, the system will use the default inventory item.

In Notes, write down additional information regarding this product line.

In Translation the user can define how the characteristic’s name and its groups will be displayed in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

When finished, click Save.


Edit Product Line

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add product lines:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Product Line or enter "product line" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the product lines to be edited.

Click Edit product line.

Edit the product line as needed. For more information on the buttons and fields in this screen, refer to "Add product lines."

When finished, click Save.


Delete Product Line

The user is required to have the following access options enabled to be able to add product lines:



In the system’s main menu, click Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Product Line or enter "product line" in the Quick Search field.

Click to select the product line to be deleted.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the action.

Tip: In case the product line selected is being use the system will show a message informing it can not be deleted.