Calculate Roll Length

The total length of a web substrate very important information during production, as each time a substrate roll ends, the press must stop for a new roll to be placed on the machine. This process impacts the setup time and respective costs.

The cycles for a new setup in the production group uses the substrate’s total length value to calculate how many times to add the setup waste and the time in the Engineering calculation for that job.

Note: You can also find the roll length on the Estimate or Job engineering diagram. Select the substrate in the engineering diagram and click Details. The system displays the information in the Component Detail area. If multiple rolls with different lengths were used on the job, then iQuote displays the smallest roll value.


Configure The Total Roll Length In The Substrate Raw Material

  1. Navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specifications > Substrate > Substrate Type.

Picture 68

The Substrate Type List screen opens with a list of Substrate Type records.

Picture 73

  1. Double-click the row that contains the substrate type you want to edit or select a substrate type and click Edit Substrate Type (A picture containing text
Description automatically generated ).‎
  2. Click the substrate line you want to edit and click Go to Raw Materials Per Plant in the Lines/Substrate area.

Graphical user interface, application
Description automatically generated

  1. Select a value in the Plant field (required).

Graphical user interface, application, email
Description automatically generated

  1. Select the Created Raw Materials tab to view all the substrate raw materials created in the selected substrate line and linked to the selected plant.
  2. In the Roll Length column, enter a value for each of the substrate raw materials, as necessary.

Picture 78

  1. Click Save and close the Substrate record.