Sales Order Browser

To access iQuote Sales Order’s main browser go to Sales > Commercial > Sales Order:

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Note: For more information on adding and editing search features, how to add other information in columns and the buttons in this toolbar refer to "Views" in Introduction to iQuote.


Creating a sales order

Sales orders are generated only by approving Jobs. Although it’s a simple and automatic process there are some relevant aspects to be observed:

One Job generates only one sales order, even if it has several partial jobs. This way all Jobs are displayed in the same sales order.

Each sales order has its own unique ID number, different from their respective Job ID numbers.

You can update some Slaes Order details through the Job record that it is linked to, such as the delivery date (navigate to Planning > Plan > Job > open a record > Quantity / Shipping > Date field).

Inside each sales order, the shipping is distributed by delivery date and address.

Example: if an estimate has two different products but only one address and delivery date, the respective sales order will have only one shipping line.

A single sales order may refer to a group of Jobs, as long as they are in the same project. To do so, select the Generate Sales Order by Project option in the New project screen (Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Project > iQuote Sales Order field).

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In this case, the following behaviors are expected:

When the user approves the first Job in a project, the system creates the sales order;

This first Job’s data will populate the fields in the sales order’s General tab;

New Jobs cannot be approved if the sales order is closed or cancelled. Change the sales order status back to on hold in order to approve a new estimate.

When you cancel the related Job and then duplicate it, the system assigns the same Sales Order that was linked with the cancelled Job to the new one.

In this scenario, the system also updates the existing Sales Order by creating new Shipping Lines for the new items, with the new dates set up during the Job copy process.

There is a column in the Product and Shipping Balance tabs called “Job”, which displays the Job related to the Inventory Item and, if it is cancelled, the system displays its name is in the strikethrough formatting.



How to edit a sales order

Although most of the sales order data comes from the original estimate, some fields can be edited, depending on the status:

Go to Sales > Commercial > iQuote Sales Order.

Click to select the appropriate sales order and click Edit.

Edit as necessary and click Save.


In addition, when the original estimate is edited and approved again the alterations are automatically sent to the Sales Order:

The system shows a red icon under Needs review to indicate that sales order has updates to be verified and changes its status back to “on hold”.

Open the sales order.

The system shows a message indicating there are modifications to be accepted or rejected:

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Click the message to accept the modifications.

If a final product is added or excluded from the original estimate, the system updates the sales order automatically. But for other modifications iQuote shows a dialog box where the user can select which data should be updated in the sales order.

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Check the boxes to select the pieces of information to be updated and click Accept modifications.

Note: The system does not indicate which fields were edited neither what changed. But if the sales order has multiple estimates in it, the system indicates which estimates were edited.

If the user does not check any boxes and click Reject modifications or exit, no modifications will be accepted.

Click Save.

Note: Such as estimates and jobs, iQuote sales orders cannot be deleted from the system