E-mail account

The user is required to have enabled the following access options for setting up the email account:



In the system’s main menu, click Administration > General configuration > Email manager > Email account or enter "email account" in the Quick Search field.

Click Add. The following screen will open:

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Complete the fields in this screen, as described below:




Enter a name to identify this account


Enter the emails owner’s name.

Email address

Enter the email address for this account.

Email provider

Select from the dropdown menu the appropriate email provider among the ones previously created.


Enter the appropriate username.


NOTE: In some cases the username is the same as the email address.


Enter the emails password.

Request reading confirmation

Check this parameter to send a reading confirmation request by default.


Click Save.


A new email account can also be added through the user record, as long as each user has only one email account per company.

 Go to Administration > User > User.

Select the user and click Edit.

Under Email click New.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information.

Click Companies to select a company to which this account belongs.

Check Standard to select the main email for this user. Only one email can be checked.

Click Save.

After that the new account will be displayed along with the other ones in the Email account main screen.