E-mail services

The user is required to have enabled the following access options for setting up the email services:



In the system’s main menu, click Administration > General configuration > Email manager > Email services or enter "email services" in the Quick Search field. The following screen will open:

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Under Default e-mail select an email account to be main one used by the system.

Note: It is possible to send proposals directly from the Proposal tab in the Estimate screen. By default, the system uses the user’s main email account as sender to the proposal, but if the user has no email defined the system uses the email defined in the Company record.

If the company also has no email defined, the system will use the Default email selected in the Email services.

Under Sending notifications (Workflow) select an email account to be the sender for the system’s notifications.

Under Sending and receiving checklist (Workflow) select an email account to be the sender and recipient for the system’s checklists.

Under Receiving estimate request select an email account to be the recipient for estimate requests made through the system.

Click Save.

Note: If the Sending notifications, Sending and receiving checklist and Receiving estimate request fields are not defined, the system will use the Default email.