SQL Server Install

Install SQL Server according its own instructions. This process has many steps but it is really important to look out for the specific configurations described below, in order to guarantee the Reporting Services correct operation.

In Setup Role, the following screen will open:


The user can choose among those three options:

SQL Server Feature Installation – The user can select each of the components that make up the database: Analysis Services (Cubes / BI), Integration Services and Reporting Services (data extraction and reporting tool). When selecting this option the user must configure each of the services in the following screens, since nothing will be pre-selected.

SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint – The user installs the PowerPivot feature on the Sharepoint server and optionally installs the database on the server.

All Features with Defaults – The facility itself will select all features (database, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Integration Services) with their default settings on the next screen.

The All Features with Defaults option is the easiest way to install SQL Server and is the one recommended by ePS. Therefore, it will be the way approached in this document.

Under Feature Selection, select all items in the Features window.


In Reporting Services Configuration select the Install and configure option.